Kefir and yogurt: Is it possible to drink in case of chronic pancreatitis( pancreas disease)?

Pancreatitis, an unpleasant disease associated with inflammation of the pancreas, requires compliance with a strict restrictive diet, excluding from the diet of the patient a lot of popular products. Hence, patients have a natural question: "Is it possible to drink kefir in pancreatitis?"

Leading nutritionists of the world have carefully considered and picked up food for patients with pancreatic problems that can provide peace for patients and their inflamed glands. Nutritionists are of the opinion that you can drink kefir in pancreatitis. Natural freshly prepared kefir is an excellent unsweetened source of high-quality animal protein, which has a great value in nutrition at this disease.

Its composition, enriched with many useful bacteria, vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements, contributes to the full nutrition of people burdened with this disease. Kefir prevents the development of yeast-like fungi and toxic bacteria in the digestive tract, supporting its work and functioning of the pancreas at the proper level.

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Kefir is contraindicated in pancreatitis in patients whose dairy products cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is not recommended to overload the body with kefir in pancreatitis, it is quite dangerous. If you excessively drink yogurt in pancreatitis, the pancreas, in need of rest, will have to produce in huge quantities of enzymes, which is categorically contraindicated and upset the rules of therapeutic and prophylactic measures.

With pancreatitis, you can drink kefir for 1 glass before going to bed. This method of using this sour milk product is an ideal therapeutic and preventive and dietary remedy for the inflamed pancreas. This way of using it will not affect negatively the functioning of the digestive tract and the functioning of the pancreas, and therefore will not exacerbate the disease.

Prostock in pancreatitis

Prostock is another valuable sour-milk product with excellent therapeutic and dietary properties. Seedling with pancreatitis is the first easily digestible and assimilated food of the patient. You can drink it every half hour for 1/3 cup. Patients who tolerate a similar diet can drink up to 0.5 liters of the product daily. After attenuation of pain( which ensures the use of this sour-milk product) that does not occur during the day, the patient is allowed to eat a little cottage cheese, which is degreased and necessarily freshly prepared.

Additionally, people with inflamed pancreas are recommended to make compresses out of it. Before going to bed, a linen cloth, the size of which approximately from the palm, is moistened with warm curdled milk and applied to the left hypochondrium, in the stomach area, covered with cellophane or compress paper, bandaged with a woolen cloth and put to bed. The compress takes at least 4 weeks. In this case sweets and sugar are replaced with honey.

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