Treatment of the pancreas and pancreatitis with oats, how to brew a decoction, how to treat?

Oats are widely used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The pancreas can also be treated with oats. Healing properties of this product, due to its special composition. It is 60% starch. The proportion of fat in it does not exceed 5-8%.It contains a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that helps maintain the immune system in pancreatitis. There are many recipes based on it.

With complex forms of pancreatic disease, this folk method should be combined with drug treatment. It is useful to eat porridge, jelly and broth cooked with oats. However, before using this folk remedy, it is necessary to know in which cases this technique is useful. If a person experiences severe shingles in the upper abdomen, this indicates an inflammatory process in the pancreas. Such painful sensations are small and give in the back. Pancreatitis can be distinguished from a peptic ulcer if this pain is not accompanied by heartburn and eructation.

When treating pancreatitis with oats, a positive result is the use of oat milk. To make it you will need oats in the husks at the rate of 100 grams per liter of liquid. If it is absent, you can use whole wheat. Next, it is thoroughly washed with water, and cooked over low heat for 60 minutes. It is important for 15-20 minutes before the readiness to crush the product into a homogeneous mass and put back on fire. After the broth is ready it must be filtered. The result should be a composition of white. Such milk should be consumed three times per 100 grams per day before each meal. The resulting drink is stored in the refrigerator for two days.

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Oats broth for pancreatitis, how to brew?

Oat broth perfectly helps to treat the pancreas. It is prepared easily. To do this, take one kilogram of oat grains. The selected grains are placed in a container with water. The tare is covered with gauze and left in a warm place. After two days, the seeds should give sprouts. They are washed and ground so that flour is obtained.10-15 grams of flour mixed with 1/3 cup of water and mixed thoroughly. The resulting slurry is diluted with water, brought to a boil, infused for 30 minutes. Take the drug should be fresh in half an hour before meals. Also useful is the jelly from this product. It should be eaten up to three times a day before eating half the glass.

It is important that before the brewing process, the grain is thoroughly processed, since the quality of the prepared broth for the treatment of the pancreas depends on this. There are many ways of cooking. It is easy to brew in a water bath. To prepare such a drink you need to fill a glass of oats with a liter of boiled water. The resulting mass is boiled for 30 minutes. After the composition has cooled it can be taken four times a day before meals. Oats for pancreatitis can also be prepared using milk. To do this, 250 grams of the product must be filled with one liter of boiling water. The mixture should be cooked over low heat until it thickens. After the mass becomes thick add half a liter of milk. The resulting composition is boiled for 20 minutes.

All of the above recipes will help fight pancreatic diseases. Ways of application can be alternated. Each person can choose the most optimal option for themselves. Treatment of pancreatitis with oats has practically no contraindications.

A decoction of oats is allowed to take when remission of symptoms of pancreatic inflammation, starting from the first days of relief. In acute painful sensations it is not recommended to use. The drink has a lot of useful properties. Due to the high content of amino acids, the digestive process is greatly accelerated. Inflamed pancreas is unloaded due to the fact that the digestive process is improving. Oats contain an easily digestible percentage of fat, which can be taken with pancreatitis. Due to the high content of antioxidants, the patient's condition improves, as the inflammatory process decreases. As is known, the main component leading to destruction of the thyroid gland is proteolytic enzymes. Cereals are able to block their aggressive effects.

Before preparing an oats it is advisable to clarify the doctor about the duration of such a course. If the disease of the pancreas is accompanied by other ailments, for example, such as influenza or metabolic disorder. On average, the course of treatment with oats in pancreatitis lasts for thirty days. To not harm the body should not abuse the decoction.

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