Diffuse pancreatic changes: symptoms, treatment, medicine

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are detected during an ultrasound examination. This is not a diagnosis, but only a conclusion that the tissues of the parenchyma have been modified, have a heterogeneous structure, compacting, or, on the contrary, areas of lower density.

This may be a consequence of an already transferred disease, for example, acute pancreatitis, or, on the contrary, testify to the possibility of pancreatic injury and the need to take preventive measures to promote health.

For this reason, after performing ultrasound and detecting diffuse changes in the pancreas, it is necessary to contact the attending physician who will prescribe an additional examination to clarify the diagnosis necessary for effective therapy.

Diffuse changes can cause chronic pancreatitis, which proceeds in a latent form and has not yet manifested itself. Identify it will help other symptoms associated with the disease: dyspeptic indigestion, weight loss, etc. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of diffuse changes in the pancreas, recommend a diet and perhaps recommend physiotherapy procedures.

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In the arsenal of official medicine, there are many ways and means of treating chronic pancreatitis, which allow obtaining excellent results. But it is better to resort to folk medicine after recovery.

Diffuse pancreatic changes can occur after acute pancreatitis and indicate how severe the disease was and what consequences it left. It can be scars, as well as pseudocysts filled with dead cells. Symptoms may be different. For example, the formation of pseudocysts is accompanied by pain and digestive disorders. They can dissolve independently and do not need treatment, and may require surgical intervention.

If these changes in the pancreas are caused by diabetes, then treatment should be aimed at maintaining the level of sugar and strictly following the recommended diet. At the same time, it would not be out of place to resort to traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Elderly people should remember that diffuse changes can be caused by age and do not need treatment. Of course, if the patient at the same time feels well and does not feel any discomfort. To maintain health at this time is also useful folk medicine with herbs and therapeutic nutrition.

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