Sycosis: forms, symptoms, prevention, treatment, complications, prognosis

Inflammation, which affects hair bulbs and passes in two forms( acute, chronic), is known in the medical community as sycosis. This disease often affects the dermis in the presence of neuroendocrine disorders in the patient, because under their influence the sensitivity of the follicles changes markedly. More often than not, experts observe a lesion of the dermis that occurs on the mustache, beard.

Initially, the disease is similar to superficial folliculitis. In the course of this disease, relapses are often observed. It flows very sharply at the beginning.

Features of the disease

This pathology often affects the dermis of men, because it is more susceptible to trauma( shaving, abrasions) in the stronger sex. Women are less likely to worry less.

Areas with sycosis are located on some areas of the body:

  • mustache;
  • beard;
  • upper lip;
  • septum inside the nose, inner surfaces of the nose.

In the video below is considered vulgar sycosis:

Classification of sycosis

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Dermatologists identified such diseases( sycosis):

  • Ordinary .This species is included in the "pyoderma" group.
  • Parasitic .It is represented by a subspecies of trichophytosis, and more specifically, its infiltrative-suppurative form. This form of sycosis is acute, relapses are absent. It can be cured independently, because during its course the immunity is included in the struggle.

In a separate form, dermatologists distinguish lupoid sycosis. It is represented by a very rare form of staphylococcal folliculitis. It is characterized by a very sluggish, wavy current. On the dermis formed a few pustules, areas with atrophy, sustained alopecia.

Sycosis( photo)

Causes of

Such an abscess of epithelium, like sycosis, is provoked by golden staphylococcus aureus. It is included in the group "pyoderma."The ingestion of microorganisms inside is facilitated by:

  • chronic rhinitis. With it, loosening of the dermis over the upper lip occurs. When blowing it into the epithelium, slime is rubbed, inside of which there is a lot of staphylococcal flora;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • microtrauma, cuts. Through them bacteria quickly penetrate;
  • injury to the nasal mucosa. It is possible with the removal of hairs by means of tweezers;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • chronic conjunctivitis. This disease precedes the sycosis of the eyelids.

Symptoms of

  • The appearance of sycosis is indicated by the appearance of superficial follicles. These abscesses are grouped in the similarity of discs. With their growth, the inflammatory process involves new healthy areas of the epithelium that are adjacent to the affected area. So the disease captures the vast areas of the epithelium.
  • The initial manifestation of sycosis is considered to be shallow follicles, which occur suddenly, then disappear. Over time, there is a relapse of folliculitis, then it acquires a protracted character. The defeat of the follicle extends inward.
  • If you touch the affected area, you feel pain, the patient appears hypersensitivity. With sycosis, the dermis is inflamed, edematous, hyperemic. On it appears a lot of abscesses with a bright red, compacted base.
  • Desiccation of purulent pustules occurs very quickly, while out of them purulent contents leak out. On the skin is formed a crust of dirty yellow, greenish color. Drying the crusts will disappear, but because of the development of the disease they will reappear. If the crust is removed, beneath them will reveal a sore, wetting surface.
  • The disease seizes over time the healthy parts of the epidermis. The main focus of the lesion grows, single elements of impetigo join it. Inflammatory infiltrate grows because the inflammation continues, new follicular pustules are constantly being formed.

The patient is also concerned about the following manifestations of the disease:

  • itching;
  • occasionally hyperthermia;
  • depression;
  • burning.
  • With the development of parasitic sycosis, the infiltration zone is not as pronounced as in the usual form of the disease. Relapses are very rare, the disease itself is acute. Because of the development of the immune system, this form of sycosis is characterized by self-healing.
  • When developing the lupoid form of the disease, the pustule appears a little. After recovery, the patient may have atrophied areas on the dermis, baldness. The defeat affects not only the mustache, the beard, but also the darkness, the whiskey. With the development of the disease there is a grouping of follicular nodules, pustules, the formation of crusts of light yellow color. Near the inflamed follicle, scales of gray color are observed, they can be easily removed by combing.
  • Fusing, pustules and crusts form plaques on the skin, their diameter reaches 3 cm. These formations of bright red color are formed on a compacted base. When the disease develops, a blanching of the plaque occurs, which starts from its center and is directed toward the edge. The epidermis becomes thinned, smooth, and new pustules are not formed on it.
  • Sometimes on the plaques can remain bundles of hairs. No new pustules appear on them. By this sign it is easy to distinguish such forms of sycosis as lupoid, vulgar. At the periphery, the area of ​​the infiltrate is small( up to 1 cm), noticeably a slight elevation of the skin, its hyperemia. Follicular papules in the zone of peripheral infiltrate are many, but there is very little pustules, they are often observed in the center.
  • Lupoid form of the disease can take a very long time( for years).During this time there are exacerbations that are not explained in any way, as well as incomplete remissions. Unpleasant, painful feelings do not affect the patient. An exception is the development of the disease on the scalp. Pain in this case is due to the proximity of the aponeurosis, anatomical features of the epithelium of the head.

About the symptoms of sycosis this video will tell:


The disease is very easy to determine with an external examination of the dermis. The only thing that can be useful for specialists is the conduct of differentiated diagnostics. Dermatologists will need to establish exactly the type of lesion( lupoid, parasitic, vulgar).

To confirm / exclude the presence of mycotic flora, specialists prescribe microscopy. The patient will also need to pass a bacterial culture, which will help establish the sensitivity of the pathogen of sycosis to drugs with antimicrobial effect.

About whether the sycosis is subject to beards, nasal arches, nostrils, etc.treatment of traditional and folk remedies, we will tell below.

Treatment of

It takes a long time to completely cure sycosis. Therapy, which is carried out by specialists such as dermatologist, mycologist, lasts a long time. It involves the use of antibiotics, antibacterial ointments.

  • Orally, an intramuscular specialist may prescribe antibacterial agents.
  • External antimycotic ointments are prescribed externally.

So to combat sycosis use:

  • Preparations of iron. They prevent disorders of the nervous system.
  • Diamond green solution.
  • Dietotherapy. It involves the rejection of salty foods, alcohol, spices, spicy food.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Lotions with disinfectants.
  • Vitamins.

Therapeutic method

If the disease worsens, disinfectant lotions are prescribed to treat the affected areas. For their conduct use "Boric acid", "Potassium permanganate".These procedures are necessary to soften purulent crusts, to prevent re-seeding.

Also for the treatment of affected areas, the solutions of the following aniline dyes are prescribed:

  • methyl blue;
  • diamond green.

The epidermis area around the sycosis is treated with iodine solutions. After the inflammation is successfully reduced, therapy of the affected areas begins with:

  • glucocorticosteroid hormones;
  • ointment, in which sintomycin is present;
  • paint castellani;
  • antibiotics.

In the treatment of this disease, such physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective:

  • UFO;
  • Immunotherapy;
  • Autotherapy;
  • Laser treatment.

It is recommended to remove the hairs by means of tweezers on the affected area.

Next, you will learn about the treatment of sycosis with ointments and about the regimen of antibiotic treatment.

By medicamentous method

In the treatment of sycosis, antibiotics are necessary. Experts recommend:

  • "Tetracycline".
  • Oxytetracycline.
  • "Gentamicin Ointment".
  • "Chlortetracycline".
  • "Synthomycin Ointment".

Sometimes specialists can recommend staphylococcal vaccine, autohemotransfusion.

Prevention of

The following are considered to be the most effective preventive measures:

  • Accuracy at shaving;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Timely, correct treatment of injured skin with antiseptics;
  • Timely treatment of diseases that can provoke the appearance of sycosis( conjunctivitis, rhinitis).

Complications of

Eczematization is considered a very dangerous complication of sycosis. This pathology is very common. To the underlying disease, with its inflammatory process, such symptoms as: wetness, itching, are added.

Also, the disease is sometimes complicated by the appearance of impetigo, the formation of furuncles on the epithelium of the face.


With timely, persistent, properly prescribed therapy, the disease recedes, there is a complete recovery of the patient.

In the video below Elena Malysheva will tell even more useful information about sycosis:

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