Psoriasis on the hands - photo and treatment of the initial stage

Psoriasis on the hands - a chronic skin disease, which is not fully understood, to date, there has been no significant shift in the search for effective treatment. The pathology of the onset of psoriasis on the hands is up to 80% of the total number of this type of disease. Psoriasis spots, or plaques, can affect any areas of the skin.

On the one hand, psoriasis on the hands does not threaten the patient's life. However, if you start treatment and bring the disease to severe form, it can provoke serious complications, which are no longer so harmless. For example, psoriasis can affect the main joints of a person, lead to the emergence of psoriatic arthritis, adversely affect the work of the musculoskeletal system.

These consequences can eventually lead to disability and disability status. It is difficult to treat psoriasis on the hands, nevertheless, with qualitative complex treatment it is possible to significantly increase the period of remission.

Reasons for the

What is it? Thanks to scientific research, there are many hypotheses for the appearance of this skin disease. However, it is not yet possible to establish the causes of the disease with complete certainty. According to the scientific formulation,

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there are two alleged causes of the appearance of psoriasis :

  • autoimmune form;
  • dysfunction of the skin.

The autoimmune form of psoriasis manifests itself in the unsystematic production of various substances that damage the skin. The second reason for the appearance of psoriasis plaques is the maturation of unnecessary cells, torn off by a healthy tissue. There are some assumptions that psoriasis has a hereditary causal relationship.

The main triggering factors of leading to the onset of the disease are:

  • diseases of the digestive tract( especially the liver and intestines);
  • hormonal ailments( decrease in melatonin level, increase in the concentration of growth hormone, prolactin, insulin);
  • weighed down heredity( psoriasis, diagnosed in previous generations);
  • allergic mood of the body;
  • skin diseases( allergic, fungal, etc.);
  • skin trauma( including insect bites and tattoos);
  • stress, exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • infection( HIV, children have frequent ARVI);
  • reception of medicines;
  • exposure to the skin of hands of chemically active agents( household chemicals, external medicines, etc.);
  • toxic effects on the body( alcohol, smoking);
  • delivery in women.

Psoriasis on the hands entails not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physiological problems, since with this disease there is a high probability of atrophy of small joints, and, consequently, a decrease in their efficiency and sensitivity.

This insidious disease can affect both the hands and the skin between the fingers and palm. It is important to begin to treat psoriasis at the initial stage, that is, when the first signs appear. Otherwise, the risk of psoriatic arthritis and spread to other parts of the body increases.

Symptoms of

Psoriasis on the hands and its symptoms develop gradually. In the initial stage, papules appear in the areas of extension. They are small and flat, rise on the skin. Covered by white scales, which easily lag behind.

For further development of psoriasis on the hands are characterized by such signs:

  • if rip off flakes, then peeling is amplified.
  • exfoliates the film covering the papule.
  • , small blood points appear( drip bleeding).
  • nodules develop, expand, acquire large sizes.
  • appear plaques.

Psoriasis on the hands can be different: in the form of single spots of different sizes or detachment of the nail until its complete loss. The disease is accompanied by swelling near the joints and on them. The skin on the hands is dry, cracks and inflammations appear on it.

Psoriasis on the hands: photo

How the psoriasis looks on the hands, including in the initial stage you can look at the photos presented.

Than to treat psoriasis on the hands of

In the case of the appearance of psoriasis on the hands, treatment is complex, since local and general therapy is used, as well as compliance with diet and regimen. When prescribing medicines and procedures, the doctor is obliged to determine the stage and form of the disease in order for the treatment to be really effective.

How to treat? The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

  1. General treatment of - the patient is prescribed antihistamine and soothing drugs( Zirtek, Claritin), and immunomodulators. Also prescribed are medications to increase immunity( Likopid and others), vitamins A, B, C, D.
  2. Local treatment - the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory ointments( salicylic), relapsing drugs( ichthyol ointment, sulfur tar).Preparations for improving the work of the digestive tract( Linex, Polysorb).Possible use of corticosteroid ointments( Flucinar, Sinaflanc, Fluorcort).
  3. Physiotherapeutic treatment - Widely used methods such as paraffin applications, PUVA therapy, UV irradiation.
  4. The therapeutic diet is an obligatory factor in the treatment of psoriasis on the hands, palms, elbows, etc.

In the initial stage it is very important not to lose time to address to competent specialists who are familiar with the nature of psoriasis and can provide qualified help. Patients with this disease often need psycho-emotional correction and counseling of psychologists. To relieve tension sedatives are prescribed, funds with a mild hypnotic effect.

Ointments for the treatment of the initial stage of

The tactics of treating the initial stage of psoriasis are gradually changing. Significantly reduced the use of cytostatics and hormonal drugs that have serious side effects. For relief of acute conditions specialists prescribe aromatic retinoids and non-hormonal preparations of local action( ointments, gels, sprays).

Non-hormonal ointments are extensively used:

  1. Salicylic ointment removes dead skin layers, softens it, makes possible a deeper penetration of other drugs. Apply it to the limb every day until the desired effect is achieved.
  2. Antralin reduces the activity of cell division, thereby contributing to the smoothing of the plaque.
  3. Naftalan Ointment ( like sulfuric) eliminates the sensation of itching, which sometimes causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

If the above drugs do not work, then the treatment is hormonal. To those include ointment Flumethasone, Triamcinolone, Acetonide and others.

PUVA-therapy for psoriasis

PUVA-therapy - photochemotherapy treatment of psoriasis. The method is based on the use of ultraviolet and photosensitizers, which increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation. For complete cleansing of the skin from psoriatic plaques, up to 20-25 treatment sessions are required.

PUVA-therapy is used most often with eukssudativnoj, vulgar forms of a psoriasis, including at localization of the centers of an inflammation in the field of palms. The method is effective at 85-90%.

See also VC group on psoriasis.

Prevention of recurrence of

This disease has properties to progress and subside, so this should always be remembered and adhere to certain preventive measures:

  • skin of hands should be moistened as often as possible;
  • to avoid exposure to chemicals;
  • observe the correct diet, excluding nicotine and alcohol;
  • use complexes of vitamins.

It is worth remembering that with psoriasis of the feet it is necessary to maintain a moisture balance, since too dry skin of the legs can begin to crack, which is the primary source of psoriasis, because the skin is traumatized. In addition, the skin of the legs should not be too greasy, because it can also aggravate the disease.

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