Recommendations for the treatment of peptic ulcer( ulcer) of the stomach

With peptic ulcers, the recommendations prescribe a certain behavior, both for the patients themselves and for the doctors in the course of the examination, the diagnosis and the choice of the method of treatment. Let's look at some of them:

1. Peptic ulcer - clinical recommendations to doctors

For a complete differential diagnosis of a patient with suspected gastric ulcer, the doctor needs to perform an endoscopic examination of the stomach, and also to detect the level of Helicobacter pylori with the help of a histological method or a kami- test.

It is advisable to carry out such investigations not only in the course of ulcer diagnostics, but also at each aggravation. But in the absence of exacerbations, such control will be superfluous, it will be enough to have a first control examination 1-3 months after the end of therapy.

Correctly performed diagnostics allows not only to detect concomitant diseases, but also to prescribe a treatment that, in the shortest time, will stop pain symptoms caused by a stomach ulcer. Recommendations for the doctor in the diagnosis do not end there. After the diagnosis is made, an adequate treatment should be prescribed, and then the patient should be motivated for another 2 years. The main recommendation for the treatment of gastric ulcer is the principle of minimal impact. That is, surgical intervention is performed only in extreme cases with serious complications. Yes, and drug therapy is also prescribed in two versions, with the first always using a more gentle seven-day treatment with such drugs as: Furazolidone, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Clarithromycin, Rabeprazole, Lansoprazole, etc. And only if the first treatment was unsuccessful, then a second course lasting 14 days with the use of stronger drugs: Tetracycline hydrochloride, Metronidazole, Ventrisola, bismuth-containing drugs. This tactic of treatment allows you to avoid serious complications for the patient's body.

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2. Recommendations for gastric ulcer patients

Recommendations for gastric ulcer to doctors - that's not all that is needed for successful treatment. It is very important to inform the patient of the need for the following changes:

  1. Refuse to smoke;
  2. Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs that lower the tone of smooth muscles;
  3. Avoid performing exercises related to overstrain of the muscles of the press, deep slopes and lifting weights over 10 kg with both hands;
  4. Refuse the tight belts and clothes that squeeze the waist;
  5. Fractional meals throughout the day;
  6. Do not lie down after eating and do not eat before going to bed;
  7. To extend sleep up to 10 hours a day;
  8. To adhere to the recommended diet( most often table number 1).
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