Temporal arteritis( Horton's disease): symptoms, causes, treatment, folk remedies

Temporal arteritis, also called giant cell arteritis, belongs to the systemic vasculitis group, as does Takayasu. In fact, it is a granulomatous arteritis that affects the temporal artery. Most often affects people over 50 years old sometimes occurs in combination with rheumatic polymyalgia.

The disease was named after Dr. Horton, who in 1932 described his clinical picture.

Causes of

The exact causes of Horton's disease are unknown. It is known only that the disease develops against the backdrop of immune disorders due to the type of autoimmune processes, most often affects women aged 70-80 years. This is proved by the fact that more than 50% of patients have antibodies to immunoglobulin type M and A, as well as the deposition of immune complexes on the affected arteries.

Scientists agree that the factors that increase the likelihood of temporal arteritis include:

  • predisposition;
  • infectious agents, mostly viruses of hepatitis, influenza and herpes;

This is dictated by the fact that 33% of patients had Hbs antigen and antibodies to it. The predisposition is indicated by the fact that in many patients the genes HLA B14, A10, B8 are found.

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The following video tells about what is terrible for the temporal arteritis:

Symptoms of Horton's disease

At the first stages, temporal arteritis can have no symptoms. On the other hand, if the patient has suffered an infectious disease before this, the temporal arteritis can have an acute onset, which is due to reduced immunity.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Initially, the disease has symptoms of SARS: fever, pain in the head, fatigue. Later, weight loss is added to them, including anorexia, myalgia and arthralgia, as well as insomnia.

With development, Horton's disease acquires a vascular symptomatology. For example:

  1. increase in the density of the temporal arteries;
  2. their soreness arising from probing;
  3. nodules on the scalp;
  4. edema and hyperemia of the skin in the region of the temples;

The disease is also accompanied by lesions of the eyes:

  • with diplopia( double vision);
  • blur surrounding objects;
  • misting the look;
  • pain;

Symptomatology is associated with vascular lesions and impaired blood supply to eyeballs. If symptoms are identified and the temporal arteritis is not treated, the disease can lead to complete loss of vision.

More details about the symptoms of Horton's disease and methods of their cupping will tell the following video:


The diagnosis begins with a visit to the doctor. The doctor collects an anamnesis, compares the symptoms in a patient with a clinical picture of the arteritis, and then assigns additional studies:

  • Examination from an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.
  • Biopsy of the temporal artery.
  • Clinical anth of blood, showing the presence of anemia and leukocytosis.
  • Biochemical an-z of blood, revealing dysproteinemia.
  • UZGD extracranial vessels.
  • MRI and CT.
  • Angiography.

There is a diagnostic table compiled by the association of rheumatologists, in which there are such criteria:

  1. patient over 50 years of age;
  2. headache;
  3. pathology of the temporal artery;
  4. ESR higher than 50 mm / h;

If at least 3 criteria are the same, then we can already talk about the presence of Horton's disease, the treatment of which we will discuss further.

Treatment of

Treatment of temporal arteritis can be therapeutic and surgical. To understand who treats temporal arteritis, when and what treatment can be prescribed, we will consider each in more detail.

Therapeutic way

In fact, this is the only effective treatment that affects precisely the temporal arteritis. Therapeutic method is hormonal therapy. It is carried out by prednisolone or methylprednisolone according to this scenario:

  • Prednisolone is taken at 60 milligrams per day for 2-4 days. Each week, the dosage is reduced by 5 mg, up to 40 mg / day. After this, the dosage is reduced by 2 mg weekly up to 20 mg / day. After, the dose is reduced by 1 mg weekly. If the disease worsens, the dosage of the medicine is temporarily increased until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • Methylprednisolone by pulse therapy is taken at 1 g intravenously for 3 days. After, methylprednisolone is taken orally 20-30 mg per day.

If the patient can not take the above drugs, or they do not help, the doctor can prescribe a cytotoxic device, such as azathioprine, methotrexate and others.

Surgical method

The operation is prescribed only when the arteritis develops is complicated or against a background of cancer, blood clots or aneurysms. In this case, the arteritis itself is not affected, so in each case, such treatment is individual.

And about whether it is possible to treat temporal arteritis with folk remedies, we'll talk further.

Folk remedies

Doctors strictly warn that treatment with folk remedies can adversely affect the patient's health. As the disease progresses, and treatment with alternative medicine can not affect it, the condition can reach serious complications.

However, folk remedies can positively influence the patient's immunity, as well as remove negative symptoms. Together with therapeutic treatment, you can take herbal medicinal herbs and tinctures, do massages, acupuncture and undergo similar procedures.

Prevention of the disease

Because the causes of the disease are poorly understood, doctors can not give accurate recommendations on preventive measures. However, since there is a connection with viral diseases, one should pay more attention to immunity, namely:

  • normalize the daily routine;
  • to eat balanced;
  • take multivitamins;
  • with the slightest signs of temporal arteritis consult a doctor;

Complications of

The most serious complications of arteritis are blindness and heart attacks, right-sided amaurosis and an aneurysm of the arch of the aorta. These conditions occur if the disease is started.

Complications can occur with hormonal therapy, usually in the form of reduced immunity, headache and individual symptoms.

Photo of Horton's disease( temporal arteritis)


The prognosis for the treatment of the disease is positive. With timely treatment, more than 80% of patients are cured.

On average, the disease lasts 2-4 years. Despite the positive treatment, the disease is often accompanied by complications.

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