Drugs for dyskinesia of bile ducts: choleretic preparations, tjubazh

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Treatment of biliary dyskinesia is aimed at normalizing the outflow of bile and preventing its stagnation. To do this, you must adhere to the normal regime of work and rest, observe a diet, take mineral water and drink medicines. The latter are aimed at normalizing the outflow of bile and removing the pain syndrome.

What are the drugs used for dyskinesia biliary tract

The doctor prescribes medicines, focusing on the form of the disease. If hypotonic is detected, then for treatment is appointed:

  • Xylitol,
  • solution of magnesium sulfate,
  • Allochol,
  • Nikodin,
  • Cerucal.

The course of treatment is long, not less than two months. But with hypertension, drugs with choleretic action are not prescribed. Therefore, the emphasis with drug therapy is directed to the removal of spasms. For this purpose, appointed Papaverin, No-shpa, Besalol.

Since the moment of the problem identification, treatment has been performed to restore the autonomic nervous system. For this, weak soothing agents are prescribed, an infusion of valerian or motherwort.

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Cholagogue preparations

These include drugs that increase the secretion of bile in the intestines. These include:

  • Choleretics. They stimulate the production of bile in the liver. This effect has some types of acids. They are absorbed in the small intestine and lead to the secretion of bile.
  • Holikinetics. Needed to empty the gallbladder. Assigned to patients with hypokinetic dysfunction.

The first type includes preparations based on bile acids: Allochol, Khologon. There are also preparations of vegetable origin: Holosas, Febihol. The second type includes magnesium sulfate, Xylitol, Sobritol.

In practice, the separation of drugs is conditional, since most of the choleretic drugs have two effects at once.

Consider the most popular tools. One of them is Holosas. This is a natural choleretic preparation that stimulates metabolic processes in the liver. It is available as a syrupy liquid. It increases the secretion of bile. Decreases its viscosity, increases the number of cheeks. Contraindications include bile duct obstruction, diabetes mellitus, children's age.

Allochol is another preparation of plant origin. Positively affects the liver, improves the secretion of all the organs of the digestive tract. The effect is to optimize the outflow of bile and prevent its stagnation.


These are tablets that perform the function of myotropic antispasmodic, which regulates the motor system of the digestive system. Has spasmolytic effect, and with hypokinetic conditions stimulates the work of the intestine.

Tablets are also used when:

  • GERD,
  • dyspeptic disorders,
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

When exposed to active components, the peristaltic movements and contractions stabilize in all parts of the intestine. Thanks to this, the lump advances evenly at the optimum speed. Therefore, the painful symptoms that accompany the diseases of the stomach and intestines are eliminated.

Tjubazh for dyskinesia biliary tract

Tjubazh - a therapeutic effect, which consists in stimulation of bile excretion for the purpose of emptying the gallbladder. Usually the method is used for dyskinesia, which is characterized by a decreased tone. Contraindications include acute diseases and exacerbations.

For the procedure, you can use any choleretic agent:

  1. 2 cups of rosehip. For this, two large spoons are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and heated on a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. The same volume of decoction of corn stigmas. Take 6 spoons, which are filled with the same volume of water. The water bath should be insisted for 30 minutes.
  3. The use of ordinary curative mineral water is also possible. The temperature of any liquid should be about 40 degrees.


It is aimed at reducing the activity of the inflammatory process, correcting the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, normalizing the motility of the gallbladder and ducts.

Usually prescribed:

  • Pelotherapy. This mud treatment is aimed at increasing the viscosity of the plasmolemma cells. Applications of mud with a temperature of 38 degrees are used. The course is 10 sessions. After 5-6 months it repeats.
  • Galvanization of the liver area. The procedure activates microcirculation as a result of increasing the content of biologically active substances. The galvanic current enhances the synthesis of macroergs in cells.
  • Infrared laser therapy. They are used in subacute and chronic phase of the disease. Such radiation is selectively absorbed by molecules and induces reparative tissue regeneration.
  • Low-intensity UHF-therapy. Under the influence of the electromagnetic field, the absorbed energy is converted into thermal energy. Usually, the effect of an electric field occurs on the right hypochondrium.

Physiotherapy can also be used to get a sedative effect. One such area is electro-therapy. Impulse currents act depressingly on the impulse activity of the brain.

In conclusion, we note that many drugs and physiotherapy methods can be used for children. Dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the body weight. In addition, alkaline mineral waters, as well as medicinal herbs, are prescribed.

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