Diet in acute pancreatitis, menus during pancreatic exacerbation in adults, after an attack

Currently, the proportion of pancreatic diseases in adults has increased significantly. Especially dangerous is acute pancreatitis. The periods of exacerbation of such a disease pass, in most cases very difficult and often require surgical intervention.

Therapeutic diet and adherence to a certain diet is very important during the treatment of exacerbations of a pancreatic disease such as acute pancreatitis. First and foremost, the diet of acute pancreatitis, especially at times of exacerbation, is aimed at reducing the load on digestion and reducing the enzymatic activity of the patient's pancreas. The basis of therapeutic nutrition and diet is low-calorie, mainly carbohydrate food, rubbed character. Only with the observance of therapeutic nutrition, against the background of drug treatment of acute pancreatitis allows to completely restore the pancreas. And such a curative and strictly balanced diet is used not only during treatment of exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, but also after its termination.

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Also, in the development of the appropriate therapeutic diet, a gradual transition from hunger to therapeutic rational nutrition is important as the normal activity of the pancreas recovers. In the first few days after the onset of an acute exacerbation of acute pancreatitis, the patient is prohibited from eating any food other than still mineral water with a pronounced alkaline effect, such as Borjomi. Starvation, depending on the severity of the process of exacerbation and the general clinical picture of the patient with acute form of pancreatitis, can last up to 20 days. Then, with a gradual normalization of the pancreas functions and calming of an attack of acute pancreatitis, rubbed diet food is added to the therapeutic diet, which mechanically, chemically and thermally acts sparingly on the pancreas. This diet includes 6-8 meals, in small quantities. Food is taken by the patient in a warm form.

To restore pancreatic function at the time of exacerbation of such a disease as acute pancreatitis, the patient is assigned a standard table number 5.At first, it is allowed to eat according to the rubbed version of this therapeutic diet. Then, if all the products are transferred well and new attacks of acute acute pancreatitis do not follow, a non-wiped menu of diet No. 5 is assigned.

From the third day of the diet for a patient with acute pancreatitis, during an exacerbation includes liquid carbohydrate food prepared without salt. Also in this period, in the diet of a patient with exacerbation of such a disease, it is possible to include therapeutic additional nutrition in the form of a small amount of sugar and honey, non-acidic fruit juices, some cranberry juice, broths made from black currant or dogrose. Starting from the fifth day, with the normal functioning of the pancreas and the absence of discomfort in the patient who undergone an exacerbation of such a disease as an acute form of pancreatitis, it is possible to increase the calorie content of the diet and food products to 800 kilocalories per day. And carbohydrate food should be about 200 grams, and protein - 15 grams. From the sixth to the ninth day of the therapeutic diet, the caloric content of the patient's food with acute pancreatitis increases to 1,000 kilocalories( fats - 10 grams, proteins - 50 grams, carbohydrates - 250 grams).After the ninth day of treatment, in the absence of negative reactions from the pancreas of the patient undergoing treatment for exacerbation, within a week, it is possible to increase the caloric content of the therapeutic diet and add protein to food - up to 60 grams, fats to 20 grams, and carbohydrates to 300 grams.

After the completion of medical procedures and restoration of the full operation of the pancreas, observance of medical gentle nutrition is mandatory for 6-12 months. After the aggravation of such a disease, the vitamin content in the food increases, but it is still prepared without salt. Also, after removing an acute attack of pancreatitis, it is necessary to maintain a sparing regimen for the pancreas and to observe the correct combination of foods, it is recommended to adhere to the proportion - proteins -100 grams, fats - 40 grams, and carbohydrates - 450 grams.

Diet and balanced nutrition are also an indispensable condition for relieving exacerbation and complete recovery of pancreas functions, with acute form of pancreatitis, as well as drug therapy.

Menu for acute pancreatitis

Having read all the above recommendations, it can be difficult to accurately determine the list of permissible and categorically prohibited products. To solve this problem in conditions of aftercare at home, an approximate diet menu for acute pancreatitis in adults will be presented below.

Food should be taken often and fractional, so it is advisable to divide the day into six parts:

  • breakfast( oatmeal porridge can be cooked, for example, on milk, in which it is possible to add dried fruits, crackers without any spices, beet salads with apples, fromliquids - tea, which is desirable to drink without sugar, water containing minerals);
  • second breakfast( omelette, which is not added yolks, pudding from cottage cheese, crackers with an allowable liquid);
  • lunch( vegetable or chicken soups without large pieces, boiled as much lean meat or fish, porridge from buckwheat, from the liquid - decoction from rose hips, compote, cooked from dried fruits);
  • snack( a set of products is similar to the second breakfast);
  • dinner( buckwheat or rice porridge, chopped steamed, vegetable puree from carrots or beets);
  • second dinner( crackers with a glass of kefir or mineral water).

Using these and similar products and meals in your own diet menu with acute pancreatitis, everyone can cure an episode of the disease more quickly.

Diet after an attack of acute pancreatitis

Doctors say that after the first episode of inflammation of the pancreas, you can often expect the next. This is due to the fact that patients often forget about the recommendations after recovery. Therefore, a diet after an attack of acute pancreatitis is the main measure of prevention of repeated entry into the hospital.

Such a diet is very similar to food during the episode of the disease itself. The difference is that the product range is wider. It is worth remembering frequent meals with small portions. Also need to exclude a number of products. Alcohol of any strength and color, colored and sweet drinks, coffee should be limited, as well as fats: certain types of fish, fatty pork, lard, offal. You should forget about smoked foods, spices, fried foods. You can not eat some fruits( in particular, figs and dates, bananas and grapes), whole eggs in any form, vegetables( onions, garlic, spinach), mushrooms, confectionery.

Diet No.5 with exacerbation of pancreatitis

There are situations when even with all the recommendations on nutrition, there is a return of the disease. Diet No. 5 during an exacerbation of pancreatitis in this situation is a very important part of the treatment, which is used in parallel with the drug component. Here we return to the most stringent nutrition recommendations, which were highlighted at the beginning of the article: a thorough alleviation of the digestive tract, with the exception of additives that enhance the taste of the dish, fats and a number of other products. You can cook the dishes only for a couple or cook. Consistency should be as homogeneous as possible.

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