Parkinson's disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies and medications, prognosis and prevention

Parkinson's disease is a progressive pathology of the nervous system, which is characterized by the defeat of neurons located in the black substance of the brain. In the absence of adequate treatment, a person may completely lose his ability to work and physical activity. Therefore, it is so important to know what signs are characteristic for this disease, and immediately turn to a specialist when they arise to determine what to treat the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of

The main manifestations of Parkinson's disease include increase in muscle tone, specific tremor, slowness of movement, stoop, maternity of facial expressions. Also, many patients have speech disorders, dysfunction of the bladder, constipation, depressive conditions.

Medical treatment

With the help of medications, it is possible to eliminate the main manifestations of pathology and prolong the period of active life of the patient. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease with the help of tablets. Therapy is carried out in two directions:

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  1. Treatment to slow the death of neurons. To do this, prescribe medications such as:
    • PC-Merz;
    • midantan;
    • yumeks;
    • mirapex.
  2. Symptomatic treatment aimed at improving the quality of life. It includes the use of such medicines:
    • levodopa;
    • antagonists of dopamine - ropinirole, pramipexole;
    • MAO-B inhibitors - rasagiline, selegiline;
    • amantadines.

The use of levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease

The most widely used drug is levodopa - it can help you cope with various motor impairments. In some cases, such drugs have a 100% effectiveness, but are associated with a variety of side effects. That's why many doctors prescribe this drug already in the late stages of the disease.

Incorrect prescription of medications or overdose may lead to the appearance of drug parkinsonism symptomatically similar to Parkinson's disease.

Read more about prevention of Parkinson's development in this article.

Treatment of non-motor disorders

Of course, the signs of motor activity are the dominant signs of the disease. However, the quality of life of people with this pathology directly depends on all kinds of non-motor violations. Therefore, it is so important to choose a comprehensive therapy aimed at eliminating all the symptoms of the disease.

  1. Sexual dysfunction.
    The development of this disorder is caused by vegetative and motor disorders, as well as the side effects of the treatment. Vegetative disorders can manifest as erectile dysfunction or decreased sensitivity. Sildenafil citrate is often used to treat such disorders.
  2. Orthostatic hypotension.
    Represents a decrease in pressure during the transition to a vertical state and is accompanied by dizziness, headache, general weakness, the appearance of a veil before the eyes. For the purpose of symptomatic treatment of this trait today apply midodrine and droxidopa.
  3. Excessive drowsiness.
    This manifestation of the disease is associated with a side effect of taking anti-Parkinsonian drugs or is part of a sleep disorder. Sometimes it can be effective to use modafinil to correct daytime sleepiness.
  4. Insomnia.
    To the development of this condition lead to motor disorders and mood disorders. There is evidence that taking levodopa in combination with carbidopa can reduce the severity of symptoms associated with sleep disorders.
  5. Restless legs syndrome.
    This manifestation is observed in at least 20% of persons suffering from this disease. To correct the violation today, dopamine agonists - pramipexole and ropinirole are used. The combination of levodopa and carbidopa leads to a reduction in the number of movements of the legs in a dream.
  6. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
    To correct this manifestation of the disease, methylphenidate is often prescribed. However, one must take into account that prolonged use of this drug causes drug dependence.
  7. Psychopathic symptoms.
    An anxiety syndrome is often observed in the structure of depressive disorders. The use of levodopa can slightly reduce the manifestations of this symptom. Also, to improve the quality of life are often used anxiolytic drugs.

Treatment with physiotherapy and physical exercises

Physiotherapy is used as an adjunct therapy for Parkinson's disease. The choice of the procedure is influenced by the stage of pathology, as well as the peculiarities of the patient's body.

The main goal of physiotherapy is to relax the muscles and joints, reduce muscle atrophy. Physician-physiotherapist selects for each patient exercises, which can later be done at home. As a result of their implementation, it is possible to improve posture, coordination of movements, breathing, and maintain flexibility. In the framework of physiotherapy, therapeutic swimming, work therapy, dancing, ball games, and phototherapy can also be used.

Therapeutic gymnastics allows to improve mobility and flexibility of the patient.

Of course, physical exercises can not stop the development of the disease, but it is quite possible for them to improve their balance and prevent immobility of the joints.

Before starting the gymnastics, consult a doctor. The specialist will select the optimal set of exercises, give recommendations on the intensity, duration and physical limitations.

The choice of suitable exercises is affected by the manifestations of the disease, the level of physical fitness, the state of health of the patient. In most cases, the stretching of the muscles of the legs and hands gives excellent results.

An exemplary complex for Parkinson's disease includes such exercises:

  1. Sit on the chair, hands folded on the belly. Through the nose, slowly inhale, feel the air filling the stomach and chest. Then gradually exhale through the mouth. Run 10 times.
  2. Press your palms against each other and tighten your hands. Count to 20. Relax and put your hands down. Do 5-10 times.
  3. Make circular motions with shoulders - both or in turn. Do 5 times in both directions.
  4. To sit on a chair, place hands on hips, palms to unfold. Then turn your palms up. Perform these movements slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Make 10 times.
  5. Take turns to touch the thumb of everyone else. Each time you need to try to do it all faster. Make 10 times.
  6. Lie on your stomach and relax for 5 minutes. Try to lift the upper part of the body, leaning at the elbows. Try to bend over the waist. Staying in the same position, count to 20. Return to the original position and relax. Make 10 times.
  7. Lie down, bend your knees. Knees tilt to the sides, trying to reach the floor. Hold this position, counting to 20. Make 10 times in both directions.
  8. Lie down, one leg bend in the knee, the second leave flat. Raise your straightened leg as high as possible. In this case, you need to make sure that it remains flat. Slowly lower back. Make 10 times for each leg.
  9. Stand upright, lean one hand on a chair, put your feet close. Then, slowly sit down. It is necessary to watch, that the back was straight. Return to the original position. Make 10 times.
  10. Get on a chair. Straighten the leg, then return to its original position. Make 10 times for both feet.

In the video show "Live healthy" Elena Malysheva says about the symptoms and treatments of Parkinson's disease:

Folk ways and methods of treating Parkinson's disease

whether Parkinson's disease treated with herbs? Indeed, folk methods can also be used to treat manifestations of the disease.

Well proven external means based on bay leaf, jasmine, fern. Also, many healers offer to use decoctions for internal use of lavender, St. John's wort, oregano, dog rose, sage. But before using such drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Among the most effective recipes are the following:

  1. In the evening put in a thermos 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort and add about 700 ml of boiling water. In the morning, drain the mixture, divide into 4 parts and drink for half an hour before eating.
  2. Very effective beverage from the herb of oregano. Dry grass to boil and drink like ordinary tea. This drug should be taken 3 months.
  3. In fainting and paralysis, it is necessary to mix lavender, a snake-head, a marjoram, a garden lobster and rub it in powder in the same parts. Take 4 tablespoons of the mixture and add 1 liter of hot water. Leave for 3 hours. Drink three times a day on an empty stomach for a third of a glass.
  4. Take the roots of rose hips( 2 tablespoons), add a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes. The mixture is cooled and filtered. Drink half a cup. Do this for half an hour before meals.
  5. Take 2 teaspoons of sage grass and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then drain. Drink half a cup on an empty stomach. Do this 4 times a day.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

With this disease, you can dig in the nose with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix 10-15 drops with a tablespoon of water. After a few days, you can start injecting 1 ml of peroxide with a syringe. Do this in the morning and evening.

Treatment related problems

bladder problems

Parkinson's disease due to the destruction of brain centers are often accompanied by disturbances of the bladder. To treat such problems, drugs can be prescribed that will help relax the muscles of the urinary tract. They include adrenoblockers and anticholinergics. Also, funds can be used to improve lymphatic supply and circulation.

Logopedic treatment

The lack of dopamine leads to muscle problems, which adversely affects the ability to speak. Therefore, people with Parkinson's disease often require the help of a speech therapist. First, a specialist checks the loudness and sound of a person's voice, as well as his ability to swallow.

To make the speech more clear, patients are advised to speak louder. Especially since it allows you to train ligaments. In order to solve the problem with swallowing, you should practice the muscles of the lips and tongue.

It is very important to determine the rhythm in which the patient is easier to talk. To train a speech, you can read aloud at the pace that suits you. You can also try to repeat the text behind the television announcer.

To make the speech clear, it is recommended that you follow these recommendations:

  1. Deep breathing.
  2. Take a lot of breathing breaks.
  3. During the conversation, use the air correctly.
  4. Speak with your head up and straight back.

Also make speech more clearly possible with the help of breathing exercises. To do this, you need to inhale deeply through the nose, and then slowly exhale through the mouth. During the exhalation for 15-20 seconds, you should pronounce the sounds "aa", "oo", etc. Also on the exhalation, you can say small words or sentences.

At the end of the sentence, you should try to speak as loudly as at the beginning. If necessary, you can perform the exercise in the middle of the sentence, and then continue to speak with a loud voice.

In order to avoid difficulties when talking and to facilitate swallowing food, it is necessary to perform special exercises. You need to do them in front of a mirror 5-10 times.

  1. Strongly compress lips for 5 seconds, then relax.
  2. Loudly get wet.
  3. Fold your lips in a tube.
  4. As much as possible to smile, then relax.
  5. Turn your lips to the right, relax. Do the same exercise in the opposite direction.
  6. Smile, stretch your lips into a tube and try to pronounce first "her", then - "oo", whistle.
  7. Pull out the tongue as much as possible, then pull it too hard.
  8. To stick out the tongue and move it from one corner of the mouth to the other.
  9. Open your mouth and lift the tip of your tongue up, relax.
  10. Touch the tongue to the sky and move it in this position back, relax.

Treatment of constipation

Constipation, as a rule, develops as a result of a decrease in intestinal motility. Although sometimes they can act as a side effect of the drugs used to treat the underlying disease.

Patients who suffer from constipation are encouraged to diet with a high content of dietary fiber. It is worth including in the diet vegetables, fruits, cereals.


Although the diet does not play a key role in the treatment of this pathology, a properly formulated diet will provide the person with the necessary energy, which is so important for fighting the disease.

Power must be varied. It is important that a person receives nutrients. In the diet should be vegetables, fruits, cereals. In this case, it is worth to give up fatty foods, foods with a high content of cholesterol.

It is also worth limiting the intake of salt and sugar. Along with this, it is important to monitor the consumption of water in sufficient quantities.

The appointment of treatment for Parkinson's disease is possible only after a differential diagnosis, delivered by a neurologist.

On the newest methods and methods of treatment of Parkinson's disease, actively used in modern medical practice, read this article.

Look at the symptoms of Parkinson's disease in the video presented in the article http: // bolezni-nevrologii /parkinsona/ simptomy.html.

Consequences and prognosis of

Even with adequate treatment over time, symptoms will increase. In the first five years of illness, about a quarter of people get disability. Among patients who have this pathology for ten years, this indicator is 65%.

After the expiration of fifteen years of the disease, 90% of patients receive disability. At the same time, the use of levodopa drugs significantly reduced the mortality rate and increased life expectancy.

Patients with Parkinson's disease will require special care, care, patience of others. And also the acquisition of special household items that help to carry out daily business.

The video demonstrates the benefits of using a special spoon for eating with people with Parkinson's disease:

Prevention of

Official preventive measures that completely exclude the development of Parkinson's disease do not exist today. However, in order to reduce the likelihood of this ailment, one should adhere to a healthy lifestyle:

  • to avoid stress;
  • to eat properly and balanced;
  • avoid exposure to toxic substances;
  • fully rest.

People who suffer from Parkinson's disease experience a lot of discomfort in their daily lives, and, in the absence of adequate treatment, are altogether confined to bed. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor when the first manifestations of the disease occur. And although Parkinson's disease is not curable, timely therapy will allow prolonging the period of activity for a long time.

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