Vitamins C and E for the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis, what are vitamin complexes and multivitamins to drink?

To reduce the pain of the diet, antioxidant vitamins are added in pancreatitis. Complexes include placebo, meniionin, carotene, selenium. Characterize the lack of micro- and macronutrients jam on the lips, hair loss, brittle nails, flaky skin. A strict diet of patients with a pancreatic tumor does not allow you to get everything you need with food, therefore, complexes that are not one hundred are used.

What vitamins to drink when pancreatitis?

All patients note the lack of group B, a dropper with which allows to increase immunity in addition, reduce the number of ENT diseases. This group is often prescribed and other doctors( dermatologist, therapist).Drugs differ in accessibility and low prices, gastroenterologists recommend that pancreatitis periodically change complexes to increase the effect. Unlike elements contained in fruits, vegetables( many of which are prohibited in pancreatitis), the substances in the complexes are balanced so that they are completely absorbed by the patient's body. Qualitatively, the complex will be selected by biochemistry of blood.

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The same way the pancreas takes vitamins for a hundred rubles and a few thousand. The difference lies in the internal balancing:

  • is a cheap complex - the imbalance of micronutrients entering the organs is due to the suppression of absorption of some components by others, the effectiveness of such a set is lower, although the composition is identical with the expensive
  • expensive complex - additives are manufactured using new technologies, the main ones being:layer dissolution, microgranulation, stepwise release within the gland

The technology allows to increase shelf life, cleanliness, and all parameters are amenable to control. The standard for manufacturers is GMP, in Russia this level corresponds to fewer than ten productions. Therefore, it is important to decide at the purchasing stage which ones to take. In the ranking of manufacturers, the leaders are:

  • Santegra - the product of Ultivit is on sale in our country
  • Holding Glorion - vitamins for the pancreas Vitacomp with 40 capsules in the package
  • Wyeth Lederle - Austrian or American product "Centrum AZ" and "Silver "for the elderly
  • Bayer Consumer Care - Swiss product" Supradin "in pellets and tablets containing 12 components
  • Siberian health -" Adaptovit "in the form of drops for pancreatitis, for adults for a day there are two
  • LLC" Lumi "-" Aevit "initiatesynthesis of enzymes and proteins, increases resistance to hypoxia, vascular permeability, tissues

Some Russian companies produce a product of the same name( for example, "Aevit" produces three producers at once: "Pharmstandard", "Altai", "Lumi"), which takeuser yourself.

Vitamins for chronic pancreatitis

Patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis should systematically take a sufficient amount of vitamins. Especially it concerns substances of group B. The diet itself contains a small number of them. The use of vitamins in chronic pancreatitis will help to get rid of their insufficiency, which has a big impact on treatment. A weakened organism is much more difficult to fight with ailment. The daily norm of Group B substances in an adult should not be less than 2 mg. In chronic inflammation, they are taken in the form of drugs or complexes after eating. In the life of the organism the leading role belongs to types B12, B6, B2 and B1.

When inflammation of the pancreas is prescribed the use of vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is prescribed for 0.5 grams before meals. It has a positive effect on blood quality, ensuring the maintenance of iron reserve in the body. He also takes an active part in the exchange of cholesterol, promotes immunity. Vitamin E in pancreatitis protects cells from the effects of free radicals, stimulates the work of the intestines, which helps to eliminate constipation.

When pancreatitis is important to drink pharmacy drugs - multivitamins. They contain all the necessary substances that are necessary to maintain life functions during the disease. Their task is to fill the body with the necessary amount of these substances to the norm. The composition of multivitamins in pancreatitis should include species A, B, C, E. Some multivitamin complexes may contain auxiliary elements that are aimed at improving the assimilation of useful trace elements and give the drug an additional taste and color.

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