Giardiasis in women during pregnancy - symptoms and treatment, what is dangerous lamblia in the vagina?

Infectious diseases caused by parasitism of lamblia( pictured), can proceed in different ways. The intensity of the course of the disease is affected by several factors. This can be the age of the patient and even the sex of the infected person. For example, giardiasis in women, as a rule, is hidden in the first stages. But as the infection progresses, more vivid symptoms appear. If an adult male can be a carrier of giardias and without experiencing any pathological processes, giardiasis in pregnant women is a dangerous phenomenon, even if it does not cause any apparent physiological discomfort. That is why it is so important to know what symptoms lamblia has in women, what changes it can lead to during pregnancy.

The main cause of female giardiasis is infection by the simplest unicellular microorganisms. There are several ways of infection:

  1. Non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Ljamblii in an organism of the woman get through a mouth, through dirty hands, the use of unwashed vegetables and fruit, drinking of not boiled water. The source of infection can be an infected person. In the vagina, the simplest flagellar parasites can get into unprotected sex. During pregnancy there is a large-scale hormonal reorganization. Its main symptom is a decrease in immunity. And this, too, is a significant risk, which forms the most favorable conditions for infection with Giardia.

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That's why all pregnant women are urged to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, to abstain for the period of carrying the child from swimming in public pools, in open natural reservoirs filled with standing water. It is there that there is the greatest probability of having unicellular parasites. In order to react in time to respond in time and take all the measures to preserve their own health and the health of the unborn child, it is important to know what symptoms giardiasis in women has.

Symptoms of Giardiasis in Women

In the early stages of infection, during the incubation period and the course of the acute phase of giardiasis in many women, the carriage proceeds without any visible symptoms. The first signs appear only when the amount of giardia in the intestine increases markedly( the density of the colony is able to be one million microorganisms per square centimeter of the small intestine mucosa).Since unicellular flagellate microorganisms parasitize mainly in the upper parts of the duodenum, the symptoms of infection are associated with pathological processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Any woman may be disturbed by:

  1. Diarrhea( a loose stool does not have any admixtures of blood, but it smells very unpleasant).
  2. Minor increase in temperature( up to 37-37.5 degrees).
  3. Skin manifestations( an itchy rash on the body that resembles hives, or atopic dermatitis).Atopic dermatitis is another symptom that appears with giardiasis in those pregnant women who have a tendency to develop allergies.
  4. General malaise( fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite).
  5. Itching in the vagina.

If during pregnancy a woman complains of an unstable chair( alternating diarrhea and constipation), the presence of increased gas formation, pain in the right upper quadrant, this is an occasion to suspect chronic giardiasis. In this case, when performing ultrasound, dyskinesia of the bile ducts and a slight increase in the liver are detected.

Chronic form of giardiasis in women during pregnancy is often accompanied by neurologic symptoms( headaches, mild dizziness, nausea and vomiting) and symptoms of general intoxication. If one or two of the above manifestations are found, there is an occasion to seek medical help. If you ignore the fact of infection, the condition of the woman will only worsen. Parasitization of the simplest flagellate microorganisms is dangerous for the fetus. In the active phase, the absorption processes of the nutrients necessary for the mother and her future baby are violated. In addition, lamblia contribute to reducing the number of red blood cells in the blood. This phenomenon leads to insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Features of the treatment of giardiasis in women

When confirming the diagnosis, women, like men, are prescribed therapy consisting of several stages:

  • At the first stage, preparations are made for the elimination of Giardia, elimination of concomitant symptoms, improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, correction of the immune system. To implement such events, those who are in the situation, the emphasis is on adherence to a special diet. With the help of it, the load on the intestine decreases, conditions are formed that are unfavorable for the vital activity of the simplest flagellum microorganisms. Throughout the course of treatment, each woman should take enterosorbents and antihistamines. Pregnant pills are selected in a strictly individual order, taking into account the timing of the future mother.
  • In the second stage, antiparasitic drugs are treated. The choice of medicines here is carried out with extreme caution, since many agents are highly toxic. Duration of courses of admission and dosage of funds is chosen taking into account existing symptoms, patient's age, other features of the organism.
  • In the third stage, the treatment of giardiasis in pregnant women is reduced to restorative therapy. It is aimed at strengthening immunity.

Usually giardiasis in women proceeds just as well as in men, there are no special differences during infection. Can I get pregnant during giardiasis? Can. If the simplest flagellar microorganisms do not parasitize in the urogenital system. The future mummy should be especially careful of itself, therefore, measures for the prevention of possible infection will not be superfluous. Do lamblias are passed from mother to child? Of course! The contact and household way of infection is the most common way of transmission of the described infection.

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