Gastritis hyperacid: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric shell, in which its strong irritation develops, erosion, which can eventually lead to an ulcer. There are several different types of this disease, the most common is hyperacid gastritis. It is worthwhile to consider in more detail what this form of the disease is.

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What is it?

A hyperacid form is called gastritis with increased acidity. This form of the disease is the most common, cases with low acidity, hypoacid gastritis, are less common. It is on the hyperacid gastritis that most of the cases of inflammatory disease of the gastric shell occur.

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To develop this disease at any age, there are several factors that can lead to pathology. In this case, often all the symptoms of the disease are ignored until it goes into a fairly severe form, various complications do not begin to develop.

  1. This disease is usually caused by malnutrition, very often it develops in schoolchildren and students who tend to skip full meals or snack heavy food for the digestive tract.
  2. In addition, the development of the disease is usually affected by the presence of a particular bacterium, which contributes to the onset of inflammation, erosion.

Antral hyperacid gastritis, the occurrence of which is due to the presence of a specific bacterium that provokes the inflammatory process, is considered to be the most common types of this disease.

Acute form without timely treatment can go to chronic hyperacid gastritis, which often requires constant supervision by a specialist. With chronic gastritis, if there is no permanent therapy, severe exacerbations will occur. As a result, this disease can lead to ulcers and other serious disorders of the digestive tract, the stomach in particular.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of inflammatory disease usually occur gradually. Usually people with gastritis begin to worry about pain in the stomach, maybe too much appetite or vice versa, its absence. With the development of pathology, the usual volumes of food can begin to cause unpleasant sensations, severity after eating.

Also, with gastritis, nausea can occur after eating, sometimes a swelling, unpleasant sensation. For the hyperacid form is also characterized by a pronounced, often painful heartburn. At the same time to put the correct diagnosis exclusively on the symptoms is extremely difficult, it is necessary to have a full examination.

In addition, advise to pay attention to the color of the language. At the form of disease with high acidity, it often forms a yellow coating, often there are attacks of acidic eructation.

Important! If you have any signs of this disease, you should consult a doctor - a gastroenterologist.

Complications of

Without timely treatment, hyperacid gastritis can lead to many serious complications, many of which can significantly affect normal activity and lifestyle.

The most common complication of this disease is the occurrence of erosion, ulcers, when the mucous membrane of the organ is so damaged. This condition can easily develop if for a long time to ignore the symptoms of the disease. Ulcer and severe forms of gastritis can lead to hospitalization.

Treatment of

With hyperacid gastritis many different methods and techniques are used, the treatment plan depends on whether there is a bacterium in the stomach that provokes the development of the disease. If the inflammatory process develops precisely because of its effects, therapy is chosen with the help of antibiotics, this is the main type of medication that is necessary in this case.

Antibiotics are not prescribed if the cause of the development of the disease in another. In any case, a number of other drugs are selected. Usually, for the treatment of gastritis, agents that neutralize the action of acid are used. They literally cover the gastric mucosa with a film, not allowing the acid to further destroy the surface of the stomach.

Important! Therapeutics for this disease can be chosen exclusively by the attending physician, in case of gastritis, one should not resort to self-medication.


With gastritis, the right diet is very important. It will help not to burden the stomach, it must be observed not only with exacerbation, but in chronic form, in order to prevent deterioration and further development of the disease. Without a diet, any treatment can be useless.

  1. With gastritis, foods with a high acid content, fatty foods that are difficult to digest, are usually excluded.
  2. All food for this disease is advised to cook for a couple, avoid a lot of meat.
  3. All products that can affect acidity must be eliminated. In general, this disease requires a light healthy diet that will help restore digestion.
  4. It is also commonly advised to avoid spices and spices that can irritate the digestive tract.
  5. Completely banned any marinades and pickles, some sweets, chocolate.
  6. Of beverages, fatty dairy products, alcoholic beverages, carbonated water must be completely excluded.

Preference for gastritis should be given to vegetables and low-fat meat sorts, steamed, in some cases, you can cook or bake. The best drinks will be various herbal teas, restoring the digestive tract, and gastritis is also not advised to drink coffee often, especially strong.

Diet for this disease can be adjusted depending on other features of the pathology. With the development of complications of the inflammatory process in the stomach, other nutritional restrictions may be required.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is usually possible to supplement the basic treatment of the disease with various folk remedies. It is worth remembering that it will not work out completely with the help of folk remedies. Usually they are effective for maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive tract, for lowering the acidity of the stomach.

Usually in this disease various herbal preparations are useful. The most useful and easy to prepare chamomile.

  1. Dried grass can be bought in a pharmacy, a tablespoon of the plant is filled with a glass of boiling water, insist for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Then drink half a cup several times a day before eating.

Chamomile can soothe mucous and relieve inflammation.

In addition, herbal collections based on tansy, valerian, mint, marsh aura are also useful. Based on the data of herbs in the pharmacy, you can purchase various fees that help fight inflammation of the gastric mucosa. You should not treat folk remedies, if the herbs are allergic. If complications develop against the background of gastritis, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor separately about folk remedies.

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