Medical embolism: diagnosis, prevention and first aid

Any medical manipulation requires strict adherence to prescriptions. Even such a simple action as an intramuscular injection can lead to dangerous complications, which often end in a lethal outcome. One of such complications is drug embolism.

Features of the ailment

Medication embolism refers to obstruction of vessels with drug solutions. The condition is dangerous in that it can lead to a lethal outcome due to untimely diagnosis and the dropping of oil droplets into the pulmonary arteries.

Medical embolism( photo)

Classification of

Accurate classification of drug embolism is absent, however, it can be conditionally divided into the location of the occlusion of the vessel. The fact is that the oil, getting into the bloodstream, can be transferred to other organs, for example:

  1. is light;
  2. to the brain;
  3. of the liver;

And very rarely to other organs. Most often, it is localized at the site of the injection.

Causes of

The main and only cause of drug embolism is a violation of the technique of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.

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If the needle enters the vessel, the oily solution may clog the artery, which leads to a disruption in the blood supply to the area and necrosis. Often this situation occurs when the injection is made into the infiltrate formed in the area of ​​the previous injection. The risk factors for oily embolism include:

  1. administration of an unheated r-ra;
  2. too rapid injection;
  3. violation of asepsis rules;

Let's talk about the signs of oily embolism next.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Symptoms of

Symptomatic largely depends on the site of blockage of the vessel. If the oil droplet gets into the bloodstream in the pulmonary vessels, the patient develops pronounced symptoms like:

  1. suffocation;
  2. cough;
  3. cyanosis of the upper half of the body;
  4. strong sense of restraint in the chest;

Most often in the early stages of the disease may manifest itself poorly: pain at the injection site. And only after the development of necrosis there are sharp signs like edema, cyanosis of the skin, increase in local and general temperatures.

Diagnosis of

The diagnosis of embolism is complicated by the fact that it is not always possible to relate the symptoms to this form of embolism, so differential diagnosis is performed with them( PE, and others), as well as with infarction and drug idiosyncrasy. As a primary diagnosis, standard methods of collecting anamnesis and examination, in particular injection sites, are used, which suggests the cause of the embolism.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must undergo additional studies, for example:

  • Common blood and urine anthrax, helping to identify comorbidities and possible causes of the patient's condition.
  • Biochemical an-z of blood, aimed at identifying additional risk factors.
  • Radiography and ultrasound to identify the presence of blockage of blood vessels.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease( drug embolism), other studies, such as ECG or MRI, may be prescribed.

Treatment of

Treatment of medical oily embolism is aimed at eliminating obstruction of blood vessels and restoring normal blood circulation in tissues. For this, drug therapy is used, in rare cases, an operation is prescribed.

It is strictly forbidden to treat oil embolism with folk remedies, as this is guaranteed to lead to death. Folk remedies can be used after a conservative treatment to restore the body.

First aid for medical embolism

First aid is needed for patients with acute conditions, for example, when breathing stops or fainting. First you need to call an ambulance, and before her arrival:

  1. put the patient on a flat surface;
  2. release him from tight clothes;
  3. to carry out resuscitation measures to restore breathing before the arrival of doctors;

Follow-up assistance is to accurately transport the patient to the hospital. To do this, use a stretcher.

Therapeutic method

During therapeutic treatment, the patient is shown a calm and a strict diet. If a patient enters a hospital with an acute condition, oxygenotherapy is administered through the nasal catheters.

If oxygen therapy proves to be ineffective, respiratory therapy with PaO2 support above 70 mm Hg is performed. Art.and SrO2 at the level of 90-98%.

Medical method

Drug treatment depends on the symptomatology and location of the sealed vessel. Basically, such drugs are prescribed:

  • Analgesics to lower the temperature.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Sedation therapy.

Other medicines are often used, for example, diuretics.


The operation is shown at the advanced stages, when the drug can not be eliminated by a medicamentous method.

Also, surgical intervention may be needed to eliminate the effects of pathology. Thus, with tissue necrosis, surgical removal is indicated.


The main prevention of medical oily embolism is the competent selection of areas for subcutaneous and muscle injections, as well as compliance with instructions for preparations( it is forbidden to prick oil solutions into a vein). Introduce drugs subcutaneously better in:

  1. outer surface of the shoulder;
  2. lower part of the armpit area;
  3. lateral surface of the abdominal wall;
  4. in front of the thigh;
  5. subscaped space;

In these places, first fold the skin, and then inject. Intramuscular injection is better in the area of ​​the gluteus muscles, it is also possible in the muscle of the anterior femoral surface or deltoid. It is not recommended to carry out injections independently, because it is so difficult to control the process of administration. It is better to use the help of medical personnel or close people with at least minimal knowledge about injections.

It is also worth observing the minimum rules:

  1. disinfect the area of ​​the injection and tools;
  2. use a needle at least 6 cm;

As a preventive measure, you can recommend regular observation by a doctor and the passage of preventive examinations, which helps to detect diseases in the early stages and in some cases avoid the appointment of oily preparations.

Complications of

Medical embolism is a complication of injections, therefore it is not advisable to say that it leads to complications. In the absence of competent treatment, embolism leads to serious violations of the blood supply, which affects all organs, internal bleeding can develop, extensive tissue necrosis, and the risk of thrombosis increases.

On the prognosis and possible outcome of drug embolism, read on.


Forecast of drug embolism is assessed as unfavorable, although cases of death, in comparison with other forms of pathology, are rare. In the conditions of inpatient treatment, most patients can be rehabilitated without further disability.

How to do the injections yourself, so as not to fall victim to oil embolism, the expert in the video will tell the following:

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