Tinedol - cream from fungus

According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffers from foot fungus. Indeed, the defeat of footsteps with mycoses is a fairly common and unpleasant problem today, creating a lot of inconvenience for a person. The skin of the feet becomes covered with eruptions and it itches, the nails turn yellow, and an unpleasant, repulsive smell begins to emanate from the feet.

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Of course, to provoke the appearance of the fungus can many factors, among which are the defensive protective functions of the patient's body, contact with the infected person or his things, wearing uncomfortable shoes or synthetic socks. If the problem is neglected, then the lesion will spread to new areas of the skin, increasing unpleasant symptoms and adversely affecting the body as a whole. That is why when a fungus is found, its distribution must first of all be blocked.

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Today in the pharmaceutical market there is a wide range of such products, however, to block the fungus, the blocking is not enough, for effective treatment it is also necessary to eliminate the problem. The best drug that has such a complex effect on the human body is Tinedol cream.

What's this?

Tinedol is a unique highly effective drug developed by leading dermatologists in Russia to combat the foot fungus. Created on the basis of exclusively natural ingredients, the cream first blocks the spread of the disease, and then affects the cause of its appearance, quickly and qualitatively coping with unpleasant symptoms. The use of the ointment is absolutely safe, because it is made without synthetic additives, GMOs and has no contraindications. The use of Tinedola for combating the fungus will allow once and for all to say goodbye to a delicate problem!

Tinedol - true or divorce?

Quite normal, if you asked the question "Why is the remedy so effective?", "And is not this a divorce?".We prepare with full responsibility to tell you that no, not a divorce! The effect of the drug is confirmed by certificates, which you can find on the supplier's website. And regarding the effectiveness of the drug - it's all very simple. After all, it is made only with the use of natural components, which, combined, give an incredible effect! Below we suggest you to get acquainted with the active composition of the cream.


  1. Climbazole is a unique component with a powerful antibacterial effect. Influencing the skin, suppresses the spread of existing fungi and does not allow the emergence of new ones.
  2. Farnesol - a substance with a stable lily-of-the-valley aroma, which allows you to fight with an unpleasant odor. Influencing the feet, temporarily inhibits the action of sebaceous actions, eliminating the nutrient medium for bacteria.
  3. Essential mint oil cools the skin, eliminating itching and other unpleasant sensations.
  4. Vitamin E softens the surface of the feet, eliminating calluses and corns. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, stimulating the regeneration of tissues, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Mechanism of exposure

How do all these components fight the fungus? The first to take action is Climbazol, not allowing the emergence of new microorganisms and not allowing to develop already existing. Farnezol, temporarily turning off the sebaceous glands, eliminates the nutrient medium for fungi, so they die. Vitain E and mint work with damaged skin, restoring and nourishing it.

The effect is noticeable from the first application! Within a few hours, the itching and pain will be felt much less, and in three days they will pass completely. After a week of use, nails and damaged tissues begin to regenerate. After a month with Tinedol, the skin of your feet will not leave a trace of the disease, it will become soft, tender and fragrant.

Properties Tinedol

  • combats the disease qualitatively and effectively;
  • quickly removes unpleasant symptoms such as itching and flaking;
  • heals the skin, making it soft, healthy and pleasantly smelling;
  • eliminates the problems of sweating of feet and unpleasant odor;
  • stimulates regenerative processes, healing cracks and wounds.


Manufacturers took care to make the cream easy, convenient and pleasant. All you need is 5 simple steps to healthy and beautiful legs:

  1. Ointment is recommended for use on clean, skimmed skin, so before use, wash feet with warm water and soap and wipe with a towel.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of cream from the tube and apply a thin layer on the foot.
  3. Distribute with soft, massaging movements.
  4. Pay special attention to the area between the fingers - this is a favorite place for all microorganisms.
  5. Allow the cream to soak and continue to act daily.

Advantages over analogues

As mentioned above, pharmaceutical companies today offer many antifungal agents. Unlike them, Tinedol:

  1. has all the necessary certificates.
  2. Officially recognized as the best dermatologist.
  3. Eliminates the cause of the disease, not just the symptoms.
  4. Has high efficiency and quality.
  5. Does not contain GMO and synthetic additives.
  6. Contains only natural ingredients.
  7. Has no contraindications and is absolutely safe for health.

Contraindications and side effects of

As noted above, the drug has no contraindications and is absolutely safe for health. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance of the components of the drug. No side effects were identified.

Where to buy Tinedol

You can buy the ointment on the official website of the supplier. To do this, you need to fill out a small form, in which you must specify the name by which you can contact the manager and the current mobile number so that you can contact and specify the details of the delivery.

Official site of

Important! Do not purchase the cream from untested suppliers or from outside sources! You may encounter a fake.

If you are not sure that the cream you received is original, you can always check this information on the official website. Each package has a special unique code, the authenticity of which can be verified by clicking on the "Check code" button.

After you confirm the order by phone, the parcel will be sent to your region. For residents of Moscow or St. Petersburg, the delivery is two to three days, for all other regions, 1-2 weeks.

Important! Payment is due on receipt!

Price for Tinedol

Today, the drug is available at a very democratic price - 990 rubles per package.

Buyer Reviews

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the reviews of real buyers who have already experienced the effectiveness of Tinedol cream on themselves.

Svetlana 35 years old:

I work as a saleswoman in the market and I run all the way back and forth, then one thing to bring, then another to carry. For the whole day the feet sweat very strongly, and between the fingers there is burning and itching. Plus, a very unpleasant smell is added, which I could not get rid of. What I just did not try, a lot of creams, special insoles - nothing helped. This went on for a long time until I came across Tinedol on the Internet. I decided to try it and never regretted it! Improvements occurred immediately after the first application, after I applied the cream, I felt a pleasant chill on my legs. A week later, the smell of feet lost the floor.

Maria 16 years:

I am engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and often go barefoot in the locker room and gym. About six months ago, my legs began to smell very strongly, so much that even my parents noticed. Mom said it was because I was walking barefoot in public. I began to dress the Czechs, but it did not help, and even it got worse, there was itching and strange rashes. We went to the doctor, and he prescribed me Tinedol. This thing really helps! He helped me very quickly to get rid of the problem.

Сергей 27 years:

I am a fairly active lifestyle, I always try to get to work on my bike. Naturally, during the load the feet sweat, and I walk in one shoe all day. About a year ago I had a strong smell from my legs. I did not pay much attention to him, until my wife made observations to me, then we decided to see a doctor. The dermatologist explained to me that in my shoes a very nutritious environment for bacteria, where they multiplied and eventually led to mycosis. The doctor prescribed Tinedol cream. I, as expected, smeared them a month, I washed my shoes well. Now the smell and discomfort completely disappeared. I'm happy with the drug.

Opinion of a dermatologist - Elena Dmitrievna Savchenko:

Treatment of complaints of an unpleasant odor from the feet or itching of the feet is quite common in my practice. In most cases, such symptoms cause fungal infections. Unfortunately, people do not always understand what ways you can catch a fungus stop, and even worse, do not realize the problem when they already contracted. I, as a professional, always follow the new developments and preparations in my field. Not so long ago I was caught by Tinedol and I began to use it in my medical practice. The drug has surpassed all my expectations, today I recommend it to very many of my patients, as a very effective and absolutely safe remedy.

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