Urinary stones in the kidney: description, symptoms, diagnosis, dissolution and excretion of drugs and folk methods

Urolithiasis is a pathology that is diagnosed too often among the young and among the quite adult generation. Stones in the kidneys can be formed very different - it all depends on what they are formed, but according to statistics doctors often identify urate stones.

Urinary stones in the kidneys

Urinary stones in the kidneys - one of the forms of urolithiasis, which is more often diagnosed in men. The average age of patients who form urate stones is 20-55 years, often these formations do not bother the patient for a long time, which is fraught with the development of a complication in the form of reformation of urate stones into coral ones.

Reasons for the formation of

Urinary stones in human kidneys can form due to the high level of uric acid salts, the lack of urine formation and its increased acidity.

Urea salts

They are the result of metabolic processes in which proteins are involved. From this final product it is impossible to get rid of, in a large or small concentration of salt will be present in the body always. But by eating sour-milk products, you can change the environment of urine, make it more alkaline and thereby prevent the formation of urate stones.

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Inadequate urine formation

If the urine is not rapidly formed in a person, the concentration of uric acid salts increases and they begin to form a precipitate, forming into dense formations.

High acidity of urine

To determine this indicator it is possible and at home - to purchase special test strips and according to the instructions to conduct the procedure. If the acidity of urine is increased, this means a high risk of formation of urate tissues - this concentration of acid necessarily provokes a decrease in the rate of urine formation - the main reason for the formation of urate stones.

In medicine, a number of factors predisposing to the formation of urate stones have been identified:

  • hypodynamia - a sedentary lifestyle;
  • improperly formulated diet - predominance in the menu of fatty / acute foods, insufficient intake of liquid;
  • insufficient amount of vitamin B supplied to the body.


This type of stones has a smooth surface and a fairly loose, porous structure - when you press the stone with your fingers it will simply crumble and become sand. The color of the urate stone is yellowish brown, but the dimensions are always variable and range from 1-2 mm to several centimeters.

In the photo, urate kidney stones

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. For the prevention of diseases and kidney treatment, our readers advise the monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

Clinical picture, symptoms

Urine stones can for a long time not manifest at all and the person learns that he has urolithiasis only during routine examination or when entering a hospital with severe pain. The main symptom of urate stone formation is acute pain in the lumbar region, which has the character of a one-sided, but can also be girdling.

The cause of this renal colic usually becomes the movement of the stone, blockage of the ureter. Pain in renal colic is so intense that the patient begins to "rush" in search of a comfortable position, but even bending over or assuming a horizontal position to endure it is impossible. The pain spreads and radiates to the abdomen( abdominal pains), the perineum and the bladder. No painkillers can take off pain.

It is extremely rare against a background of renal colic in the patient appears nausea and vomiting - the so-called dyspeptic disorders, even less often - a rise in body temperature. If the hyperthermia occurred suddenly, immediately reached high rates, and the patient began chills, then this could mean that an acute inflammatory process is progressing in his kidney( kidneys).

Symptoms of kidney stones


Diagnosis of urate stones in the kidneys is standard for urolithiasis:

  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • computed tomography.

In the diagnosis of urolithiasis, as a rule, an X-ray is done using a contrast medium, but specifically for the detection of urate stones this type of examination does not matter - the type of stones considered is simply not visible on the X-ray. More informative is ultrasound - the doctor will be able not only to confirm the presence of urate stones in the kidneys, but also to determine their size and shape.

In the video about urate kidney stones:

Treatment of

Urine stones are the only ones that are amenable to dissolution, so doctors, when prescribing treatment, take this moment into account and conduct conservative therapy, prescribing tablets and drops dissolving the calculi.

Traditional medicine

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor, clarify the diagnosis and make sure that urate stones formed in the kidneys and they can be treated with folk remedies.

The dissolution and excretion of urate stones from the kidneys is possible due to such recipes:

  1. Take the oats in the grains and do not peel off the husks in a thermos, pour boiling water. Grains of oats should fill the thermos halfway, but you need to top up the boiling water. Infused for 10-12 hours, then the resulting mass is wiped and the resulting "porridge-kissel" is consumed for breakfast without the addition of spices and seasonings.
  2. Combine the leaves of strawberries with blackcurrant leaves in equal amounts, add half of the resulting volume of grass to the mountaineer. Take 1 tablespoon of the herb collection.pour 200 liters of boiling water and insist for 30-40 minutes, strain. Take the prepared infusion according to this recipe, you need 2 tablespoons before each meal.

To achieve the release of urate stones, you can use the following recipe:

In the same amount, take and mix burdock roots, horsetail, filigree and elderberry flowers( black).Take 2 teaspoons of salt, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Take a ready-made infusion of 1/3 cup before meals, at least three times a day.

To remove urate stones, you can drink "independent" decoctions of carrot seeds, walnut leaves, fennel, celandine. Broths are prepared according to the classical scheme - 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials per glass of boiling water. Will promote the excretion of urate stones and cardamom: 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom pour 150-200 ml of boiling water and insist 10-15 minutes, use 1/3 cup three times daily before meals.


Acute symptoms can be treated with medications - patients are prescribed drugs with antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Spasmolytics actively relax the smooth muscles and as a result of this action the narrowing of the duct disappears and urate stones or sand can freely leave with urine.

If a purine metabolism disorder is diagnosed in a patient's examination, he will be prescribed drugs from the category of uricostatics( for example, Allopurinol).In necessarily order in drug therapy is the appointment of magnesium oxide, and if the doctor reveals an elevated level of calcium salts - Hypothiazide tablets. Any drugs with urate stones in the kidneys are prescribed in standard dosages.

Surgical intervention

This type of treatment is extremely rare, in only 3-5% of all cases.the main indicator for surgical treatment is the degeneration of urate stones into coral ones - they acquire a denser structure, their edges become "prickly, sharp," they occupy 90% of the kidney pelvis and can not escape naturally.

Doctors for surgical treatment use minimally invasive methods, most often shock wave lithotripsy, which allows you to get rid of 90% of all stones in the urinary system. Shock waves, passing through soft tissues( without damaging them), reach the urate stone and begin to crush it. As a result, only fine sand remains in the kidney, which does not need to be taken out by medicine, as it eventually goes out naturally( with urine).


Special attention should be paid to patients with food. Exclude from the menu follows:

  • animal products and meat( liver, heart, pork and beef);
  • broths from meat and fish;
  • red wine and beer;
  • any canned products.

Restrict the consumption of fish and seafood, beans, chocolate and coffee, strong tea and cocoa, baked goods( including bread from wheat).But in the menu for people who have found urate stones, you must include any fruits, all sour-milk products, buckwheat groats, eggs, lemon, wheat rump and dogrose.

Food should be consumed in small portions and often - at least 5 times a day.


To prevent the formation of urate stones, you just need to adhere to certain rules:

  • to lead an active lifestyle and avoid obesity;
  • to limit the use of fatty foods;
  • to reduce the amount of animal protein consumed;
  • use at least one and a half liters of water per day, in hot weather - at least two.
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