Strengthening, moisturizing and nourishing masks for weakened hair at home

The causes of hair loss can be many - this and the wrong food, bad ecology, bad habits, intensive use of lacquers or hair gels, drying with a dryer and paints. The result is one - the hair becomes dry, seeded, and sometimes their active loss begins.

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Excellent replacementcostly salon procedures for the treatment of weakened hair - a mask at home. There are three types:

  • strengthening;
  • moisturizing;
  • is nutritious.

And all of them can be done without leaving home and bypassing the minimum of ingredients.

The secret: for improving weakened hair, enter into your diet marine fish, rich in unsaturated fat omega-3( salmon, salmon), green vegetables, whole grains and vitamin preparations - this will greatly accelerate the recovery process.

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Strengthening masks

In the care of weakened curls they are simply irreplaceable. The composition of the strengthening masks includes substances that cause warming of the scalp, which increases the flow of blood to the hair follicles and strengthens the hair, grows better and looks shiny. Champion among masks of this type is a mask with onion juice.

Recipe for onion mask: rub the onion( 1 part) with honey( 5 parts), apply the mass to the hair and leave for half an hour. Wash the mask with lukewarm water.

Burning sensation during the procedure is a normal phenomenon, but if it becomes too strong a mask needs to be washed off.

Warning! Some time after the onion mask, the hair starts to smell with onions when wet, so it's better to plan its use before the weekend!

Also used in strengthening masks - red pepper( ground), ground garlic, pepper oil. They are added in small amounts( no more than 0.5 teaspoon) to any basis - honey, burdock or olive oil - and rubbed into the scalp, then left for 30 minutes and washed off. If any of the ingredients have an allergy - do not use these masks!

Great for strengthening weakened hair at home henna. Its application is simple enough: you can simply color the hair with henna, which is sold in the pharmacy, you can make a number of masks on its basis:

  1. Mix colorless henna( 1 tablespoon) with 1 yolk, olive oil( 1 spoon), honey( 0,5 tablespoons) and cognac( a few drops).Blend the mixture carefully and apply, rubbing on the scalp, and then evenly spread over the entire length of the hair. At the top, insulate with a foil and a towel. Duration - 1 hour.
  2. The bag of henna is diluted with warm water until creamy, rub with 1 yolk and apply to damaged hair. The treatment time is 20 minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo.
  3. Henna( two tablespoons), lemon juice( 2 tablespoons), two yolks and a bit of low-fat cottage cheese. Stir everything and apply on hair for half an hour, then rinse. From above it is better to warm a film and a towel.

Important! Use only colorless henna - it protects hair from staining( especially bright - from henna they can get a wonderful marsh color)!

If desired, you can combine a variety of ingredients with henna: mustard powder, any oil, kefir and whey - which is enough for imagination. And all will strengthen hair, promote hair growth and their health.

Moisturizing Mask

Their task - to moisten with sun dried or using a hair dryer and tortured with endless dyed strands. And the following products perfectly cope with it:

  • kefir, whey, yogurt;
  • aloe;
  • yeast( have a complex effect).

For weakened hair, moisturizing masks are needed in small amounts - 1 time per week is enough, the main emphasis is better on nutrient and firming.

Kefir and sour-milk products should be applied to the hair and left for 30-50 minutes. With repeated use of hair will become stronger and healthier.

For the use of aloe from the plant, remove spines, the leaves are twisted in the meat grinder and voila - the best moisturizing mask is ready! To enhance the effect, you can add egg yolk or yeast, diluted to a creamy condition.

Yeast masks have both a moisturizing and nourishing effect on weakened hair. The principle of their preparation is the following: compressed yeast( diluted) is used as a basis for the mask and auxiliary components are added in them - honey, onion juice, mustard powder, eggs as a whole, and yolk with protein separately. Their only disadvantage - the hair begins to smell like yeast.

Recommendation: adding oil solutions of vitamin A and E will increase the usefulness of any procedure.

Nourishing masks

The space of imagination when preparing nutritional masks for hair at home is unlimited. Virtually any product can energize weakened hair: bananas, pumpkin, honey, mayonnaise, gelatin, eggs. The most effective following masks:

  1. Mayonnaise: crumb 1 rolls of rye bread mixed with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and egg. Stir the mass until smooth and apply to the hair for 30 minutes.
  2. Gelatin: a bag of gelatin 20 g is poured with warm water and left for swelling. After that, injected whipped yolk and a little shampoo, spread the mask along the entire length of the hair, warm it with a film and a towel and hold for 40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water!
  3. Honey masks: as a basis honey is taken, into which auxiliary components are added - egg yolks, various oils( olive, jojoba, coconut), lemon juice.

If there is no time at all - grind 2 bananas with a blender or whip the egg yolk and apply mass on the head for 20 minutes.

Do not forget! Do not leave nourishing masks for the night( except oil), after a certain time they cease to function and only irritate the scalp. Always strictly follow the procedures!

Oil masks

Very effective, easy to manufacture. Suitable for any vegetable oil: olive, coconut, burdock, castor or cedar. It is evenly distributed over the entire length, wrapped with a film and a towel, and left for 1 hour. Or longer, if you do not plan to leave the house, you can go with the oil applied to your head the whole day - you do not need to wrap it up then.

The effect of oil masks is noticeable at once - heavier curls, and if done regularly - then even thicker.

The secret: for the mask to be more effective, before applying, the oil needs to be slightly heated - this will allow beneficial substances to penetrate deeper and better to nourish the hair.

Other useful ingredients can be added to the oil - lemon juice, Aevit vitamins, B6 and B12 oil solutions, honey, egg yolks, ginger. All this will make the procedure more effective. Minus oil masks - they are poorly washed away and very often after them there is a feeling of fatness of hair. Do not get carried away and wash your hair with shampoo "until the squeak" - otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.

The mask of jojoba oil is close in effect to salon hair laminates. It is used in preheated form, because the cold is too thick.

Important! The mask of jojoba oil refers to hot - spend it in the first week after staining, perm permitting is NOT possible!

The decisive blow in the struggle for the health and beauty of the hair

If you try countless recipes, you can not significantly improve the hair condition, an intensive healing mask for very damaged hair will come to the rescue. It includes not quite familiar components of home masks: mumiyo, sulcene paste, "Aevit" and Esvitsin, but they are always in the nearest pharmacy. To do such a mask you need a course: 1-2 times a week, only 15 procedures.

Intensive mask recipe for weakened hair:

  1. One tablet of mummy is dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water.
  2. 1 teaspoon esvitsyna, 3 ml of 1% sulcene paste mixed in prepared mummies. The mixture is mixed until homogeneous.
  3. Add the contents of two Aevita capsules and mix again.
  4. The prepared mass is applied to the scalp and allowed to stand for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off.

The last tip: daily do hair masks is not necessarily the main thing - do them regularly and for a long time, and then the curls will delight your healthy and blooming appearance!

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