Congenital and postinfarction left ventricular aneurysm, aorta of the heart: prognosis, symptoms

An infarct is a dangerous condition that can lead to death. But even a cured heart attack is dangerous for its complications. One of these can be called postinfarction aneurysm.

Features of the ailment

Aneurysm of the heart is called protrusion of the thinned wall of the myocardium, which is accompanied by a decrease or loss of contractility of the pathological site. Statistics show that in patients who have had a heart attack, 68% of aneurysms are subsequently found.

Postinfarction aneurysm develops against a background of extensive myocardial infarction. Pathology destroys the structure of the heart, because of which its walls are stretched and thinned, which leads to protrusion. The process is also affected by loads on the heart muscle and intraventricular pressure, for example, tachycardia or excessive physical exertion.

  • Postinfarction heart aneurysm does not develop in newborn infants and is extremely rare in children, since infarction at this age is often flying.
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  • In adults, the same aneurysm manifests equally regardless of gender. However, it is noted that in men over 50, it is more common.

About what the postinfarction aneurysm is, the following video will tell you:

Classification of

Heart aneurysm after infarction is classified according to its location:

  1. aneurysm of the heart vessels, for example, of the sinuses of the aorta;
  2. interventricular septum;
  3. of the left or right ventricles;
  4. of the ascending aorta;

Also an aneurysm can have various forms and flow.

Forms of postinfarction heart aneurysm

The main classification divides postinfarction aneurysm downstream into several forms:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Sharp. Occurs within 1 to 2 weeks after a heart attack. It is formed due to swelling of the necrotic area of ​​the myocardium.
  • Subacute. Occurs within 3-8 weeks after a heart attack. It is formed from a thickened endocardium.
  • Chronic. Occurs during a period of more than 8 weeks after a heart attack. It is represented by a fibrous sac of 3 layers: endocardial, epicardial and intramural. Inside such an aneurysm, a thrombus is often found.

The structure of an aneurysm can be:

  • True. This is a local protrusion consisting of necrotic or scar tissue.
  • False. Characterized by the fact that there is a high risk of rupture. It is limited by pericardial fissures.
  • Functional. In this case, some viable part of the myocardium loses its contractility. Disappears with the restoration of blood flow.

By types, you can divide the aneurysm into muscle, fibrous and fibro-muscular. Congenital postinfarction aneurysm of the heart does not happen.

Causes of

The main cause of this type of aneurysm is a transferred myocardial infarction. In this case, a heart attack does not always lead to aneurysms: this is facilitated by several factors. These factors include:

  1. old age;
  2. high cholesterol in the blood;
  3. obesity;
  4. smoking;
  5. increased pressure inside the ventricles;
  6. physical activity during acute or subacute stages of myocardial infarction;
  7. disorders in the process of compaction of the rumen;

The predisposition to aneurysms of the heart also has a great influence. About the symptoms of an aneurysm of the aorta of the heart and its other localizations read below.

Symptoms of

Symptoms largely depend on the shape of the aneurysm.

  • Acute form manifests itself in:
    • weakness;
    • dyspnea;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • long fever;
    • hyperhidrosis;
    • tachycardia and other irregularities in the rhythm of the heart muscle;
  • Subacute form is manifested in the same way as acute, but the signs are erased and weakened, the symptoms of circulatory failure are rapidly progressing.
  • The chronic form of aneurysm of the heart is manifested:
    • by dyspnea;
    • by syncopal states;
    • by angina pectoris;
    • by swelling of veins;
    • swelling;
    • hydrotorax;
    • hepatomegaly;
    • ascites;
    • sometimes fibrous pericarditis;

An aneurysm can also be manifested by the occlusion of the vessels of the limbs and other symptoms.


Diagnosis begins with a standard collection of family history, complaints and examination. To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental studies are needed:

  1. ECG;
  2. Echocardiography;
  3. chest X-ray;
  4. coronary angiography;
  5. electrophysiological study;

If the data of the study turned out to be of little informative, ventriculography can be prescribed, where radioactive particles are used, which allows to specify the size and localization of the aneurysm. If the hospital has an apparatus for MRI, it is better to trust this method of diagnosis. MRI allows you to visualize the organ and find out all the characteristics of the aneurysm.

For medical therapy, surgery and other types of treatment of heart aneurysm( left and right ventricle, ascending aorta and other types of localization), read below.

Treatment of

The main treatment for an aneurysm is surgical. In acute and subacute forms of cardiac aneurysm, it is indicated because of the rapid development of heart failure and the likelihood of rupture of protrusion.

In chronic form, it must be performed because of the risk of thromboembolic complications. Surgical treatment is combined with therapeutic and medication.


Therapeutic treatment is reduced to adherence to the hospital regime. The patient is shown to observe peace before and after the operation, adhere to dietary nutrition.

In addition, oxygen therapy and oxigenobarotherapy are prescribed to improve the patient's well-being and restore blood circulation.


Directly aneurysm is medically not treated completely. Therefore, drug therapy is aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition, reducing signs of pathology and eliminating co-morbidities. For this purpose, drugs like:

  1. of cardiac glycosides are prescribed;
  2. anticoagulants, for example, heparin subcutaneously;
  3. antihypertensives;

Depending on the concomitant pathologies, antiplatelet and antianginal drugs, statins, and other medications may be prescribed. About whether it is possible to treat an aneurysm of the heart without surgery, read below.


Operation is the main method of treating the aortic aneurysm of the heart, although its cost is slightly "biting".The type of surgery depends on the shape of the aneurysm, as well as other indicators:

  • Reinforcement of an aneurysm wall with polymers - with a small protrusion.
  • Atrial or ventricular resection - with an average aneurysm.
  • Septoplasty - with pathology located in the interventricular septum.
  • Sewing the wall of the heart muscle - in a false form.

Resection together with CABG can also be used.

On how the operation is performed with an aneurysm of the left ventricle of the heart, this video story will tell:

Folk methods

Treatment of folk remedies for heart aneurysms should be carried out in combination with the classical one. Traditional medicine can eliminate the symptoms of the disease, improve well-being, but it will not be possible to cure the cause in this way.

With an aneurysm, such infusions are helped:

  • of an icteric.1-2 tbsp.l.the grass is crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water, then wrapped in a warm towel and infused for 2 hours. The ready infusion is poured on the table.spoon 4-5 a day.with the addition of sugar.
  • of hawthorn fruit. Shredded hawthorn fruit( 4-5 tablespoons) is poured with 750 ml of boiling water, wrapped in a towel and infused for 2 hours, and then expressed. The purified infusion is poured on the table.spoon with sugar 4-6 a day.
  • of hawthorn flowers. Flowers blend with the bird's mountaineer and field horsetail in the proportion of 5: 3: 2 and poured 250 ml of boiling water, after which it is infused for 2 hours. Infusion is filtered and drunk during the day.
  • Dill. A tablespoon of herb or fennel seeds is poured 250 ml of boiling water, it is infused 2 hours, then it is drunk in 3-4 receptions.
  • Elderberry. The root of elderberry is ground to a powder, 250 ml of boiling water is poured and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After that, the decoction is decanted and left for 30 minutes, then 1 table is taken.spoon before eating.


Primary preventive measures are reduced to the prevention of myocardial infarction. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. to observe a diet with low fat content;
  2. observe physical activity and give it at least 20-30 minutes.per day;
  3. to quit smoking and limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  4. to control body weight and cholesterol level;
  5. eliminate stress.

If a person has already developed a myocardial infarction, he needs:

  • Before stabilizing the condition, adhere to bed rest. After stabilization it is necessary to begin with small physical exertion, gradually increasing them up to 40 minutes.per day.
  • Control the blood pressure level.
  • Follow the power.

It is equally important for any patient to consult a doctor in a timely manner. This rule applies to both preventive visits and urgent treatment if there are pains in the area behind the breastbone longer than 5 minutes.

Complications of

Postinfarction aneurysm, especially its chronic form, can be complicated:

  1. gangrene;
  2. stroke;
  3. PE;
  4. with thrombosis;
  5. arrhythmia;
  6. occlusion of mesenteric vessels;

The risk of recurrence of myocardial infarction is also great. About the prognosis for aneurysm of the left ventricle of the heart and its other localizations read below.


The course of aneurysms is considered unfavorable, since without surgery, most patients die within 2-3 years. Surgical treatment can significantly extend the life span.

More details about the aortic aneurysm of the heart will be described by the following video with Elena Malysheva:

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