How to treat without surgery the polyp of the cavity and cervix: homeopathy and other medicines

The endometrial and cervical polyposis looks like a small outgrowth similar to a fungus, and results from hyperplastic changes in the endometrium. The danger of polyposis is the possibility of malignancy, but this happens in 1-2 patients out of a hundred.

Polyposis growths in the uterus and the cervix can appear in any patient 11 years of age or older, however, this disease is especially common in 40-50-year-old women shortly before the onset of the menopausal period.

What causes polyps to grow?

Polyposis sprouting does not exceed 30 mm, but more often there are growths not more than a centimeter in diameter.

There is no definitive and only correct answer to the question about the causes of polyposis.

Although it was possible to reveal that the formation of polyps is affected by hormonal imbalance with the predominance of estrogen hormones, which stimulate the active appearance of endometrial cellular structures in the first 2 weeks of the cycle.

Hormonal imbalance occurs against the backdrop of nervous and endocrine disorders and disorders.

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In addition, polyps are due to:

  • Mechanical damages received by the patient with gynecologic curettage, abortion, when installing intrauterine spirals, etc.;
  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system such as vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis arising on the background of STDs and other pathologies;
  • Systemic pathologies, for example, thyroid disease, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

Often polyposis is a consequence of other gynecological pathologies such as fibromyoma, adenomyosis, ovarian polycystosis, hyperplastic changes in glandular uterine membrane, mastopathy, etc.

Treatment of body and neck polypsthe uterus without the aid of surgery?

Conservative treatment of endometrial and cervical polyps is allowed only in special clinical cases:

  1. When any surgical interventions are contraindicated;
  2. If the patient herself is strongly opposed to surgery.

Otherwise, refusal from surgical intervention of treatment of polyps of the uterus can lead to the development of complications such as polyp necrosis, its malignancy, painful sexual intercourse and pain manifestations in the lower abdomen.

Medical treatment

The main goal of drug therapy for polyps of the uterus is suppression of further processes of proliferation of mucous tissues of the uterine body.

As a result, the growth of polyps stops, the severity of symptoms decreases, and the probability of pathological bleeding is minimized.

In general, drug therapy for uterine polyps is based on the use of such drug groups as:

  • COC or oral combination contraceptives;
  • GnRH agonists;
  • Progestogen;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Preparations based on iron;
  • Biological active additives and vitamin complexes.

Oral contraceptive drugs are shown to patients in the age of active reproductive abilities. In addition, the reception of such funds is often prescribed to very young adolescent patients who have problems with the regularity of menstruation.

COC administration is effective only for glandular-cystic and glandular structure of polyposis sprouting.

Preparations of the COC group are sometimes used for hormone-haemostatic therapy( hormonal hemostasis).This therapeutic technique is aimed at stopping uterine bleeding by affecting the female body with hormonal drugs. Usually a similar technique is shown only to young 18-30-year-old patients.

Thanks to a similar approach with sudden serious bleeding, you can do without gynecological curettage. Usually, the drugs take several tablets during the day, gradually reducing the dosage to the standard rate. This treatment lasts 3 weeks.

More often for hormonal hemostasis drugs like Regividona or Regulon, Zhanin or Yarina are used.

Often, polypous uterine formations are treated with drugs from the GnRH agonist group. Such therapy is applicable to patients older than 35 years of age, as well as to women in menopause. The course of taking medications is quite long, from three months to six months.

Usually used drugs like Buserelin, Diferelin, Decapeptil or Lykrin, etc. The use of such medications is justified with total hyperplastic changes in endometrial tissues, although they are used in focal hyperplasia.

Another group of drugs effective against polyposis is gestagen. The active substance of these medicines is progesterone. Such preparations include Utrozhestan or Dufaston, which are taken in the second half of the cycle.

The duration of treatment is at least 3-6 months. This treatment restores normal endocrine activity and provides a haemostatic effect.

Antibiotic group preparations are indicated in cases when the causes of polyposis sprouting are caused by sexual infections or low-tidal inflammations. If the polyps differ mixed etiology, then first an infectious-inflammatory focus is eliminated, and then hormonal treatment is prescribed.

The most frequently used antibiotics are Ornidazole, Doxycycline, Tinidazole, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, etc.

This therapy lasts for up to 4-6 months. Along with iron, with frequent blood loss, patients with polyposis need vitamins and supplements that will strengthen immunity and speed recovery.


The homeopathic approach to the treatment of uterine polyposis is based on the use of substances that have caused the formation of proliferation.

Usually such a technique is used when no other methods help, and remote polyps constantly recur.

Homeopathic therapy requires strict adherence to medical recommendations and constant monitoring of the patient's condition.

In addition, homeopathy is a long time, so it takes a long time. The doctor individually selects the right treatment for each individual patient.

If homeopathic treatment is chosen competently, the result will be a complete cure without complications and relapses in the future.

The advantage of homeopathy in uterine polyps is the fact that homeopathic remedies do not belong to expensive medications, they do not provoke allergic reactions, resistance and addiction.

And in some cases, homeopathy is an alternative to surgical intervention.

How to remove polyposis without surgery?

Chinese tampons have become quite popular today in the treatment of uterine polyps. Typically, for course treatment, 10-12 tampons are enough, which contain broad-spectrum plant components.

According to the manufacturers, as a result of the use of tampons, hormonal balance is restored, infectious processes are eliminated, existing polyps are carefully destroyed and new proliferation is prevented.

Hirudotherapy and physiotherapy methods are used in the treatment of uterine polyps. Among the latter can be identified:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Electro-stimulating therapy.

Sometimes these techniques help to reduce the severity of symptoms, however, they are not able to cure polyposis completely. And with the adenomatous nature of the polyposis, the physiotherapy approach can provoke the malignant processes. Therefore, the effectiveness of physiotherapy of uterine polyps causes strong doubts.

It is necessary to address specialists already at the first signs of pathological changes in the body, then the treatment will be simpler, and recovery will be quick. If conservative methods are powerless, the polyps are removed surgically.

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