Effective drops from inflammation and redness of the eyes of adults and children

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1 Varieties of drugs for the eyes

Modern pharmacology does not stand still. Scientists are developing more and more perfect and effective means for treating inflammatory processes of the eyes, both in children and adults. Taking into account the nature of the onset of the disease, a considerable number of drops for the eyes from inflammation are created today. Among others, it can be noted:

  • antimicrobial eye drops;
  • eye drops from inflammation;
  • eye drops for glaucoma;
  • drops used for eye inflammation caused by allergies;
  • drops for eyes with cataract;
  • drops, similar in composition to human tears;
  • diagnostic drops.

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Most of the above types of eye drops are used specifically to treat inflammatory processes that affect the eyes. So, for example, antimicrobial drops are prescribed if you need to get rid of inflammations caused by an infection. By the way, eye drops from inflammation for the eyes are today considered the most numerous group in the segment of eye drops. In addition, they are further subdivided into small subgroups:

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  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • antimycotic;
  • drops-antibiotics;
  • chemotherapeutic agents;
  • drops-antiseptics.

To remove signs of redness from the eyes, drops of a different kind - anti-inflammatory. This group of drugs also has its own distinctions. They are divided into steroid, or hormonal, and non-steroidal drops for the eyes. The composition of these and other can also include auxiliary elements that significantly affect the spectrum of action of the drug.

Eliminate redness and inflammation caused by exposure to allergens, and anti-allergic eye drops. They suppress the inflammatory process at the cell level or block receptors that react to histamine. In addition to special antiallergic drugs, vasoconstrictive drops for eyes of local action are also popular.

The so-called "artificial tears" or eye drops, whose composition is very similar to the composition of natural human tears, can also remove signs of inflammation.

2 Antimicrobial droplets from inflammation

Antimicrobial or antibacterial eye drops are designed to fight various infectious diseases, which were facilitated by the penetration of pathogens into the eye area. They are most often provocateurs of diseases, among which the most frequently mentioned are the following:

  • meiobit;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • Creeping corneal ulcer;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • keratitis.

Such drops are also irreplaceable for post-traumatic and postoperative purulent processes of inflammation.

It is understandable that antibacterial drugs for eye treatment represent the largest subgroup of eye drops for antimicrobial effects.

Eye antibiotics can be either natural or semi-synthetic. Both those and others actively influence pathogenic microorganisms, destroying them, and thus eliminating redness and inflammation of the eyes.

Ophthalmologists currently use a wide range of antibiotics to treat eye diseases in both children and adults. For example, drugs of such groups as:

  • levomycetins are widely used;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • aminoglycosides.

Quite a long time ago, its popularity was won by sulfonamides. They are widely used today.

It is better to consult with a doctor about the drops for eye treatment, since a lot of factors need to be taken into account for the correct determination of the desired drug:

  • general feeling of the patient;
  • his age;
  • presence or absence of excessive sensitivity to the drug;
  • spectrum of antibacterial action;
  • possibility of using eye drops with other medicinal products;
  • possible side effects;
  • availability of recommended eye drops.


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Even taking into account the fact that the modern level of medicine development allows using a wide range of antibacterial drugs, the choice of drops to relieve redness and inflammation can be significantly reduced if there are any contraindications, including age, because the use of certain drops is not allowed for children. There may be other contraindications, for example, some drops should not be used with symptoms of the neuritis of the auditory nerve. Do not prescribe antibiotics in the treatment of children of the first year of life.

3 Eye drops of antiseptic action

Surprisingly, antiseptics have been used in medicine for almost two centuries. They are used to disinfect the surface of the skin, mucous membranes. Antiseptics are used in the treatment of wounds, burns. Surgeons handle their hands, tables and instruments before surgery.

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Such a wide range of antiseptics is due to their active influence on various types of bacteria, fungi, viruses. In addition, the use of antiseptics has a low probability that allergic symptoms may appear.

Ophthalmologists use antiseptics in their practice in the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis.

Antiseptics are also used to prevent the occurrence of complications after injuries or surgeries. The most popular for today use such antiseptic drops for the eyes, like Vitabakt and Okomistin.

Given that the droplets-antiseptics for the eyes act exclusively locally, without having any influence on the body as a whole, they can be used in the treatment of adults, children, nursing mothers and even newborns. Do not resort to their use only in case of detection of allergic manifestations or excessive sensitivity.

The following symptoms may serve as indications for the cancellation of prescribed eye drops from the group of antiseptics:

  • sharp pains when instilled in eyes;
  • edema of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • spasm.

All these symptoms indicate that the selected drug is not suitable for the patient and should be replaced urgently with other eye drops, which should also be selected only by the attending physician.

4 Antiviral drops

Antiviral eye drops can be used to treat children and adults. The mechanism of action of the active substance, which is part of the eye drops, allows them to be divided into two broad groups. The first group includes virucidal chemotherapeutic agents, the second group consists of immunomodulators.

Drops for treatment of diseases of the organs of vision belonging to the first subgroup, find application when it is necessary to cure the child or adult from the manifestations of herpes infection of the cornea.

The most famous drug from this group is Oftan Idu, it has almost no contraindications.

The only possible obstacle to the use of this drug may become intolerance of the drug. Among the side effects of these drops can be noted manifestations in the form:

  • lacrimation;
  • burning sensation;
  • photophobia;
  • eyelid spasms;
  • headache.

It is important to know that the use of glucocorticoid drugs is a serious reason to cancel the treatment with eye drops Oftan Ida. If it is necessary to include this drug in the treatment of pregnant women, the use of eye drops is allowed only if the risks to the fetus are incommensurably low in comparison with the expected result.

The use of interferons involves taking into account some possible contraindications. In particular, do not recommend the use of the drug Ophthalmoferon and other drugs of the interferon group during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, people whose history has information about cardiovascular disorders of liver and kidney problems, problems with the endocrine system, and mental illness.

5 How to choose the right medicine

Undoubtedly, anyone who is faced with the need to purchase any medicine, especially expensive, wants to get a quality product for less money. It's not superfluous to know about generics, that is, about substitutes for funds, analogs. Eye drops, by the way, are no exception.

There is an opinion that eye drops produced in Japan, the United States of America or developed countries of Europe are of better quality than medicines manufactured in China, India or other East Asian countries.

Of course, you can find a replacement for a drug recommended by a doctor, by finding the information you need and comparing it with the available one. You can also choose a replacement using pharmacy websites. But it is important to understand that an independent choice of a drug for the treatment of ocular inflammation can be fraught with unexpected and very unpleasant consequences. That's why you should first listen to the recommendations of doctors and do not engage in "amateur".It is known that drugs that are part of the same pharmacological group may have significant differences in indications and contraindications.

In addition, once again, should pay attention to the fact that when choosing the most optimal drug to get rid of a disease, the doctor will take into account a number of important factors that affect the recovery of the patient.

If the drug has already been selected, it is now important to learn how to apply it correctly, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on it.

Before proceeding with the use of eye drops, the information in the instructions for use should be carefully studied. So, for example, some eye drops require necessarily shaking the dropper before use, using others, such actions are not necessary.

Almost any eye drops should be heated to body temperature. To do this, it is enough to hold it for several minutes in the hands.

If the patient instilled a remedy by himself, then this should be done only with clean, washed hands in a calm environment, so that nothing would interfere with the procedure and not distract from it. The head tilts back slightly. The lower eyelid should be pulled, but in such a way that the drop, falling under it, could stay there.

With direct instillation of the agent, the sight should be raised, but the tip of the bottle should be in sight. Drops are sent by pipette or spout into the conjunctival sac.

Now it is important to "detain" the remedy under the eyelid eye, otherwise it can slip into the nasolacrimal canal. To do this, close the eye, gently squeezing the lower eyelid with your fingers closer to the bridge of the nose.

In this position, it should be about three minutes. If necessary, the same procedure is performed with the second eye.

If treatment involves the use of two drugs, the gap between their use should be at least 20 minutes.

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