Giardiasis in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet, folk remedies, drugs

Giardiasis is a parasitic disease that occurs when the organism is affected by lamblia( protozoan parasites).When they penetrate into the human body, if there is a favorable environment and conditions begin to multiply, causing serious disruptions in the activity of the GIT structures.

In adults, pathology occurs with manifestations of hepatic and bile excretory pathologies, they have a disruption in the processes of digestibility necessary for the body of substances, provoking a general malaise.

According to statistics, about 40% of the world's population suffers from giardiasis, with a pronounced symptomatology of the disease is present in only a fifth of all patients.

The adult population is considered relatively resistant to similar parasites, and the carriage of these infestations often occurs latently, so the true extent of pathology in fact exceeds known indicators.

Causes of

The Giardia, due to their viability, can remain active in the environment for a long time.

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Parasites colonize the upper intestinal parts, and mobile forms of parasites can move to other intestinal parts.

This parasite multiplies quickly enough in the human body, it attaches to the intestinal walls and draws out useful components and vitamins from the body. As a result, there is a violation of intestinal activity.

Also the cause of giardiasis can be contaminated water, dirty fruits, vegetable crops, cysts are carried by insects, pets and rodents.

Also, adult patients may become infected with Giardiasis due to an incorrect lifestyle, so hygiene is necessary to prevent parasitic infection.

Pathogen and life cycle of

The causative agent of Giardiasis is the simplest parasite - lamblia. These parasites exist in a mobile and immovable( cyst) form. Cysts under the influence of favorable factors are converted into mobile forms.

Active parasite has a sucker and flagella, with the help of which it sucks in to the intestinal mucosa.

  • A favorable environment for parasite activity is present in the human gastrointestinal tract, more precisely, in the small intestine.
  • But the colonic structures for the parasite, on the contrary, are considered an unfavorable medium in which it passes into a sleeping cyst form. Cysts come out with faeces outside, where in the soil they can live happily for almost a month, and in the water - for 5 weeks.
  • In order to begin the development of lambliasis, it is necessary that up to 10 thousand giardiasis cysts penetrate into the human digestive system.
  • Also one of the conditions for active parasite transformation is reduced gastric acidity.
  • The parasite penetrates the body, reaches the small intestine, where it is transformed from a cyst into a vegetative form, which is considered invasive, that is, capable of infecting. It is in the stage of trophyziod( active form) that the parasite provokes the disease and causes symptoms of giardiasis.

Active parasite lives for 40 days, and then dies. Lamblias also die when they get into the departments of the large intestine, where they degenerate into a cyst form and come out with feces outward.

Pathways of infection

Actually the path of infection in pathology is one - fecal-oral. The parasite, as already described, is in the environment in the form of cysts that can survive "outside" up to three months.

With dirty hands, unwashed products, insufficiently purified potable water, parasites penetrate the digestive system of the host, where it reaches the small intestine and settles there, sucking to its mucous walls.

Infection is also possible with anal intercourse. In addition, lamblia can be carried by insects, especially flies, which sit on food and infect them with parasites. Among adults, the incidence rate is much lower than among small patients.


Pathology can occur in various forms: lamblias, a manifest and subclinical form. In turn, the manifest lambliasis form is subdivided into such clinically conditioned varieties:

  1. Intestinal species occurs with functional intestinal disorders, symptoms of enteritis and gastroenteritis, as well as duodenal gastral reflux and duodenitis;
  2. The extra-intestinal form. It is characterized by the presence of neurotic asthenic syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia and allergic toxic symptoms;
  3. The biliary-pancreatic variety is characterized by the presence of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, cholangitis and biliary dyskinesia;
  4. The mixed form of contains the signs of several types of pathology.

In addition, the lambliasis is divided into chronic and acute.

How does acute lambliosis develop in adults?

Acute lambliasis manifestations are usually similar to intraorganic pathologies of abdominal organs, occurring in conjunction with neurological and allergic symptoms. The specific clinic is determined by the form of giardiasis, as well as the general condition of the patient, the presence of chronic pathologies, age characteristics, etc.

In general, the acute form of lambliasis proceeds with such symptoms:

  • Feeling of overflow and abdominal distension, flatulence;
  • Painful discomfort in the hypochondrium right and in the umbilical region;
  • There is reluctance, but there is an irresistible craving for sweets and flour products;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Belching;
  • Watery or foamy diarrhea, reaching 5 times per day.

If the patient is sufficiently strong immunity, then hyperthermia may occur up to 38.5 ° C.

If treatment does not begin, then after a week the symptoms disappear. But the parasite safely continues to multiply and develop, feeding all this time with resources from the host's body, only the disease at this time is chronic and will pass into an almost asymptomatic course. In the future, pathology is exacerbated by periodic manifestations of syndromes.

Symptoms of the chronic form

If the lambliasis was treated incorrectly, or there was no therapy at all, then the pathology turns into a chronic form. Moreover, the symptoms may differ in accordance with the manifested syndrome.

  • If the pathology is chronosed in the likeness of the intestinal syndrome , then patients complain of dyspepsia and pain in the abdomen around the navel, vomiting and aversion to food. In this case, the patient is overly fatty stool, constipation followed by diarrhea and vice versa.
  • If the pathology is accompanied by asteno-neurotic syndrome , the patients note chronic fatigue and constant weakness, in the abdomen, there is a pain in the abdomen from above and around the navel. The patient complains of excessive irritability and sleep disorders, frequent headaches.
  • In the hepatobiliary form of for chronic giardiasis, the patient in the side to the right is morbid, and in the oral cavity something is constantly bitter, the skin becomes icteric and may even itch. If the pathology is accompanied by cholecystitis, the symptoms are supplemented with disorders of the stool, eructation and nausea-vomiting reactions.
  • With dermatological or allergic syndrome , frequent intestinal disorders provoke the appearance of cutaneous spotting. The skin acquires pinkish hues, alternating with pale areas. The corners of the lips begin to peel off.

Similar symptomatology is not considered characteristic for all patients, in about 20% of cases, pathology proceeds unnoticed for the patient.

When pregnancy

Giardiasis is highly undesirable in pregnancy, because it can negatively affect the most pregnant woman and her baby. So parasitic pathology can cause serious diseases of intestinal structures, provoke allergic reactions on the skin, etc. Against the background of bearing a baby such factors can cause weakening of immunity.

The parasite, which captures the intestine, prevents the nutrient components from being absorbed normally, therefore both the fetus and the mother suffer from an acute shortage of nutrients. Also under the influence of parasites there is a decrease in the erythrocyte level, which provokes the development of fetal hypoxia, because the crumb is acutely lacking in oxygen.

Under the influence of all these factors, some intrauterine fetal pathology may develop.

Many mothers are worried about whether the disease can go to the child. The probability that such a combination of circumstances will still happen is quite large. To ensure that the fetus does not become infected with parasites, Mom needs special therapy, and to preserve the fetus it is necessary to be under special supervision of specialists before delivery.

The presence of such a parasitic pathology in the mother requires the patient to strictly observe the hygiene rules and the recommendations of the specialist. This is the only way to avoid the development of side infections and complications associated with giardiasis, the risk of developing which during pregnancy only increases.

Consequences of

If the parasitic infection does not begin to be treated in time, the likelihood of complications is significantly increased.

In the absence of timely therapy, the pathology is chronicized, invasions become massive, causing even more complications.

Against the background of intestinal lesions lamblia develop inflammatory processes of mucous tissues, atrophy their villi. Deficiency of absorption of useful components is formed, leading to noticeable weight loss and even exhaustion.

When the lambliasis is neglected, vitamin B12 deficiency develops, due to the absorption of intestinal structures. Against the background of such a deficit, anemia develops. Therefore, with the slightest suspicion of parasites, it is necessary to undergo a proper examination in order to identify and eliminate the pathological factor in a timely manner.

Against the backdrop of neglect of the pathological process, the development of complications such as:

  • Nervous system failures with memory and attention disorders, apathy and excessive irritability;
  • Serious intoxication, which reduces the patient's immune status, which is shown to be prone to allergic reactions, dermatitis, skin rashes, etc.;
  • Dyskinesia of duodenum, enterocolitis or duodenitis;
  • Vascular lesions, which are manifested vegetative vascular dystonia due to the toxic effect of parasites on the patient's body;
  • Palpebral inflammation, which manifests itself in the form of cholecystitis or dyskinesia.

These complications can easily be avoided if you carefully treat the body and timely note suspicious and anxious symptoms, systematically undergo preventive medical examinations.


Diagnostic measures for giardiasis in adult patients include procedures such as laboratory stool examination, enterotesting, intestinal mucosal biopsies, laboratory blood tests such as immunoenzyme or X-ray fluorescence analysis, Koons or immunoelectrophoresis studies.

Treatment of

There is no universal therapeutic plan for controlling Giardiasis. After identifying the signs and careful diagnosis, the patient is prescribed complex therapy, which includes strengthening the immune status and normalizing the gastrointestinal function, destroying the parasite in all its forms and fixing the results of therapy.


Food is selected in such a way that the menu contains products that are able to prevent the development of parasitic infestations. But the products that are especially loved by lamblia, should be categorically refused.

Since parasites literally can not live without carbohydrates, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of food with this element, and completely refuse from sweets and fast carbohydrates. What are the principles of a diet for giardiasis?

  1. Alcohol should be excluded;
  2. Refusal of carbohydrate dishes, including muffins and dried fruits, honey and confectionery;
  3. To avoid flatulence, it is recommended to limit raw vegetable crops;
  4. It is better to limit yourself to slow carbohydrates, which are contained in unsweetened fruits, rice or buckwheat;
  5. You also need to eat chicken meat and fish in boiled or stewed, steam or baked in the oven;
  6. Fried dishes are prohibited;
  7. It is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, which prevent the development of dysbiosis.

The strict adherence to the above-mentioned recommendations guarantees an easier path of the pathology and a quick recovery from parasitic infestations.

Folk remedies

Among folk remedies in the fight against giardiasis, pumpkin seeds, dandelion broth and garlic have proven themselves. Seeds can be simply consumed throughout the day in raw form.

Garlic can also be eaten or squeezed out of the juice, which must be diluted a little with boiled water.

Then the juice is impregnated with a cotton swab and inserted into the anus. For half an hour.

Dandelion broth has a high effect on parasites like lamblia. With boiling water( a glass), pour 2 large spoons of dry dandelion raw material and stand for a quarter of an hour.

Then take the resulting broth in three divided doses during the day, but it is better before the digestion. Use folk recipes in the treatment of giardiasis can be only after a medical consultation.


The entire therapeutic process should be under the supervision of a qualified specialist to exclude the possibility of complications and worsening of the clinical situation.

All stages are important, but anthelmintic and antiparasitic therapy is still fundamental. For the destruction of lamblias, drugs like Nemosol, Trichopolum, Macmiore, etc. are used.


This drug promotes the removal of bacterial parasitic organisms from the body, which include lamblia. Macmirror is considered one of the best drugs in the therapy of giardiasis infection.

It refers to the category of antibacterial drugs of low toxicity, but a broad spectrum of action, it is effective even against fungal pathogens.


Once I noticed after myself that I became irritable, I was constantly feeling tired, started losing weight for some reason, and in the abdomen in the navel's area, pains often began to appear and a skin allergic reaction appeared. Has passed or has taken place careful inspection, the doctor has literally dumbfounded - a lambliasis. McMiore was appointed. She drank it for a week, then after treatment several times she took control tests, parasites, thank God, it was not found. Thank you Makmirora, effective tool.


Antibacterial drug that effectively relieves parasites and restores urinary function. This drug has long established itself as an effective remedy for giardiasis, which has antiprotozoal and antibacterial, antiulcer and bactericidal action.

Taking Nemosol with giardiasis lesions helps to remove pathological symptoms and relieve the gastrointestinal apparatus from parasites in two weeks. Also used for the prevention of Giardiasis.


The drug is often used in the complex treatment of giardiasis and other gastrointestinal pathologies of bacterial origin.

Trichopol refers to antiprotozoal and antimicrobial agents that suppress the reproduction of protozoan parasites like lamblia and lead to the death of parasitic colonies.

Take it twice a day for two pills for 5-7 days.

Prognosis and prophylaxis

The pathology is easy to treat, so there are no difficulties during the therapeutic process.

The effectiveness of treatment reaches 95%, although it is impossible to exclude the possibility of relapse or reinfection, therefore, if necessary, patients are prescribed repeated therapy, and after it another six months for the patient is preventive observation.

In order to avoid the spread of giardiasis, preventive measures are necessary, which include protecting the surrounding area from spreading and infecting parasites, observing sanitary and hygienic standards and strict control over the safety and purity of drinking water.

It is extremely important in time to identify and treat carriers and active patients with giardiasis, for which children and staff of children's institutions should be periodically inspected.

Is it possible to visit the swimming pool?

Many people with a diagnosis of lambliasis have a completely legitimate question whether it is possible to visit the pool with such a "byaka".

Some experts claim that in the pools there is so much chlorinated water that a parasite like lamblia just dies in it, so patients with Giardiasis do not present any danger to others around the spread of infection.

If a healthy person accidentally swallows water from the pool, then he can easily become infected. Therefore, it is better to refuse from visiting the pool for the safety of other pool visitors. And it is better for healthy people to visit the pool, where they often change the water and regularly carry out its high-quality disinfection.

Which doctor heals?

Gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or parasitologist.

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