Venus with hemorrhoids, how to take during treatment, how and how much to drink tablets, course and scheme of admission, instructions for use, does it help?

In our time, hemorrhoids are the most common proctological ailment. An unpleasant disease of the anorectal zone brings discomfort to most of the population of even the most developed countries. The disease affects every second person, regardless of how old he is, his position in society and sex. Many believe that only local therapy can help cure hemorrhoids: rectal suppositories, ointments, gels and creams. In fact, this is not so. Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs in a convenient form of tablets that can quickly and effectively relieve a patient of hemorrhoids and their symptoms.

In the arsenal of pharmacies there are many anti-hemorrhoidal drugs. A popular medication that helps to cope with hemorrhoids is Venarus.

Venus efficiency in hemorrhoids

Venarus is a new generation of drugs that exerts a tonic and firming effect on vascular walls. The drug allows you to return the elasticity of blood vessels and veins, normalize blood flow, so it is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for hemorrhoids.

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The effectiveness of the drug is provided by its main active substances - diosmin and hesperidin.

  1. Diosmin gives the venous wall and its ligament mechanism of venous plexuses additional strength. This allows you to prevent their swelling and exit from the rectum in the form of hemorrhoids. Together with this, the substance protects the vessels, that is, it has an angioprotective effect, which improves blood microcirculation. This effect helps to eliminate inflammation and discomfort.
  2. Hesperidin takes part in many vital processes in cells and tissues. In addition, it strengthens the tonic and strengthening effect produced by the diosmin, it has a beneficial effect on the circulation of the lymphatic fluid. Hesperidin has pronounced antiseptic and analgesic properties. Hesperidin is an excellent complement to diosmine, and together they not only eliminate the existing exacerbation, but also prevent it in the future. Also the composition of Venarus includes microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium, iron, sodium glycolate.

Thus, in the treatment of hemorrhoids Venarus provides:

  • pain relief
  • antimicrobial action
  • anti-inflammatory
  • regenerating
  • normalization of blood microcirculation
  • acceleration of lymph drainage
  • improvement of the condition of veins and vessels
  • removal of hemorrhoid cones

Instructions for use Venarus for hemorrhoids

If the patient does not haveopportunities to consult a doctor, he is concerned with the following questions: how to drink Venarus, how long the treatment lasts, howto pick up the reception scheme, how long to wait for the result. All this can be found in the medication instructions. The instruction indicates the following indications for use of Venarus for hemorrhoids:

  • chronic hemorrhoids caused by congestive process
  • acute hemorrhoids
  • functional damage of vasculature of rectum veins
  • venous and lymphatic insufficiency

Venarus is taken with food in order to avoid gastrointestinal disorders. It is advised to begin to use at the first symptoms of hemorrhoids. To stop acute hemorrhoids, you need to take 3 tablets in the morning and in the evening for the first 4 days. Next 3 days drink 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening. If the result of treatment is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to contact the attending physician who will correct the scheme of admission or prescribe another drug. In chronic form, you should drink on a pill 2 times a day for 30-60 days. Repeat the course you need every six months.

Venus use in hemorrhoids requires some rules:

  • adhere to the diet( exclude fried, fatty, spicy and other products that can cause gastrointestinal disorders from the diet)
  • to engage in physiotherapy exercises
  • in parallel use local agents: rectal suppositories,
  • ointments take vitamin C in the form of drug pellets or citrus fruits
  • not to test the bodyexcessive physical exertion of
  • treatment should not last long: stop taking the medicine at the first signs of improvement or in the absence of the desired result

Depending onneglect of hemorrhoids, the standard regimen can be replaced by an individual treatment plan. The most suitable variant can be determined only by the proctologist, having calculated the primary cause of the inflammatory process. For example, if the cause is a trauma or an infection, the provoker must first be eliminated. And in this case, Venarus will be appropriate only in conjunction with other means.

Side reactions include:

  • from the central nervous system: dizziness, all kinds of headache
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, defecation of the
  • on the part of the respiratory system: sore throat and in the areachest
  • on the skin can appear swelling, hives, redness and rash

Venarus does not contain aggressive chemical compounds, so it is allowed even to pregnant women. However, people with individual sensitivity to the components of the medication, as well as nursing mothers, are advised not to use the medication.

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