Creon 10000 for acute and chronic pancreatitis - a medicine( pills) for the treatment of the pancreas, how to take it?

Inflammation of the pancreas, especially its chronic form, weakens its parenchyma. The glandular tissue reacts actively to pathological processes and responds to fibro-degenerative changes. It changes not only its structure, but also decreases the secretory function. Chaotic and unbalanced ejection of enzymes in chronic pancreatitis generates poor-quality treatment of incoming food. The intestinal lipolysis suffers. In this case, exhaustion pain joins the digestive disorder.

In case of insufficient function of external secretion, especially in complicated forms and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the only salvage in substitution enzyme therapy, and effective. For today, the choice is Creon.

Treatment of pancreas Creon

Enzyme action of the drug and a clear clinical response to its administration have undeniable advantages over other similar drugs due to:

  • improved dosage form;
  • optimal combination of enzymes( amylase, lipase, proteases);
  • is an easily regulated dose, which is very important in children's practice.
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Its positive effect on the pancreas in acute pancreatitis is expressed in the rapid removal of pain when eating, normalizing the frequency and consistency of natural bowel evacuation products, the disappearance of flatulence, stabilization and weight gain. As a result, it becomes possible to expand the diet by introducing fats, which will make the nutrition more complete.

Creon is also included in complex rehabilitation therapy for patients who underwent operations on the pancreas( resection, shunting).

Tablets from the pancreas Creon

In fact, Creon - it's not even tablets, but capsules, which contain microspheres with enzymes. Each has its own protective soluble shell, which ensures the delivery of enzymes directly to the small intestine, where they are released. The originality of the action of the agent consists in the use of a plurality of single doses.

Consider the differences between Creon and single-shell preparations. The maximum size of the drug microsphere is 1.5 mm. This is the optimal size for passage through the pylorus, the capacity of which is limited to 2 mm. After dissolving the gelatin capsule in the stomach, the released microspheres are mixed with the food lump and easily reach the small intestine, mixing with intestinal contents. In the duodenum, in turn, the spherical shell collapses and enzymes are released, immediately taking over the cause of the splitting of fats, proteins, starch. While regular tablets with enzymes stay in the stomach much longer than food, and often get into the duodenum( the place of work of enzymes) with great delay. And quite often they are taken out unused with feces.

The composition and degree of activity of enzymes in the drug are ideal for replacing exocrine( external) PZ failure.

Creon is able to cure pancreatic pain. Analgesic effect is the result of group work of all components of pancreatin. But a special role here is played by highly active trypsin( a group of proteases), which has antisecretory action and functionally calms the gland in acute form of the disease.

Creon 10000 with pancreatitis

Numeral in the name of the drug means its lipase activity. In this embodiment, the dosage is 10,000 U lipase. As a rule, it is prescribed for the treatment of unexpressed exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The enzyme preparation Creon 10000 contains:

  • 150 mg of porcine pancreatin;
  • 600 IU protease;
  • 8000 IU of amylase.

How to take Creon with pancreatitis?

Treatment by Creon should be performed by a doctor. He also chooses an individual dosage depending on the form of severity of pancreatitis( the degree of symptoms) and the composition of the diet. Taking medication accompanies every meal, even a light snack( in reduced doses).

The capsule must be swallowed whole, not liquid, with plenty of water. Capsules are allowed to open and pour microspheres into liquid non-corrosive food, preferably acidic taste, using immediately. There is a technique and a fractional reception, when one-third or half a dose is drunk at the beginning of the meal, and the remainder is in the process.

If the body tolerates pancreatin well, the drug can be taken for a long time, up to 2-3 months. With maintenance therapy on Creon, the symptoms of the disease usually completely disappear.

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