Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar at home, tar candles and ointments, benefit and harm, how to treat?

Alternative medicine for a long time copes even with serious diseases. Hemorrhoids is no exception. Hemorrhoids can be cured with tar. Based on this substance, you can prepare ointments and other products. It should be remembered that before using any folk remedies, it is best to first visit a doctor and get a diagnosis.

Wood tar with hemorrhoids eliminates:

  • Acute pain;
  • Itching;
  • Bleeding;
  • Infection.

In addition, it promotes the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, relieves stress that arose after the onset of the inflammatory process.

Application of tar for hemorrhoids

People who have experienced the first symptoms of hemorrhoids should immediately begin to fight them. Most of the sick people hesitate to visit the doctor, but the treatment of hemorrhoids with tar is best to begin after determining the form and stage of the disease. This is necessary in order to choose a way to combat cavernous formations.

With internal hemorrhoids, it is best to use tar in. To do this:

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  • In a 150-gram beaker, pour in the milk and drip 1 drop of wood tar;
  • On the 2nd day the number of drops increases by 1;
  • Every subsequent day, the number of drops also increases one by one for 10 days;
  • From 11 days, the number of drops should be reduced by one and continue until the 2 drops per 150 milliliters of milk remain.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with tar at home makes it possible to normalize blood circulation and remove toxins and toxins. In 80% of cases the disease passes completely.

For internal use, tar oil is suitable. To prepare it follows:

  • 500 grams of resin is poured into 4 liters of filtered water;
  • After thorough mixing, the container is closed with a lid for 2 days;
  • Two days later the foam is removed from the infusion;
  • Water is poured into a glass bottle;
  • Take tar water should be before breakfast to 100 grams.

For internal hemorrhoids, tampons can be used. To do this:

  • Make a tampon from the gauze bandage;
  • Bint is treated with tar and ointment Vishnevsky;
  • The tampon is placed before bedtime.

After 3-4 days, the swelling will be eliminated, and the pain disappears. To enhance the healing effect, treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar is better combined with other means. You can use candles, if they are difficult to insert into the rectum, then the anus is smeared with petroleum jelly. Patients who do not want to make candles independently should visit the pharmacy, where ready-made dosage forms are sold.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with tar

Treatment with birch tar at home allows you to get rid of external hemorrhoids. Most patients prefer to use sedentary baths. To proceed to the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a solution:

  • 2 drops of boiled water are added with 5 drops of tar;
  • After thorough stirring, you can proceed to the procedure;
  • Venous plexus should be completely immersed in water for 3-5 minutes.

In the event that the patient experiences severe burning, instead of tar it is recommended to use 100 grams of birch leaves.

External hemorrhoids can be eliminated with steam trays. To perform the procedure it is necessary: ​​

  • Heat brick on fire;
  • Place hot bricks on the bottom of the metal container;
  • 4 drops of birch resin drip onto the surface of the brick;
  • When steam appears, the container is covered with a lid with a small hole;
  • The patient is placed above the container in this way. To steam fell on cavernous formations.

In case of severe burning, the procedure is stopped until the brick has cooled slightly. Steam baths should be taken for 5 days.

Knowing how to treat hemorrhoids with such a folk remedy, a person can quickly cope with the problem. It is important to remember that any, even a safe substance can have contraindications.

Benefits and harm from tar for hemorrhoids

Birch tar in the treatment of hemorrhoids can bring not only good, but also harm. In case of an overdose, the patient may develop intoxication. There is also an allergic intolerance to the substance.

Lubrication of the hemorrhoids may cause severe irritation. In this case, burning occurs. If a chemical burn occurs, seek medical help immediately.

Treatment should be stopped if the skin has redness or a rash. Failure to follow instructions will cause complications that can not be eliminated at home.

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