Causes of headache after prolonged crying

1 Etiology of the disease

What can hurt in the head? First of all, it should be clarified that the brain can not be sick. This is the body in which information and control mechanisms of the body are concentrated. He receives signals from the sense organs along nerve fibers from all parts of the body, but he himself does not have pain receptors. For example, when there is an operation on the brain, the operated person does not feel any effects on the organ.

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All the pain for the brain takes over the shell, which is located between the brain and the bones of the skull. In addition, the muscles and bones of the skull are abundantly provided with nerve endings, which supply various information to the brain, including painful sensations.

Thus, when the head is aching, these are signals coming only from the outer shell of the head.

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Then there is another question: why does the brain shell hurt when a person cries and is generally in an emotionally excited state? After all, all the other muscles and bones do not hurt.

2 Body condition indicator

There are more questions in the topic of crying and headache than answers. The main thing here is the causal relationship between the emotional excitement of a negative nature, the water emerging from the eyes, and the headache. However, for joy, too, a man often cries, but for some reason his head does not hurt with tears of happiness.

Tears in a person appear on the crest of an emotional explosion. Crying is a behavioral phenomenon of a person. Other animals were less lucky: they suffer in silence, without tears and sobs. So crying can be considered a gift of evolution. Why is it a gift? Because, after crying, a person becomes easier. This is especially evident in children. After crying for good, the child rejoices in the world with a sense of relief.

Scientists are trying to figure out the meaning of crying and tears, but they have only a set of hypotheses. If they are generalized, it turns out that the person's tears perform the following functions:

  1. A signal about trouble, weakness and unhappiness. It is on sympathy, attention and help from others that the phenomenon of tears is calculated. Those who cry, better survive in society, because they are eager to help. In turn, tears are a sign of weakness, so men do not cry. Not because they can not, but because they need to be strong. Tears are an antipode of aggression. The crying person does not offend anyone and does not threaten anyone. He took upon himself the blow of fate and society, but did not hit anyone in return. So crying is the weakness of a strong person.
  2. It turned out that tears contain stress hormones released by the brain at the moment of emotion splash. With the liquid extracted from the eyes, substances that are formed during stress are removed from the body. With tears comes grief, at least in its chemical manifestation.
  3. Tears - this is the usual water of the body, which is squeezed out by the brain during its spastic reactions to stress. And this water is not superfluous, but necessary. And it is salted because many substances in different states are dissolved in the water of our body. Most often these are ions. By the level of salinity, our water is approaching the sea water.

All these hypotheses to some extent help to answer the main question: why does crying cause a headache?

3 Diagnosis

So, in order to get a headache, you need to put pressure on the shell containing the nerve endings. These can be:

  • vasospasms;
  • deficiency or excess water in cells and in the intercellular space;
  • spasms of muscle fibers;
  • appearance of substances that irritate the nerve endings.

Nerve endings are invented by nature in order to respond to changes in the internal environment of the body. The brain must be aware of all abnormalities occurring in the tissues of the body. Not always the signal about deviations is manifested in the form of pain.

When crying, adrenaline rushes. It would be more accurate to say that adrenaline is first released, then crying stimulates its re-allocation. This entails a spasm of blood vessels. And this is a change in the environment of nerve endings.


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In this case, a new question arises: why does it hurt only the head, and not the entire body? The explanations are simple: the arachnoid membrane of the brain is very thin, and in it any vascular changes appear immediately and in an enhanced version. In addition, the emotional sphere is the work of the brain. So, stressful vascular changes, first of all, affect the environment of the brain.

Headache after tears and due to disturbance of water-salt balance.

As mentioned above, tears are the water of the head, or rather, the brain, which is removed from the body. It is logical to assume that the violation of the water-salt balance occurs in the head. Another question arises: why then does the person's face sweat after tears. After all, according to the logic of things, it must dry up.

The human body is very mobile, it has its own set of mechanisms for responding to signals of trouble. The withdrawal of water with tears should immediately be compensated by an increased inflow of fluid from the entire body. Water, apparently, comes to the emptiness so quickly that its excess is formed. It forms swelling. Water presses on the nerve endings, the nerve irritates and the head hurts. In this case, the pain will last until the body eliminates excess water.

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And the last question: cry or not cry? Of course, cry for health. Let tears and woes go away with tears.

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