What to drip if your ear hurts: tincture of propolis, calendula, aloe juice, essential oils and onions

Diseases of the ears occur quite often. Without adequate therapy, they can lead to negative consequences. Therefore it is so important to consult a doctor in time. As additional means for treating pathologies of the hearing organs, folk recipes are often used.

Propolis tincture in the ear

This remedy is one of the most effective substances for the therapy of ear diseases.

In what form is used

Propolis is used to combat ear diseases in the form of alcohol tincture. Also on its basis, you can prepare a special ointment.

What distinguishes the alcohol extract of propolis from water


To cope with ear pathologies, you can choose such recipes:

  1. If you have pains, cotton swab should be dipped in propolis tincture and placed in the affected ear. Keep this tool for 12 hours. When performing the procedure, the baby is mixed with water in the same parts. Such treatment should last 2 weeks.
  2. Based on the tincture, you can make a useful propolis ointment. To do this, 10 ml of 15% tincture should be mixed with 40 ml of vegetable oil - olive or sunflower. Wet the tampon in the product and put it in your ears for 12 hours. The procedure is carried out 10 times with an interval of 1 day.
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  3. For the treatment of ear pathologies, you can simply instill a 5% solution. You need to do this twice a day for 2 drops.


Propolis tincture allows to obtain excellent results in the development of inflammatory pathologies of the ears. It is often prescribed when there is pain in the hearing.

In what form is propolis used


Use the agent very carefully. The main danger lies in the risk of allergic reactions. Do not use tincture in the presence of hives, eczema, asthma. Before the start of therapy, you must make a test for sensitivity to this substance, especially when treating a child.


This indoor plant is often used to treat various pathologies of the hearing system.

How to use

To cope with inflammation and pain, the most commonly used fresh aloe juice. Phytotherapists recommend that you hold the leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for a day before collecting this substance. However, some recipes involve the use of aloe leaves.


To get rid of the pain in the ears, aloe juice is excellent:

  1. This substance can be buried in the ears. Fresh juice is recommended to lightly heat up and insert 3-4 drops into the ear canals. The procedure should be carried out once a day for 3 days.
  2. Aloe can be used to make medical tampons. To do this, just moisten the turunda in the juice and place it in the affected ear.
  3. Many experts advise to apply aloe even with the development of a purulent form of otitis. In this case, you need to cut out small pieces of pulp, wrap them in cheesecloth and put them in your ears. It is recommended to leave this remedy for the whole night. This product perfectly cleanses the ears from pus. However, it can be used only after consultation of an otolaryngologist.

In what form is aloe used in the ear


This remedy is acceptable for use in various forms of otitis, including purulent. With the help of juice and leaves of aloe, you can stop inflammation and cope with the pain syndrome.


Aloe on the reviews is a fairly safe tool for treating inflammation of the ears. However, in some cases, it can provoke the development of allergies.

Reviews of doctors about the treatment of ENT diseases using aloe in our video:


This product has pronounced bactericidal properties, and therefore helps cope with inflammation in the ears.

How to use

For treating the pathology of the ears, the onion can be used in a variety of ways. The juice of this plant is most often used. You can also use the vegetable in baked form.


For inflammatory damage to the ears, you can use these recipes:

  1. Grate the onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Dampen the cotton turunda in the juice and place in the ears. Leave for an hour.
  2. With a decrease in hearing, you can bake a bulb. To do this, you need to cut out a cube from the root of the root crop and cover the seeds with caraway seeds. Prepared vegetable bake and squeeze out the juice from it. The received product is injected into the ears and covered with cotton. Such manipulation is recommended to be done twice a day, until the symptoms of malaise disappear.
  3. When the ear is inflamed, you can pour fresh onion juice into a silver spoon and hold it over the fire until small bubbles appear. The agent must be removed, cooled, and then injected into the diseased ears.

How to use onions with ear diseases


Onion juice is considered to be the most effective remedy for the development of external otitis media. Also, it is often used when there is noise in the ears or secretions, as well as with a cold. However, in this case, an ENT doctor will be consulted.


Onion juice often provokes irritation of the mucous membranes. In such situations it is recommended to dilute it with water. If the unwanted symptoms do not go away, you need to choose a safer means.

How to treat otitis onions in our video:

Calendula tincture

This remedy is an effective antiseptic. It perfectly copes with inflammation and earache.


Usually, an alcohol solution of this plant is used to treat the ears. It can be mixed with plant extracts, which increases the effectiveness of therapy.


To cope with the diseases of the ears, you can use such recipes:

  1. With inflammatory damage to the inner ear, you can compress with an alcoholic solution of calendula that has a concentration of 10%.This remedy must be applied to the area of ​​the affected ear.
  2. For inflammatory lesions of the tympanic membrane or external form of otitis, 1-2 drops of 10% of the calendula tincture should be used. Do this 2 times a day.


This substance can be used in acute form of external or middle otitis media. Also, it is often used for inflammatory lesions of the tympanic membrane and inner ear.

Calendula application in the ear


In general, tincture of marigold refers to safe means. However, sometimes it provokes an allergy. Do not use this product in pregnancy and lactation, because the composition contains ethyl alcohol. It is also important to consider that calendula reduces blood pressure.

Oils and squeezers

To cope with the pathology of the ears, you can use a variety of oils. High efficiency camphor. You can also use vegetable and essential oils.


Camphor's oily solution can be used in different types. It is effective in the form of tampons, instillations and compresses. Usually, these therapies are used:

  1. When ingested into an insect's ear, it is recommended to instill oil slowly - literally 1 drop, taking breaks. Thanks to this tactic, the tool will push the foreign object out.
  2. With the development of external otitis need to inject into the ears for 2-3 drops of funds.
  3. With medium otitis use the product only if there is no damage to the membrane. In this situation, inject 3-5 drops three times a day. However, it is best to use turuns.


When you have shooting pains that are caused by colds, you can enter 2-3 drops of warmed vegetable oil into the affected ear. An excellent option in this case will be nut, olive or almond.

It is very useful to mix 10% extract of propolis with olive or corn oil. For this, 1 part of propolis is recommended to take 2 parts of oil. Ingredients should be shaken well, after which you remove the tourniquet from the bandage and soak it with the formed emulsion. Place for a few hours in the ear. Such treatment should last 2 weeks.

Similar properties have such a recipe: mix 40% alcohol tincture of propolis with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 4.An impregnated swab should be inserted into the ear canal before bedtime. In total, you need to do 10-15 procedures.

Vegetable oils for earaches


From essential oils, it is worth choosing a rose, eucalyptus, chamomile, sea buckthorn. Sage and oil of tea or fir tree also will approach. These drugs have pronounced antiseptic properties.


Usually such agents are used in such cases:

  • inflammation of the external ear;
  • edema of the Eustachian tube;
  • otitis media;
  • inflammation of the inner ear.

Essential oils for the treatment of ear illnesses


Do not use oils with individual intolerance. Also, contraindications include damage to the dermis, discharge from the ears.

Things to know about self-medication

Before starting therapy, consult a doctor. It is important to do this in the presence of excreta, which may indicate damage to the membrane. With uncontrolled use of folk remedies, there is a risk of dangerous consequences.

Treatment of ear diseases with black cumin oil:


To prevent earaches in children and adults, you must follow the prevention rules:

  • wear a cap in cold weather;
  • do not allow water to enter the ears;
  • Avoid exposure to loud sounds;
  • in time to treat diseases of the nasopharynx.

The use of folk remedies in the pathology of the ears makes it possible to achieve excellent results. However, before starting such therapy, you need to get an ENT doctor consultation.

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