Causes and treatment of severe headache

1 Types of pathology

Depending on the location and cause of pain in the head, a variety of their types are distinguished.

Types of severe headaches:

Tensial. With these headaches, a person feels pressure in the upper part of the head. Almost every person felt tensile pains. With an ailment a person has a feeling that his head was chained, the tension can go into the eyes and frontal lobes of the head.

Cluster. Severe headaches of this type occur in most men. They have a non-constant pulsating character, usually in front of the head or near the eyes. With cluster pathology there is an increase in tear of the eyes, reddening of the face. The reason is still not established.

With hangover syndrome. The occurrence of a headache in this case is a sharp expansion of cerebral vessels after a large intake of alcohol. A severe headache with a hangover is similar to pain in migraines, as the cause of its occurrence in dehydration of the body.

With temporal arteritis. This disease leads to the development of quite a lot of pain, the cause of the disease is the presence of a bacterial or viral infection in the body. From such a disorder older people suffer after 50 years. The lack of treatment and the progression of the headache can lead to complete blindness.

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With migraine. Migraine is the only disease in which headaches are the leading syndrome. A strong headache with migraine can arise from any external stimulus: loud sound, light, especially a blinking, sharp odor, excitement. Severe headaches during a migraine usually occur on one side of the head and last from a few hours to a day.

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When bleeding in the brain. With severe headaches during the rupture of the vessels in the brain, their sharp appearance and very intense character is noted up to dizziness and loss of consciousness.

With a brain tumor. Frequent morning pains, which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, should be an occasion to consult a doctor. With a brain tumor, they can increase every day, and also accompanied by poor health and significant weight loss.

2 Etiology of the disease

In many cases this problem does not have a valid reason. It arises from external stimuli, in a slight increase or decrease in pressure. Usually, such an ailment does not last long and disappears after taking analgesics, primarily analgin.

Causes of severe headaches:

  • diseases of the ears and nasal sinuses( sinusitis, sinusitis, frequent bleeding from the nose, otitis, etc.);
  • sharp or periodic increase in intraocular pressure;
  • attacks of hypertonic or hypotonic disease( headaches are pulsed in nature);
  • meningitis and other diseases caused by infectious or fungal infections;
  • stroke;
  • oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • significant blood loss, etc.

Causes of chronic severe headache:

  • brain tumor;
  • aneurysm of the cerebral vasculature;
  • head injury;
  • dental disease;
  • of neuralgia;
  • psychological diseases;
  • changes in intracranial pressure, etc.

The exact cause of the pathology can only be determined with the help of a doctor and a number of diagnostic procedures. It is important to describe the symptoms associated with the headache. To eliminate the lack of hemoglobin, blood diseases and infectious diseases. It is necessary to pass blood and urine tests. With a very severe headache, you need to undergo a procedure for lumbar puncture. During it, the doctor takes a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid and examines it for the presence of infection.


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When a stroke, head trauma and suspicion of a brain tumor, the patient is assigned a computer tomography scan of the brain.

3 Manifestation of migraine

With migraine, a person has permanent or periodic headaches of a neuralgic nature. They are rather long and painful for the patient. With migraine headaches are in no way associated with other diseases: trauma, stroke, eye and vascular diseases, etc.

Migraine is more often a woman's disease than a man's. It affects almost every tenth inhabitant of the planet. During attacks, a person may lose his ability to work up to disability.

The causes of migraine have not been studied so far. The risk factors for the onset of the disease are constant stress, physical activity, smoking and drinking, weather changes and sleep disturbances. Specialists identify several hypothetical causes of migraine:

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  • decreased blood supply to the brain;
  • certain disorders of the central nervous system;
  • is a disorder of serotonin metabolism.

When migraine pain is characterized by high intensity, pulsating nature, localization in one area of ​​the head, with emotional or physical stress, pain is usually increased.

In the treatment of migraine, various analgesics, including combined ones, are used. They help alleviate the ailment, and reduce the duration of seizures. As an additional treatment, drugs are prescribed that improve the metabolism of serotonin, antidepressants and anti-carcinoma. It is recommended to avoid factors that provoke seizures, walk more often outdoors and take special vitamin and mineral complexes.

If the attack occurred suddenly, and there are no necessary drugs at your fingertips, you can take advantage of folk medicine methods that will help to temporarily relieve the pain. These include hot baths( it is necessary to completely immerse the head in water for a few seconds), a contrast shower, applying a wet towel or clothes to the head.

4 Treatment measures

It is especially necessary to start diagnostics and treatment only after occurrence of periodic attacks and intensification of the disease. In the event of an illness, it should be remembered that its causes may not be in any disease, but arise because of the specific conditions of the body( hunger, fatigue, etc.), the menstrual cycle, the characteristics of the external environment, the side effect after taking certain medicinalpreparations.

When treating a problem it is important to establish the root cause of its occurrence. If you do not have one, you can use a number of analgesics and vasoconstrictors.

To cope with bouts of headaches helps massage. If a severe headache occurs, gently massage the whiskey with gentle pressure.

If you have a sharp acute headache, you can attach a towel moistened with warm water with the addition of vinegar to your head.

In the treatment of episodic headaches in people who are not recommended to use medicines( pregnant and lactating women, small children), you can use folk remedies. So, the treatment can be carried out with several slices of lemon, which look at the temples for 10-15 minutes.

The most common cause of pathology in vasospasm. During spasm it is necessary to remove the headdress, weaken the hair and drink about a glass of warm boiled water.

A long way to combat the problem is balm "Asterisk".It must be applied to whiskey. Use this tool must be done with extreme caution, since balm upon contact with the mucous membrane causes a strong negative reaction.

With a very severe headache, fresh beet juice can help to relieve a person's condition. Gadgets with its content are applied to the temples for a few minutes.

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