Wenents on the face: photo, causes and treatment

Grease on the face( lipoma) is a flexible soft subcutaneous formation that does not cause pain and can grow to large sizes. Their growth is associated with an increase in the number of fat cells. The grease on the face usually has a diameter of about 1.5 cm, but large formations are often found.

The most frequent place of appearance of a lipoma on the face is the infraorbital region and eyelids. Together with this they are often formed around the neck. Usually such a tumor does not develop into a malignant tumor, and does not pose a threat to life. But this is finally confirmed only by histological analysis.

In this article, we will describe in detail how to get rid of fatty acids on the face, and that it is better to use it - home methods, or salon procedures.

Causes of occurrence of

What are the appearance of adipes on the face, and what is it? Naturally, in the case of a lipoma, as with any other neoplasm, before looking for methods of struggle and treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of the grease on the face.

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There are several reasons for this phenomenon, so consider in more detail what can lead to the appearance of lipoma:

  1. Genetic predisposition of .Specialists believe that atypical fat cells form from birth. Their excessive number may cause the appearance of adipocytes. Diseases of internal organs .These diseases include diabetes, kidney and liver, endocrine and gastrointestinal system, as well as various infections.
  2. The exchange processes are broken by .If a person is exposed to an imbalance of metabolic processes, lipomas( adipose) can appear on his skin. The body has a lot of cholesterol, so fat, under the skin, becomes too viscous. It clogs the sebaceous glands, so it accumulates very quickly under the skin. Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle .Low mobility, the lack of vitamins in the food intake, as well as the intake of products of non-biological origin, lead to an excess of slags. In the slagged body subcutaneous fat moves heavily, which leads to its accumulation under the skin. This is the reason for the appearance of Wen.
  3. Wrong skin care for the face .With improper or poor-quality skin care, too, there is a high likelihood of the appearance of fat wigs on the face.
  4. Seizure of the sebaceous glands .Often they are localized on the forehead and thin epidermis, for example on the upper or lower eyelids. Perhaps their appearance on the chin, cheekbones or cheeks.
  5. Reason not detected. .A quarter of patients can not identify any significant causes of this unpleasant education.

For those who have grease on their face, how to get rid of them is the main question. Although they are not dangerous neoplasms, from the cosmetic point of view they are a very unpleasant phenomenon. About this, we'll talk in more detail below.

Classification of

The face can appear:

  1. The miliums are white balls formed under the upper layer of the epidermis in the sebaceous glands due to their excessive secretion.
  2. Xanthoma is more often localized around the eyes, on the eyelids. It happens that they merge together, forming xantelasms - flat formations with loose consistency.

It is worth remembering that WenWiki have no ducts - no punctures, they can not be squeezed out.

Wife on face: photo

How to look orchids, we propose to view detailed photos.

How to remove adolescents on the face

Methods for getting rid of small white greens on the face combine cosmetic and therapeutic techniques:

  1. Chemical peeling : a rather hard method, which is based on the "dry cleaning" of the upper layer of the epidermis with cosmetological mixtures that help to get rid of fatty glands on the face. It should be used only in some cases - when there are many small adipose on the face, they are not inflamed and do not grow. The effect will appear literally after the first cleaning. But you should take into account that at least three days( and even more, depending on the ability of the skin to regenerate) you will have to sit out at home, because the person will need time to recover.
  2. Mechanical cleaning : involves puncturing or incising at the site of lipoma formation, after which gently squeeze out the grease on the face followed by treatment with antiseptic means of sebaceous ducts and skin. Suffice is a painful method that can lead to the formation of scars or scars at the puncture site.

When visiting a beauty salon, the cosmetologist will explain in detail how best to quickly remove the adipes on the face, but will advise him to undergo an additional examination with a gastroenterologist, since this formation may be the result of improper operation of the stomach.

How to remove adipose on the face

Carry out treatment for a large lipoma under the supervision of a specialist. Many patients try to bring out greaselets on their faces at home, piercing them with a red-hot needle and squeezing out the contents. But you can not do this. When piercing the wen, the probability of infection is high. In addition, after a substandard squeezing, scars may remain, which are difficult to eliminate afterwards. This is especially important if the grease is in a prominent place.

Therefore, certain surgical procedures are indicated, each of which has its advantages in individual cases:

  1. Electrocoagulation .That is, the new formation is affected by an electric current, so it is simply burned out.
  2. Laser Therapy .Effects on the lipoma by a laser. Both procedures are practically painless and leave no traces on the face.
  3. Surgical removal of .This method is only used if the tumor is too large.

You can find a lot of folk recipes in which it is stated that you can completely remove the adipes on your face with the help of special herbs and infusions. In fact, everything is not so, because the tissue of the tumor is the usual fat tissue of the body and it will not "dissolve" it independently, even if it is stimulated with folk remedies. In general, the prognosis with lipoma is favorable and with a correctly performed operation the tumor does not appear again.

Treatment at home

If zhirovik is for you a serious cosmetic problem that you dream to quickly remove, be sure to use the offers of modern cosmetology, visit the nearest beauty salon and remove this unpleasant defect. In the case when the grease has appeared on the face more recently, is a small bundle, you can try to get rid of it at home, but extremely carefully.

Here are the most popular ways to combat this cosmetic home defect:

  1. Take the juice of celandine in the pharmacy or squeeze it out of the plant. Drop the juice on the wen, rinse well and leave for 30 minutes, then wash. When performed daily, a hole appears soon on the surface of the wen. In this case, effectively apply a bandage, moistened with Vishnevsky ointment, keeping it under the adhesive for at least an hour.
  2. Aloe .This is the most gentle and safe remedy, which does not cause an allergic reaction. Wash the fresh aloe leaf thoroughly, cut it along, apply the cut side to the site of inflammation and fix with adhesive plaster. Compress is best left for the whole night.
  3. Butter( 50 grams) mixed with zucchini juice( 2 tablespoons) .If you do not know how to get rid of zhirovik quickly, this recipe will become for you a real find.
  4. Mash before the appearance of juice several sheets of gold mustache .This gruel is coated with grease, and covered with a film on top, then with a terry cloth. To fix it all with plaster. After 12 hours, remove this compress and make a new one. And so for two weeks.
  5. A plant such as mother-and-stepmother also has a resolving effect on the wen. Finely cut the leaf of the plant, wrap it in gauze and attach it to the wen. This compress is recommended to be performed three times a day.
  6. , a nettles tincture , prepared from 50 g of dry raw materials and half a liter of vodka, will help in combating the adipes and is infused for three weeks. Apply compresses to the problem area( duration of exposure - 20 minutes).

Nevertheless, remember that treatment with lime folk remedies, using ointment, compresses, lotions, etc. can help only in the initial stage.

As mentioned earlier, the adipes are under the skin and do not have ducts. Therefore, any external agent that is applied to the lipoma, only covers it from above - the accumulated fat does not disappear anywhere. Even if it turns out to break through the wen, after applying ointment on it, there is a possibility that an open wound will get an infection and this will aggravate the situation.

In this regard, it is better to get rid of this problem in special institutions, rather than trying to remove the lipoma at home. Specialists will be selected individual treatment and an effective skin care product after removal of the lipoma.


Unfortunately, the reasons for the appearance of Wen's fatigue on the face are not fully understood. Therefore, to recommend preventive methods that will be truly effective is impossible.

The only thing that will reduce the risk of neoplasms compliance with hygiene, a proper lifestyle, a balanced diet. Choose cosmetics should be in accordance with the type of skin and at least once a year undergo a full medical examination.

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