Why does the headache in the evening and how is it treated?

1 What causes a headache

Often, the occurrence of headaches can be associated with increased pressure. If a person overstrains or suffers from lack of sleep, then the problem appears in the evenings often enough.

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If you look at the statistics, then the female half of the population is much more likely to suffer from this problem than men.

Headaches can arise not only from these factors. For example, an incorrect lifestyle or frequent stress can in most cases be the cause of this problem. How exactly does pain arise?

Specialists claim that pathology occurs when the brain or muscle membranes are irritated. If there is irritation of blood vessels or thin cranial nerves( these areas have a sufficiently large number of receptors), then a fairly strong headache may occur.

Pathology can arise as a result of neurosurgical changes.

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2 Causes of

pathology As it became clear, a headache at night can arise as a result of the influence of various factors on the human body. At night, the problem can arise as a result of such phenomena:

  • hypotension;
  • hypertension;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

If there is a severe headache in the evening, this may indicate that the person has low blood pressure. This is a fairly common problem that indicates the presence of a disease such as hypotension. In this case, people need to drink drinks that contain caffeine.

If a person has increased intracranial pressure, then this indicates the presence of hypertension. You can eliminate the symptoms of the disease with the help of special medications.

Sometimes a pathology that manifests itself in the evening and is strong enough may be a harbinger of a heart attack or stroke. At this time, brain and myocardial cells die, which causes painful sensations.

If the headaches last more than 2 hours in the evenings - this can be a sign of a histamine disease. Pain is localized on one side of the orbit and has a rather strong character of manifestation. Such seizures can be repeated every day and do not disappear after the use of medications.

Sometimes, evening pain can be associated with diseases of the spine. If a person suffers from sciatica or osteochondrosis, this can be the reason for the frequent occurrence of headaches in the evenings. With such diseases, the nerve fibers are infringed, which affect the vessels and muscle tissues. In this case, there is a violation of the blood supply in the brain, which as a result has not very pleasant consequences. When there is pain in the case of diseases of the spine, they can be accompanied by unpleasant pain in the neck and temples.

Another cause of the problem may be overwork or overexertion. If a person engages in sports and physical exertion, the pain can manifest itself often enough and be clearly pronounced.

Often pathology occurs as a result of stress or depression, which lasts quite a long time.

If a person suffers from the presence of chronic diseases( eg, sinusitis), then the problem can occur quite often.

3 Diabetes mellitus

If you have frequent pain in the evening, it is worth considering that these manifestations may be a symptom of a disease such as diabetes mellitus. It is worth noting that in diabetes mellitus pathology is manifested not only in the evenings, but also throughout the day. Pathology occurs as a result of circulatory failure, the blood vessels are damaged, which leads to severe headaches. Patients with such a disease often complain that the pain has a strong enough and pronounced manifestation. A person suffers from persistent severe pain, which is like a blow to the head. In this case, you need to measure blood pressure.

In diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by persistent pain, it is necessary to consult a specialist, he will help to cope with the symptoms with the help of drugs.


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4 Hormonal disorder and craniocerebral trauma

Frequent headaches in the evenings can occur as a result of hormonal disorders. The problem is accompanied by such symptoms as swelling in the legs or face, painful menstruation, instability in weight, the appearance of stretch marks. These and other signs tell a woman that there were disorders on the hormonal background. If you do not begin to treat such violations in time, it can lead to a number of complications, and in the future also to infertility.

As for craniocerebral injuries, this can also be the cause of the appearance of pathology. Sometimes, with head injuries, some people are not particularly eager to go to medical facilities. Injuries can be harmless to the human body, but in most cases these are serious bruises or concussions, which lead to the onset of pain in humans. Usually, if there is an injury, a small bruise appears on the site of the injury( the size depends on how strong the stroke was), swelling is observed. With such injuries, the pain does not appear immediately, but after a few hours. This is in case the injury is not dangerous in itself. If the bruise was of medium or high severity, then the problem can be manifested not only in the evening, but also when walking or other movements.

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5 Fatigue as the cause of evening headaches

As already noted, the cause of pain can be fatigue or overwork at work. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

If after a visit to the doctor no abnormalities and pathologies are detected, then most likely headaches in the evenings arise from fatigue. From the discomfort help to get rid of a pair of simple tips that positively affect the headaches and contribute to their disappearance.

The problem can arise as a result of a lack of oxygen in the blood, so during work it is necessary to take a few breaths and exhalations that will help saturate the blood with oxygen.

During the working day, the body is under tremendous strain, especially on the shoulder or back. During work, you need to sit and hold your back, this will help relieve tension from the shoulder area.

There are many ways to relieve tension, which will help you relax and get rid of constant headaches. For example, after work, you can take relaxing baths, which relax the muscles of the body.

6 Treatment methods

Headaches should be treated depending on their occurrence. In the treatment of headaches you need to rely only on the appointment and advice of a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, because the pain may occur for various reasons, and to determine what they are themselves from appearing impossible. After examination and examination, a specialist is prescribed the appropriate treatment.

Basically, in order to get rid of the problem in the evening, doctors recommend using analgesics, which belong to a number of non-steroid drugs.

If pain occurs as a result of migraine, the patient is recommended to get rid of the factors that provoke the disease.

If the pathology occurs as a result of increased intracranial pressure, in most cases, trepanation of the skull is performed.

With fatigue and overexertion, you need to get rid of factors that provoke pathology. The patient should relax more, perhaps have to leave for a few days on vacation.

As already noted, everything depends on what is associated with the constant occurrence of pain. If the pain causes serious disorders or illnesses, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. In case of complications, surgical intervention may be necessary.

To prevent various diseases that can cause headaches in the evenings, you need to get rid of all the factors that cause their development.

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