Vestibulo-atactic syndrome - symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome is a fairly common pathology caused by chronic disorders in the vascular system of the body. Pathology can develop slowly, beginning with insignificant manifestations and gradually leading to significant disturbances in the motor functions of the body.

What is vestibulo-atactic syndrome

This syndrome refers to the aggregate of motor and coordination disorders caused by disorders of the cerebral and general blood circulation. Vestibulo-atactic syndrome is characterized by sudden loss of balance, instability in walking and standing or even falling.

The occurrence of vestibulo-atactic syndrome can be affected by both vascular insufficiency in the vertebrobasilar arterial department and dysfunction of some parts of the brain.

Causes of development and concomitant diseases

The immediate causes of motor and coordination disorders can be:

  • chronic circulatory insufficiency( ischemia) - congenital or acquired;
  • dysfunction of the cerebellum;
  • pathology in the frontal-stem lobes of the brain;
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Concomitant diseases that can also indirectly affect the development of ataxia( impaired motor function) are:

  • hydrocephalus( hydrocephalus);
  • atrophy of the cerebral cortex;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis;

This syndrome can not be regarded as an independent disease: this disorder is always a consequence of more serious pathologies - most often ischemia( chronic anemia) of the brain.

In a number of cases, dizziness and impaired motor function may be signs not only of the syndrome itself, but also of the natural age-related disorders of the human musculoskeletal system and its vestibular apparatus.

Degrees of severity of vestibulo-atactic syndrome

By degree of manifestation, this syndrome is divided into:

  • lung;
  • is moderate;
  • heavy;
Appropriate motor and coordination impairments are characteristic for each stage.

Light vestibulo-atactic syndrome is characterized by a slight degree of ataxia( motor dysfunction), expressed in gait alteration and coordination deterioration.

For a moderate degree, the occurrence of concomitant symptoms in the form of headaches and vestibular disorders( nausea, unsteadiness in walking) is characteristic.

At a serious stage there are serious problems with movement and standing, down to falls and inability of the patient to move independently.

A frequent companion of ischemia are headaches. The most unpleasant and unpredictable neuropathic pain can be learned by reading the article.

All about the treatment of cerebrovascular sclerosis is written here.

Symptoms and complaints of patients with

Common symptoms for this disorder are:

  • dizziness;
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • gait of the gait;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • imbalance;
  • impaired concentration;
  • "throwing" from side to side;
  • falling;

Additional manifestations of the syndrome complained of by patients can be sleep disorders, tinnitus, reduced performance and fast fatigue.

Treatment of

Treatment of this syndrome begins with a diagnosis.

In addition to an external examination of the patient and a conversation with him for an accurate explanation of the clinical picture and possible causes of movement disorders. Neurological and otoneurological examination is prescribed.

The latter method is aimed at identifying specific vestibular disorders in a patient. If necessary, hardware diagnostic procedures can be assigned:

  • MRI( magnetic resonance imaging) to detect circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain or other pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • Ultrasound of the cervical vertebral part( osteochondrosis and concomitant narrowing of the vessels can also be a direct cause of motor disorders);
  • computed tomography of the brain;

Neuralgia of the great occipital nerve is a very unpleasant disease that does not allow one to lead its usual way of life. The pains are tortured even at night, as a result of which, a person does not get enough sleep.

Sometimes, to treat these effects, sedative pills are prescribed that help with stress. Read more. ..

Following the link, you can read about ischemic stroke of the brain stem http: // bolezni-nevrologii /insult/ ishemicheskij-insult-golovnogo-mozga-vidy-lechenie-posledstviya.html.

Conservative treatment of

The first stage of treatment is to eliminate high blood pressure( antihypertensive therapy) as one of the immediate causes of vestibular disorders. It is necessary to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and bring the pressure back to normal.

For this, in addition to drug therapy with statins( drugs for reducing cholesterol), the patient is prescribed a special diet.

It is necessary to correct the patient's lifestyle - he needs to follow the regime, fully rest and give up bad habits.

Further treatment depends on the identified etymology of the syndrome and the degree of symptomatology. In order to eliminate vestibulo-atactic disorders it is necessary to stop their causes.

If the development of the syndrome is associated with cerebral ischemia, then drug treatment of this disease can be prescribed.

To do this, use drugs such as:

  • Mildronate( to improve oxygen supply and metabolic processes);
  • Actovegin( a drug similar in effect to the previous, but stronger);
  • Mexidol( potent antioxidant and anti-cholesterol);

There are also drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation - trental, Cavinton.

Chronic ischemic disease, which has reached serious stages of its development, requires more serious treatment. In such cases, in addition to the above medications, antidepressants from the benzodiazepine group may additionally be prescribed.

Complex therapy has a positive effect on the treatment of the syndrome. At the discretion of the attending physician, physiotherapeutic procedures can be recommended to the patient - physiotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, phytotherapy.

Sometimes therapeutic hypnosis helps.

Surgical treatment of

syndrome Most patients respond positively to drug-induced symptomatic treatment. However, conservative therapy does not help everyone.

In a number of cases, surgical intervention may be used to treat vestibulo-atactic syndrome in a difficult stage, which consists in crossing the vasomotor fibers of the vertebral artery.

This operation is performed only in cases when all other therapeutic methods have not had the expected health effect.

Surgical operation on the vertebral artery provides:

  • a decrease in the probability of spasmodic phenomena in the vessels of the brain;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the recovery of motor and coordination functions of the body;

This surgical operation has become widespread in Russian medical practice not so long ago - from the middle of the 2000s. It belongs to the category of complex operations, and its effectiveness directly depends on the qualification of the doctor - he must be a specialist in cardiovascular surgery of the highest class.

The operation itself with its correct execution is quite safe and has a high degree of efficiency( about 70%).

After reading the article, you will learn about the main causes of serotonin syndrome. Features of manifestation and complaints of patients.

And about what it differs from vertebrogenic myofascial syndrome, read here.

Prognosis for vestibulo-atactic syndrome

With a timely-started therapy, the prognosis is favorable. Difficulties can arise with irreversible age-related changes in the patient's body or some serious brain diseases - tumors, cysts and other tumors requiring surgical intervention.

Prevention of

The most effective measure to prevent vestibulo-atactic disorders is the prevention of ischemic disease.

This ailment leads not only to violations of coordination of movement, but also to other problems - cephalgic syndrome, in which a person experiences constant intense headache, amyostatic syndrome, also associated with motor disorders and pseudobulbar, which negatively affects all the basic functions of the body.

Patients who are predisposed to vascular disorders, especially those at risk for age, should be attentive to their health and have regular medical examinations.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic criteria of a healthy life:

  • to avoid excessive emotional reactions and stressful situations;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol, coffee, quit smoking;
  • to reduce intense physical activity, especially associated with lifting weights;
  • avoid long exposure to sunlight;
  • comply with all therapeutic recommendations of doctors in the treatment of diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • control over excess weight;

Vestibulo-ataxic disorder requires a timely and mandatory referral to a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate therapy. Ignoring and letting go of such a serious violation is unacceptable.

If you notice the first signs of movement coordination disorders and other accompanying symptoms, do not postpone the visit to the clinic.

Additional complications of the pathology may be trauma from falls and spasmodic phenomena in the vessels of the brain.

After watching the video, you can learn how to protect yourself from ischemia:

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