If there were no difficulties with sleep earlier, do not be surprised that they will appear during pregnancy. On average, pregnant women sleep at night less than usual, and with the approach of delivery more than half claim that they sleep very badly.
The manifestation of insomnia at different stages of pregnancy
First trimester
Insomnia in early pregnancy is a common phenomenon, which can explain only hormonal changes in the whole organism.
Usually a woman feels very tired, and the blame for everything is the huge amount of the hormone progesterone.
Feeling insane fatigue, the expectant mother can sleep anywhere and anytime during the day. A similar failure in the mode of the day and leads to a disturbance of sleep at night. So it turns out that, having had a good night's sleep, the woman does not want to sleep at night.
There are several other reasons that contribute to the appearance of insomnia. The future mother very often experiences emotional instability and irritability. She may have signs of depression, a woman may fear for the health of a baby's future, fear of premature birth or miscarriage.
Depressive symptoms may occur on the background of an unplanned pregnancy or financial problems.
As a result of the growth of the uterus, there is pressure on the bladder, which leads to another significant problem with sleep - rapid urination. Gradually, the problem itself will go away when the uterus rises in the second trimester, but will return to the end of the third - before giving birth.
Trimester second
For most expectant mothers, 4-6 months of pregnancy is a golden time, when gradually the body adapts to its position. This applies to sleep, and it gradually returns to normal.
Third trimester
Insomnia returns in the third trimester, usually at 32, 36-39 weeks of gestation.
A woman is tired more quickly, she has shortness of breath and sleeps worse. The abdomen is growing and in direct proportion to it the problem with sleep is growing.
The growing uterus presses not only on the lungs, but also on the bladder. It is necessary to get up more often in a toilet, and as soon as you hardly fall asleep, it is necessary to rise again.
Heartburn can also interfere with a restful sleep, and the whole reason is a large stomach that presses on the surrounding organs.
On the back you can sleep in the first months, and closer to the end of the second and third trimesters is not recommended. A growing uterus during sleep on the stomach transmits a hollow vein, which adversely affects the unborn child. And mother herself can feel dizzy and lack of air, lying on her back.
Types of insomnia
During pregnancy, insomnia is divided into 3 types:
- Start insomnia - when it is difficult to sleep, for hours tossing and analyzing the past day. The person reflects on the upcoming affairs and hardly falls asleep.
- The second variant is that there is no possibility of keeping sleep during the night. Constantly waking up at night, a woman can not sleep long until the morning, so does not feel rested.
- The third kind - when waking up quite early in the morning, you can not fall asleep again.
A cerebral cortex is a very dangerous and serious disease, which is most often seen in childhood.
Everyone knows that any medications are contraindicated to pregnant women, so it will be interesting to read an article describing the treatment of neuropathic pain with folk remedies.
Causes of
In the beginning of pregnancy in insomnia, all the fault is progesterone and other hormones.
Gradually increasing, hormones prepare the future mother for hard work - bearing a child, not giving her a minute to rest. And with every new week of pregnancy there are more reasons for restless sleep.
In addition, some physiological and psychological reasons can become prerequisites for sleepless nights.
These include:
- frequent trips to the toilet due to pressure of the uterus on the bladder;
- difficulty in finding a comfortable sleep position;
- fetal movement;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- malfunctions in the digestive system, especially heartburn;
- shortness of breath, especially when the uterus propped up the lungs;
- itching in the abdomen due to stretching;
- leg cramps;
- is chronic fatigue;
- stress and overstrain;
- nightmares.
How to deal with insomnia?
It is difficult to overcome insomnia, but it is possible. Each woman's situation with the bearing of the child is individual, therefore, the methods of fighting insomnia are also personal.
What can be called the best remedy for insomnia during pregnancy? As such, it is not, after all, many medicines are contraindicated for future mothers, but a whole complex of measures comes to the aid, observing which, the problem with sleepless nights is likely to be solved.
During the day:
The main condition for a good sleep is the good mood of the future mother, so it is very important to protect it from all kinds of worries and worries. It is better to devote more time to walking and doing something you love.
- Do not overload yourself, because the forces of the future mother will still be very useful.
- If possible, it is better to give up sleep or at least reduce its period.
- If a woman is tormented by nightmares or she is very worried about something, she must necessarily talk about them with her loved ones. Having discussed her problems, the future mother will become easier and she will understand that in reality the reasons for her fear are not grounded.
- The bed is a place for rest and sleep. Do not lie down to read, watch TV or talk on the phone. The body must get used to the bed only to sleep.
- Walking, swimming and even if possible to dance( the latter depending on the state of health and the gestation period) are daily exercises that will help normalize the night rest.
In the evening
For a couple of hours before bedtime, the expectant mother should get ready for bed. It will be useful to take a walk in the fresh air, if of course the weather conditions allow.
You can listen to your favorite music or spend an evening in the company of family and friends, who are sure to surround with care and warmth.
In addition, to avoid problems with sleep, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:
- You do not need to assign serious business to the second half of the day.
- If possible, avoid stressful situations and stormy discussions. Disconnect the phone and do not look at the night thrillers, horror and action movies.
- Before going to bed, it is better not to eat up heavy food, but eat something light or drink a cup of warm milk.
- Tea with chamomile will help to calm down and fall asleep.
- Drink should be confined before bedtime. Then, and frequent urination, and swelling of the future mother does not threaten.
- Calm sleep is favored by a warm bath( not hot!), But in general a better shower. Pregnant, especially in the first months do not recommend taking a bath. But if there are no prerequisites for a problem pregnancy, why not.
- It is better to refuse coffee and strong green tea.
- To eliminate itching on the abdomen, the skin can be lubricated with a special lotion for softening.
- Massage will help relieve fatigue in the legs and back. A new method of acupressure shiatsu - a great way to relieve tension.
- If, after sex, tends to sleep and there are no contraindications to it, why not do it?
To date, perinatal encephalopathy in children is one of the most dangerous and most common complications after childbirth.
Very often, a companion of this diagnosis is tremor in newborns. What this is the article will tell.
All experiences leave an imprint on the psycho-emotional state of the future mommy, so sometimes there is a nervous tic of the eye during pregnancy. How to treat it we learn here http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /nevralgija/ nervnyj-tik-glaza-prichiny-vozniknoveniya-i-lechenie.html.
At night:
In the event that all ways of preparing for bed have been fulfilled and the expectant mother is already in bed, what should she do if insomnia does not go away?
- The bedroom should be cool and well-ventilated.
- Nightwear should be made from natural knitted materials.
- Bedding, including a mattress, should be comfortable for sleeping.
- In later terms, you should stock up on a large number of pillows, orthopedic or conventional. They can be put under your stomach or under your feet, depending on your needs. If you put a pillow under your head, you can rid yourself of heartburn. After the birth of the baby, they can be used during feeding.
- You should look for a comfortable sleep position. On the stomach for a long time you will not be able to sleep. During pregnancy, the abdomen will interfere, and after giving birth, the breast will cause the refusal of the beloved posture( only in case of breastfeeding).
- It is also not recommended to sleep on the back, as the blood supply worsens - as a result of squeezing the inferior vena cava, the pregnant woman may lose consciousness, and the child will suffer from a lack of oxygen. But the dream on the left side is the most optimal for the mother and her unborn child, since it helps to increase the blood flow in the uterus.
- Calm and even breathing helps to speed up falling asleep.
- Aromatherapy is another way to improve night sleep. For example, lavender oil can be useful not only in the bathroom, but also in bed.
- Reading a book, watching your favorite magazine, knitting - all this under quiet music will help you to fall asleep quickly. Feeling the approach of sleep, you should immediately move to bed.
During pregnancy, like any medicine, it is better not to take sleeping pills. Especially doctors do not recommend taking sleeping pills at the beginning of pregnancy, when the baby is being formed and growing. And in the future without a good reason for the future mother to recommend them, too, will not.
Folk remedies for insomnia for pregnant women
People's prescriptions can help to get rid of insomnia, but they can not be used without consulting their doctor, as well as being overly addicted to them.
It should be remembered that any substances that enter the body of the mother, inevitably get to the child through the umbilical cord.
Folk medicine offers the following recipes for fighting insomnia:
- mix 1 tbsp. Spoon the honey in a glass of warm water and take half before you fall asleep.
- if you mix honey with a cranberry berry 1: 1 and drink a mixture of 1 tbsp.spoon for half an hour before a meal, you can quickly calm down and fall asleep;
- mixture of herbs: oregano and valerian in a proportion of 2: 1 pour 1/3 cup of boiling water and cook over low heat, then insist 1 hour and drink before going to bed.
Insomnia during pregnancy is a kind of training before giving birth and caring for a newborn baby. Do not despair, everything will soon go away and sleep normalizes.