Zenker's diverticulum: symptoms, causes, complications, diagnosis of the esophagus, treatment, operation, photo

Zenker diverticula from all esophageal diverticula are found most often. In most cases, they are found in men older than 70 years. This pathology is a saccular protrusion of the machines of the hollow organ of the digestive system. It is formed in the area of ​​the sphincter between the muscle fibers.

There are three stages of the disease:

  • First. There is a small protrusion of the esophagus.
  • Second. The formed bag starts from the pharyngeal esophageal joint and lies down.
  • Third. Education is large and spreads to the mediastinum.

Causes of the disease

Etiology to this day remains not fully understood. There is a theory of innate origin.

Many specialists attach much importance to the appearance of pathology in the field of weak muscle cover. When the intraluminal pressure rises, the envelope changes its contours, structure, and protrudes.

This can occur against the background:

  • inflammatory processes,
  • spastic contractions,
  • constant pressure.
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All this leads to the appearance of a hernial protrusion between the muscle fibers. There are several other risk factors that affect the development of Zenker's diverticulum. These include impaired development of the fetus in the womb, heredity or injury to the pharynx and esophagus.

Pathology badly affects the performance of all body systems, as it can squeeze other organs and become inflamed.

Symptoms of the Center's diverticulum

Symptoms often depend on the size of the defect formed. If the pathology is small, the signs may be weak or go unnoticed. At the first stage, there may appear a perspiration in the throat, dryness of the mucosa.

Clinical manifestations include:

  • difficult swallowing of solid and dry food,
  • sensation of coma in the throat,
  • Pershenion,
  • increased saliva production.

Bad breath may appear. In rare cases, there is a visible asymmetry of the neck. If the hernial protrusion can lead to a breach of breathing and to shortness of breath.

Complications of

If there is inflammation at the bottom of the diverticulum, erosions and ulcers appear. In extreme cases, there is perforation, which is the cause of many complications. The latter may occur due to instrumental methods of diagnosis, for example, sounding and gastroscopy.

To frequent complications is the phlegmon of the neck. This is a purulent tissue inflammation caused by a pathogenic microflora. When the disease occurs, there is a diffuse accumulation of pus. The first sign is severe pain in the neck.

In the absence of treatment for Zenker's diverticulum, mediastinitis and pneumonia may develop. The first disease is manifested by inflammation between the organs of the chest.


One of the main methods is radiology. It is conducted in different planes. With the use of special preparations, the cavity of formation is painted over. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to determine not only its availability, but also its dimensions, shape and length.

If the passage of barium is delayed during the study, this indicates the development of diverticulitis.

X-ray picture of the Center

diverticulum To clarify the nature of the change, fibro-esophagoscopy is used. It allows to assess the condition of the mucosa using fiberglass optics. The method is highly accurate, because it allows you to visualize all the changes occurring on the mucosa.

Instrumental examination by palpation of the neck, measurement of gastric acidity, biopsy and cytological analysis is completed.


When choosing the optimal treatment regimen, a doctor can stop his attention both in a conservative and a surgical way. If treatment with medications does not help, then an operation is prescribed.

Conservative method means maintaining a dietary system. After eating, the diverticulum is drained. In some cases, washing is additionally used.

Radical methods are used when it comes to large and fast growing protrusions. They are cut off under general anesthesia. For this, a small incision is made on the throat.

If the formation is not very large, then it is sutured, correction of the mucosa of the esophagus is carried out. For such manipulations, an endoscope is used. This approach can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

In conclusion, we note that when the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to gargle and rinse the leftovers. This will cope with the unpleasant odor and prevent the development of inflammatory reactions.

Video shows the operation for the zenker diverticulitis:

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