What are the signs of a pituitary tumor in women

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1 How is the disease

? If a woman gets sick, she has a whole complex of symptoms, indicating the development of the pathological process in the body. The disease is expressed in every patient in different ways, depending on the excess or lack of active substances.

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When the formation of growth hormone changes, symptoms such as:

  • increase in growth;
  • disorder in the structure of the zygomatic bone or jaw;
  • periodic pain in the muscles and joints.

In the case of a change in the production of prolactin in women, infertility, excessive hair growth, inflammation of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the appearance of bone pain, signs of depression, increased anxiety, insomnia are observed. Often there are abundant periods of the month, accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, headache, acne, excess weight, the appearance of hard hair on the upper lip, chin, back or stomach. Women have an unnatural fear of gaining more weight, less social activity, a desire to be alone.

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Progressive increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone is manifested by symptoms indicating a change in the patient's psyche:

  • by inhibition;
  • by apathy;
  • irritability;
  • with insomnia;
  • decrease in body temperature.

2 Headache in the pathology of

The malaise manifests itself by compressive, constrictive or compressive pain in the head, which reaches its peak after a few hours. The woman has such symptoms as:

  • photophobia;
  • painful perception of individual sounds;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue.

Analgesics do not reduce the intensity of pain, and the constant intake of tablets can only strengthen it, cause depression. In women who abuse alcohol, suffer from insomnia, irregularly eating, the symptoms of the disease increase. Often, malaise begins in the morning, after sleeping or a smoked cigarette. The pain grows gradually, periodically subsides and comes back again. Many women feel the approach of an attack. In advance there are precursors, as with migraines.

In the process of tumor development in the pituitary field, the patient experiences emotional instability. The woman is often in a state of affect: her mood changes, discontent about personal needs arises, facial expressions, gestures, postures, new intonations in the voice arise.

3 Digestive disorders

As such, the pituitary tumor causes nausea and vomiting. Remains of food, gastric juice are present in the masses removed from the stomach, and the process itself is an important symptom of the presence of a tumor in the pituitary gland.

Often the patient is disturbed by severe nausea and abdominal pain. Vomiting is central or occurs after a certain time after eating. In some women, nausea does not precede vomiting, and the food masses themselves are removed from the stomach by a fountain. Emetic acts are not repeated, but the process itself in women is observed more often than in males, and is combined with a headache, a slight fever.

After repeated vomiting, patients experience cardiac disruptions, and in severe cases, a disorder of consciousness occurs. At the weakened women of advanced age the ingestion of vomit often takes place, and in the future symptoms of aspiration pneumonia can appear.

In pregnant women, with the development of the tumor, repeated vomiting is observed, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: headache, weakness, chills, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen.

4 Ophthalmic problems

Disease is aggravated by impairment of visual function in one or both eyes. The development of the tumor causes a change in the visual fields in the patient, reducing its acuity in an asymmetric order. Often a woman has complete blindness in one eye. Dying of the optic nerve is combined with a decrease in vision and a subsequent loss of vision.


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A sick woman complains about the appearance of dark glares before her eyes, narrowing of the visual fields. At the time of diagnosis, the patient is observed changes in the fundus and decreased visual acuity. A woman complains of the appearance of central dark spots( cattle) in both eyes. There is an asymmetric arrangement of the visual fields in one eye in combination with the complete blindness of the second eye. Often, women notice a sharp decrease in vision in both eyes, accompanied by a change in the visual field in the temporal parts. With the progression of the tumor, visible atrophy of the optic nerves is observed, but a sharp difference in visual acuity in both eyes does not develop in all sick women. They cease to perceive colors, and see only objects located before the eyes, but with the growth of a tumor suddenly there is a sharp deterioration of vision in the event that there is internal bleeding.

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5 Cardiac diseases

Dysfunction in the heart is one of the manifestations of a pituitary tumor. Every third patient seeks a doctor with complaints of pain behind the sternum. Predispose to damage to the heart muscle is not only hormonal disorders, but also changing the regime, smoking, alcohol abuse.

Women who have a tumor and are in the climacteric period, also experience pain in the region of the heart, accompanied by dizziness, numbness of hands and feet. Long-lasting, persistent malaise is combined with autonomic disorders, a sense of interruptions and cardiac fading. Changing rhythm causes anxiety and anxiety in women. The patient feels a feeling of heat, sweating, and a sharp change in body position promotes the appearance of dizziness. Often there is shortness of breath: breathing is frequent, periodically a woman feels a lack of air. With the further development of the Itenko-Cushing disease, the pain in the heart is combined with increased arterial pressure, the patient's psyche suffers.

The malaise is aggravated by the growth of the tumor, and pain symptoms occur against a background of euphoria, accompanied by a disturbance in sleep or mood, tachycardia and arrhythmia after a strong emotional stress. The bradycardia flows with a tremor in the extremities, the pallor of the skin, and patients complain of deterioration of well-being even at rest.

6 Manifestation of excess and lack of sex hormones

In the process of development of pituitary adenoma, the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases. A sick woman observes a sharp decrease in weight, a rapid heartbeat. There are problems with the intestines, there is a frequent unstable stool. A woman is tormented by a feeling of unbearable heat all over her body, trembling of fingers, amenorrhea appears, an extreme degree of attention and memory impairment, a chronic feeling of fatigue develops.

In connection with the development of the Itenko-Cushing's disease, accompanied by an increase in ACTH( adrenocorticotropic hormone), the patient has symptoms of metabolic disorders:

  • reddening of the face;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • increase in the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • arrhythmia;
  • changes on the skin in the form of abscesses and multiple rashes.

Increased production of growth hormone in adenoma of the pituitary causes a change in the toothache, joint disorders, infertility, increased blood pressure, blood glucose, bone growth followed by deformation of the fingers and toes.

7 Feeling of fatigue and weakness

In case of rapid development of a pituitary tumor, a woman experiences constant malaise, strong muscle weakness, weight gain due to fat deposits in the abdomen. There are pains in the back and bones, weakness grows after stress or a viral infection.

The paroxysmal course of the disease exhausts the sick woman: it is difficult for her to move and talk.

Strong seizures are accompanied by confusion, rapid urination, and difficulty in walking. Often, muscle weakness is combined with the appearance of edema on the face. At night, there are crises, similar to panic attacks in autonomic dystonia.

The patient complains of increased sweating, palpitations and chills. The pains in the back and lower limbs are long, aching, exhausting a woman, and very often they become intolerable. The ache and weakness in the body are felt by the patient as breaking or tearing the tissues into pieces. Discomfort is characterized by the patient as twisting or flattening the muscles of various parts of the body.

It should not be hoped that the pituitary tumor will disappear on its own. It is necessary to visit a doctor who will determine the level of hormones in the blood and, if necessary, will select an individual treatment regimen.

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