Reactive pancreatitis( pancreas in a child) in children and adolescents - symptoms, signs, treatment, diet, nutrition

Inflammation of the pancreas is a common disease that has become very rejuvenated in recent years. If before the attacks of pancreatitis most often suffered the older generation, now this diagnosis is often put to schoolchildren, students and very young children.

The most common form of pancreatitis in childhood is reactive pancreatitis. It is distinguished by pediatricians and gastroenterologists in a separate category, since the inflammatory reaction in the pancreas begins in response to any inflammatory or infectious process in the body of children and adolescents. Therefore, the cause of the onset of an attack of reactive pancreatitis can be both a gastritis, provoked by an incorrect diet, and a child suffering ARVI or food poisoning.

The main symptoms of reactive pancreatitis are:

  • permanent pain that is localized in the upper abdomen of the baby or spreads all over its surface, giving back;
  • multiple loose stools;
  • elevated subfebrile temperature, usually up to 37 ° C, but sometimes higher;
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  • in older children may experience attacks of nausea and repeated vomiting;

If you have the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor without delay, so that the specialist, after examining the child, confirms the diagnosis and prescribes treatment. The earlier the treatment of a child begins, the less likely the serious complications and the transition of the reactive form of pancreatitis to chronic.

Treatment and diet for reactive pancreatitis in children

Treatment of children with an attack of reactive pancreatic inflammation in most cases is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor around the clock. After a liquid stool, vomiting can quickly dehydrate the body of a young child, which will cause irreparable harm to health.

Generally, treatment of reactive pancreatitis in children and adolescents does not involve surgery and includes drug therapy aimed at relieving pain and eliminating vomiting and loose stools. Also, the basis for treating an attack of reactive inflammation of the pancreas is to ensure the least strain on the diseased organ with the help of a strict diet and digestive enzymes.

The diet, as well as treatment, in the case of reactive pancreatitis is prescribed by the doctor to the child, based on the age and severity of the illness. In any case, a plentiful drink, a fractional and frequent( not less than 6-8 times) food of the rubbed easily assimilated food is shown.

The diet of a sick child excludes carbonated drinks, smoked products, canned food, meat and fish broths, fatty meat, as well as strong tea, radish, beans and cabbage. According to general recommendations of gastroenterologists, the basis of the diet of a child with a reactive pancreatitis should be vegetable rubbed soups, cereals, omelets, vegetable purees from carrots, potatoes and beets, low-fat cottage cheese, as well as dietary meat types - rabbit, turkey, chicken( if there is no allergy).

As a rule, doctors recommend that parents after the recovery of children consistently adhere to the recommended diet, in order to avoid relapse of the disease.

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