Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatic cancer - herbs, soda, aconite

Oncology of the pancreas in modern medicine is such a disease that is difficult to treat. By its structure, the pancreatic lesion occupies only 8th place among other organs, but it is on the first place in mortality. Experts argue that, most often, any therapy allows only to postpone the lethal outcome. In a situation where classical medicine is powerless, patients turn to people for help.

Popular treatment of pancreatic cancer

Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatic cancer are mainly represented by herbs, plant extracts and tinctures. The bottom line is that the treatment involves proper nutrition, which removes toxins, gives strength, and stops pain in the pancreas.

Official medicine negatively concerns the use of traditional methods of treatment, but, since it can not offer more effective methods, it does not strictly prohibit the use of traditional medicine.

Science knows a large amount of evidence that the experience of several centuries of healing with the help of gifts of nature brings a lot of benefits and at the present stage. Doctors come to the conclusion that the main benefit of folk treatment is to give people hope for recovery.

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Positive attitude is important for confronting the disease, for overcoming depressive conditions, overcoming the depression, characteristic for cancer patients. It must be understood that traditional medicine must necessarily be accompanied by traditional treatment. Many recommendations are an excellent assistant on the road to recovery, but to rely only on them and ignore the advice and appointment of an oncologist is meaningless. For example, the pain is better to stop with medicines, and the medicinal decoctions will be a good way to cleanse the body.

Folk techniques have a huge number of variations, but some of them are considered to be the most effective. In nontraditional medicine, even poisonous plants are often used, because in the right doses, the poison can have a curative effect - so the recipes of the means with the addition of potato flowers, celandine, wormwood and bleached are used. These poisonous plants in the composition of drugs can lead to the death of cancer cells.

Herbs in pancreatic cancer

Doctors, and patients themselves, must closely monitor the first disturbances in the pancreas, as long-term abnormalities in digestion, periodic pain, anorexia, rapid satiety, tobacco aversion, coffee can indicate a disease. These changes usually do not pass six or more months until late diagnosis of oncology occurs. It is at this time and will be effective herbs for pancreatic cancer, and the patient needs to be engaged in correcting the diet, phytotherapy and conduct the diagnosis of the organism.

A wonderful folk remedy is a tincture of a golden mustache plant. You will need to take the stem and grind it, then place it in a container of glass, preferably a dark shade, and pour alcohol in equal proportions. Herbal tincture is placed in a cold place and subsequently filtered. Drink the product should be a teaspoon after each meal.

Treatment of pancreatic cancer with

soda This drug is the worst enemy of the pharmaceutical industry - that's what Serbian specialists think and refuse to use it for therapeutic purposes.

In fact, bicarbonate soda, which women add to baking, can carry oxygen. And, as is known, the abundance of oxygen does not allow the formation of cancer cells. Soda removes uric acid from the kidneys, prevents infectious damage to the organs of the genitourinary system and helps the pancreas to produce insulin.

In case of severe pancreatic damage, the treatment of cancer with soda is carried out as follows: the drug must be mixed with molasses, maple syrup and honey, stored in a refrigerator and consumed every day. Three parts of honey are added one part of the soda and the mixture is heated on the stove. The course of taking this folk remedy lasts two weeks.

Aconite in pancreatic cancer

Aconite in pancreatic cancer has been used since ancient times. Aconite itself is a perennial medicinal plant, numbering about 300 species.

This plant produces chemicals - alkaloids are potent plant poisons, thanks to which plants exude a characteristic aroma similar to the smell of celery or horseradish.

If we talk about the tincture from it, then the use of the poison of this herb even in homeopathy is considered a great risk, because to obtain and consolidate the results it will be necessary to take this folk remedy for a long time, starting from the minimum dosage, and gradually increasing it to increase the saturation threshold, which is differentindividually for each patient. Thus, officially aconite is not included in the approved treatment regimen for pancreatic cancer and other severe lesions of this organ.

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