How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home

Acne on the skin is a ugly phenomenon and gives a particular discomfort in the event that rashes appear on the face. Subcutaneous pimples are not as ugly as those that swell over the surface of the skin. They do not hurt, but there is still some feeling of moral pressure. If there are such rashes, you need to know how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home.

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Important! Often subcutaneous pimples appear on the face not only in girls, but also in guys. Therefore, various home remedies in the fight against such unpleasant rashes are extremely relevant for everyone.

The main causes of the appearance:

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  • occlusion of sebaceous glands and ducts. Salo is clogged in cages and prevents the skin from breathing normally. As a result, suppuration occurs under the skin.
  • with clogging of pores, the formation of pathogenic microflora occurs under the skin. As a result, the immunity of cells becomes weak, the skin is damaged.
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced power;
  • persistent stress, a state of depression;
  • improper skin care. Ignoring the procedure for cleansing the skin, its nutrition and moisturizing.

How to recognize subcutaneous acne

Before you get rid of subcutaneous acne on your face at home, you need to get a strong certainty that there are educations of exactly this kind. Such pimples manifest themselves as seals inside the skin. For them, the process of ripening is characteristic and at the peak of its maturity the subcutaneous acne will be sore.

When subcutaneous acne starts to ache, delay with home treatment is no longer possible. After all, this means that the inflammation of the cells is getting stronger. Outwardly this is manifested by swelling, reddening of the face. Pimples of the described species accumulate pus, and in neglected cases can form cysts.

Important! Despite the possibility of forming a cyst, squeezing out pimples of the type described is strictly prohibited. It is possible to bring additional inflammation under the skin, than to aggravate the situation( sometimes scars remain on the skin).

Home methods for getting rid of subcutaneous acne on the face

table salt The most simple option that can help in this situation at home. You can take and cooking, and sea salt. Salt will remove inflammation, disinfect the affected area of ​​the face, enrich the skin with vitamins, useful trace elements.

To prepare a compress, two large spoons of salt should be dissolved in 0.2 liters of hot water. The solution is brought to a boil, then it is impregnated with gauze and applied to the skin in the affected area. You can do up to four procedures a day.

Ointment "Vishnevsky"

This ointment is sold in pharmacies, but it costs a penny and is effective. It will be necessary to make a compress and leave it for 12 hours. As a result, immediately there will be inflammation;swelling and redness of the facial skin will also decrease.

Fresh lemon juice

Take a lemon, from which you need to squeeze out the juice. Then dilute the juice in equal proportions with clean water. The agent is suitable not only to eliminate already appeared subcutaneous acne, but also to prevent such formations.

All due to the fact that this composition provides the skin with an acidic environment. Such an environment kills a pathogenic microflora. Plus, the lemon is able to whiten the skin and helps to narrow the blood vessels.

Aloe Vera Compresses

A simple and effective option how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home. It will be necessary to break the aloe leaf, cut it along. Then attach to the pimple and fix, leave for 10 hours. After three such compresses, acne should pass.

Broth of nettle leaves

Broth of nettle leaves will need to be drunk in a glass for 30 days. This folk remedy helps normalize metabolism, removes toxins from the body. As a result, the amount of rash on the face is significantly reduced.

Tea Tree Oil

Used for deep cleansing, which is extremely important when a subcutaneous acne occurs. Wipe with the oil affected areas can be every few hours. Help tea tree oil to get rid of inflammation, reduce the size of the rash.

Ways how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home, there are many. You need to choose one and apply it regularly to notice the effect. If a person sees that after five procedures there is no improvement, then the home remedy is recommended to be changed.

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