Anemia in stomach cancer

Anemia in gastric cancer appears as a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency, since this element plays a huge role in the formation of body cells and the epithelial layer of the gastrointestinal tract. Today, the incidence of this disease has increased, so taking care of your own health does not hurt.

Anemia with a disease such as stomach cancer is characterized by an insufficient amount of iron in the human body. There is a decrease in the level of iron and iron-containing proteins in the blood plasma, as a result of which the concentration of erythrocytes in the blood decreases. In addition, their shape and magnitude undergo changes, the color index worsens, which says that red blood cells have a deficiency of hemoglobin.

In case of anemia, weakness develops, headaches become more frequent, especially when turning the head or in case of a change in the position of the body, the limbs become numb. With this disease, a patient may experience syncope, and if physical activity is present, then palpitations and the occurrence of dyspnea may occur. Also there is a decrease in appetite, there is nausea and a sense of taste is perverted. Patients who have anemia due to a disease of stomach cancer become irritable, sleep is disturbed, the skin becomes yellowish and the skin feels dry. The hair becomes dull color, becomes brittle and can fall out, the nails are also subject to change. With insufficient amount of iron in the human body there is a decline in strength, the immune system deteriorates, resistance to catarrhal diseases decreases. If these symptoms occur, you should contact a specialist.

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Causes of anemia in stomach cancer:

  • impaired iron absorption and worsening of its metabolism;
  • there is a loss of blood;
  • inadequate assimilation of vitamins, which are involved in hematopoiesis;
  • negative effect of tumor on red bone marrow;
  • decreases the level of red blood cells in the blood, which reduces the duration of their life;
  • decreases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.

The main sign of stomach cancer is the occurrence of anemia, characterized by low iron content. This can occur with chronic anatomic gastritis, which contributes to the formation of gastric cancer. The consequences of anemia in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract are quite diverse.

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