Gruel at a gastritis, whether it is possible to eat dairy, from what groats are useful?

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Gastritis is a disease that requires strict food restrictions and full compliance with dietary rules due to inflammatory problems in the gastric mucosa that do not allow it to function properly.

Therefore, a patient who wants to forget for ever the unpleasant symptoms and limitations that this disease gives is required, both during periods of exacerbation and during remissions, to adhere to a special diet based on porridge.

Only porridge with gastritis is the most reliable assistant in facilitating the work of the main organ of the digestive system and, consequently, getting rid of all the painful symptoms of this disease.

But, although it is believed that this dish is quite simple and does not require any special skills and knowledge in cooking, in order to cook useful gruel with gastritis, you must adhere to some cooking rules. They are as follows:

  • Boil it on water, or, in extreme cases, skim milk, a small amount of cream or butter is added to the prepared dish;
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  • The consistency of the cereal must be liquid. In the event that the dish turned out to be excessively thick, it should be wiped off;
  • The groats should be carefully boiled during cooking so that no hard inclusions remain that can cause mechanical damage to the mucosa.

To eat any, including milk, porridge with gastritis follows during each of 6 meals during the day, as a properly cooked dish has the ability to envelop a damaged stomach and make it easier to do it. The main thing is that it should be slightly warm, so as not to cause thermal burns of the mucosa.

Groats for porridges with gastritis

It is the porridge that forms the basis of the diet in people suffering from any inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, among which there is gastritis, for the reason that the cereals used for their preparation have the following useful properties:

  1. Saturation with proteins and lipidsallows to completely satisfy the patient's need for them. In addition, they are very caloric, which makes it possible to satisfy the hunger with the smallest portion, and this is a necessary condition for the diet used in this disease;
  2. Have an astringent effect, helping to remove pain symptoms. This property is also useful as a preventive measure of the disease;
  3. Dishes made from cereals are rich in antioxidants, which help to relieve a person of stress and depression;
  4. The wealth of this product with vitamins allows the patient to make up for the deficiency in them.

What kind of cereals can I eat with gastritis?

With such a disease as gastritis, cereals can be cooked from any kind of cereal, the main thing is that all the above rules of cooking are met. The most popular in this disease are such as manna, gout, rice. During the period of exacerbation, the use of millet is not recommended because it can irritate the inflamed mucosa.

Well established itself in such a disease as gastritis, and the preparation of porridge from several components. In this case, in addition to undeniable benefits, there is also guaranteed an improvement in taste, as well as the opportunity to diversify the menu.

An excellent product for gastritis are porridge from flaxseed, which you need to protect the gastric mucosa from any irritating effect, and also to calm the inflammatory processes that occur on them.

As the flax seed has long been used by folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

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