Can pain in the right or left kidney be given in the leg: causes, dangerous symptoms, an occasion to consult a doctor

Pain in the lower back, namely in the kidneys, is an important signal that indicates the development of serious pathology of internal organs. How is kidney pain and her irradiation in the leg connected? What provokes the emergence of sharp painful sensations in the kidneys and lower limbs?

Kidney pain that gives a leg

Kidney pain that is in the foot or inguinal area is often associated with certain pathological changes in the structure of pelvis and calyces or with excessive stretching of the external kidney capsule. The parenchymal tissue itself does not have receptors sensitive to pain, so the cause of the pain can be a stretching of the capsule of the kidney( due to the accumulation of a large amount of urine in the pelvis and cups).

Answering the question, whether pain in the kidney can be upheld, it is worth mentioning the presence of stones in the ureter. So, the pain syndrome can arise due to inflammation of the cellulose around the kidney, as a result of urolithiasis and the progression of the calculus along the ureter.

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If the cause is kidney concrements and their progression, then hematuria and urinary retention are added, and the pain acquires a paroxysmal character and is well suppressed by antispasmodics.

Causes of pain syndrome

The causes of pain in the kidney area that gives to the legs may be:

  1. Pain in the left or right kidney of a blunt character may indicate a chronic pathology that is caused by a certain infectious agent. One of the reasons for dull pain in the kidney may be the growth of a tumor( benign or malignant).Since there are no pain receptors in the parenchyma, the receptors of the fibrous capsule react to increase the volume of the organ itself. When the capsule is stretched, pain arises, which can also give in the leg.
  2. Aching character of painful sensations often testifies to presence of an omission of a kidney of a various degree( nephroptosis).Patients complain of aching pain in the lower back and fever in pyelonephritis( inflammation of the calyx and pelvis of the kidney).The main distinguishing feature of pyelonephritis is painful urination.
  3. Painful in the kidney area can be a consequence of the development of hydronephrosis, which occurs as a result of obstruction of the urinary tract. Violated passage of urine on the urinary tract, because of what the calyx and pelvis widen. An increase in pelvis and calyxes of the system and an increase in pressure inside the kidney lead to stimulation of the receptors of the capsule and cause pain that is usually transmitted to the leg, inguinal region, anterior, lateral surface of the thigh.
  4. Aching pain may be present if the kidney is bruised or the capsule breaks. This pathology at a later stage is accompanied by peritoneal symptoms.
  5. A feeling of drawing pain at the site of the kidney projection appears if the patient has a renal cyst. Such pain can spread not only in the groin and leg, but also on the anterior abdominal wall.
  6. Renal colic is characterized by a sharp paroxysmal pain syndrome. The development of renal colic leads to the formation and excretion of kidney stones( urolithiasis).With this disease, the urine stagnates in the pelvis, causing their expansion. By increasing the pressure of urine in the renal pelvis, the blood supply of the kidney parenchyma decreases, as a result of which the patient feels a sharp pain. The attack of acute pain in the kidney can last as a few seconds, and several days, the duration and localization of painful sensations depends on the speed of passage, the size and localization of the calculus. Outside the attack of renal colic, aching pain in the lumbar region, giving up in the leg, remains.
  7. Acute renal pain( single or bilateral) may disturb at the time of renal artery embolism and kidney ischemia. This pathology is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome with significant hematuria.

Disturbing symptoms of

If some symptoms are associated with kidney pain, you should consult your doctor.
Symptoms, the connection of which should alert the patient:

  1. Fever and changes in blood pressure;
  2. The appearance of blood in the urine in large quantities( hematuria);
  3. Painful and frequent urination, false urges;
  4. Significant weight reduction;
  5. Appearance of peritoneal symptoms( a sign of the development of peritonitis);
  6. Renal colic, which is not eliminated by spasmolytic drugs and is accompanied by nausea, repeated vomiting;
  7. Increasing or rare urination, its complete absence;
  8. Education in the lumbar region, which is well palpated at the site of the projection of the lower or upper pole of the kidney.

Necessary methods for examining a patient with renal pathology:

  1. Examination, palpation, auscultation and percussion;
  2. General clinical analysis of urine, blood;
  3. Biochemical study of urine and blood components;
  4. Urine test for bacterial content;
  5. Examination of the urinary system and neighboring organs by ultrasound( ultrasound);
  6. Review radiography( organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavity, spine);
  7. Urography( visualization of the urinary tract by contrast);
  8. Angiography.
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