White spots on the fingernails of the fingers - the reason

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The human body is a unique system where all organs are interconnected. The disease of an organ affects others. Back in ancient China they said that everything that happens inside a person is reflected from the outside. The skin, hair and nails are the first to react to unfavorable psychological conditions or changes in health. The nail plates of a healthy person are strong, uniform in color, even with a light shine. Quite often they give the first signal about a change in the state of human health. The appearance of white spots on the fingernails of the fingers is the reason caused by the weakening of immunity and other factors.

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Brief description of the problem

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Educationon the fingernails of the fingers of snow-white divorces and points in medicine is called leikonichia. This disease is a pathology that occurs when air layers between layers form in the cornified nail plate. The problem can arise in men and women, in infants and elderly people.

There is an erroneous opinion among the people that this cosmetic defect is a sign of early luck, happy circumstances in a person's life. For example, the appearance of white spots on the nails of the middle finger means unexpected joy. Do we give importance to signs? Everyone decides this question himself.

Official medicine identifies several stages of this disease:

  1. Small nibbles of milk color begin to appear on the nails. Affected several fingers, the point barely visible.
  2. Appearance on the nail surface of a cluster of whitish markings or combining them into one large point formation.
  3. Light dots form appreciable bands on the surface of the nail plate. The longitudinal or transverse location of the strips helps the doctor determine which internal organ is affected by the disease.
  4. Complete defeat of marigold stains white. At this stage, it is urgent to begin therapy.

Important! In no case do not let the disease run its course, especially if the nature of the lesion of the nail plates has taken a total character. If there was a question, to which doctor to address this problem, then it should be a dermatologist with a lot of experience.

Causes of leukonychia

Often, the causes of leukonchia are external factors:

  1. Frequent injuries of fingers. They lead to improper execution of manicure, neglect of protective equipment during the performance of physical work.
  2. Popular in ladies' marigolds made of acrylic and gel can also seriously damage the plate.
  3. Use of substandard decorative varnishes, frequent contact with household chemicals without rubber gloves.
  4. Fungal diseases are also often the cause of the lesion. In addition to the appearance of light points, the nail may change its shape or color.

However, the health of nails is influenced not only by lifestyle, specific work, but also by endogenous factors:

  1. Shortage in the body of vitamins and trace elements. Incorrect nutrition, frequent diets, lack of protein foods deplete the body. With such an etiology of the problem, the nature and direction of the spots will depend on what vitamins the body lacks. For example, the lack of protein is expressed by the appearance of longitudinal paired bands of whitish color.
  2. Problems of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. With kidney diseases, the organs are removed from the organs, white spots on the nails are formed.
  3. Frequent stressful situations, psychological stress, chronic fatigue. Even a single situation, which caused a nervous system, can lead to the formation of a white spot of large sizes. Nervous direct stress can cause total hand injury.
  4. Postponed infection.

Factors for the emergence of leuconichia are many. Some people make a diagnosis based on the information they read in books or on the Internet. However, even an experienced doctor can not reveal the etiology of the disease on the grounds of external examination. To select a method of therapy may require analysis, as well as a survey of narrow specialists.

risk groups As stated earlier, everyone is at risk for leuconichia, but some groups deserve more attention.

Very often white pigmentation of the marigold appears during pregnancy, in nursing mothers. First of all, this is due to an acute shortage of iron in the body of a future mother. Low hemoglobin is the first sign of possible anemia. Noticing these symptoms, a woman in the position should ask the doctor to prescribe a detailed blood test in order to identify what trace elements are not enough. Based on the analysis, the doctor prescribes the vitamin complex, recommends a list of products, tells how to treat this cosmetic defect.

Young children also often suffer from this ailment. Parents can ask the pediatrician what causes this phenomenon. In children of infancy without signs of an internal ailment, eating well and actively awake, the source may be an incorrectly arranged day of the baby.

In older children, the causes of whitish point formations and bands on the nails may be as follows:

  • deficiency of protein;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • metabolic abnormality;
  • increased level of sugar;
  • is a strong fright.

Treatment of signs of leukonichia in mothers and children requires a special approach, because their organisms are very vulnerable.

Remember! A minor cosmetic defect is a likely sign of a serious medical condition.

Treatment of leukonichia

For the treatment of problem nails, drugs prescribed by a dermatologist or a traditional medicine can be used.

Drug therapy

Timely treatment in a medical institution in the last stages of leukonichia is a very correct decision. External manifestations of the disease can be a consequence of an internal disease or a whole complex of diseases. You can determine them by going through an extensive examination and passing the necessary tests. An experienced doctor will prescribe medication for the patient based on the results of the analysis.

In most cases, the main cause of the disease is vitamin deficiency, which is easily eliminated by the course of vitamins.

Please note! When choosing vitamins, consider compatibility. For example, calcium is not absorbed in the body without vitamin D.

If other diseases are detected, the doctor will prescribe pills( flucanozole, levorin), antifungal drugs( nizoral or conventional clotrimazole), or sedatives( motherwort extract, new passitis, afobazol).As an addition to medical treatment, therapeutic cosmetic preparations are prescribed - vitaminized varnishes, cream and oils for nails and cuticles. For example, you can use smart enamel or a special cuticle oil enriched with vitamins.

Fighting leuconichia with folk methods

It is possible to eliminate defeat not only with medicines, treatment with folk remedies is also very successful.

First of all, determine what became the root cause of leikonihia. If this is frequent fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous work, or chronic fatigue, try to rest more, change your lifestyle for a while, revise the diet, try to abstract from the problems. If possible, take a vacation.

A number of caring procedures will be effective to combat this problem and as a preventive method of hand care. Consider the most popular.

  1. Hand baths with sea salt or table salt fill the marigold with the necessary calcium. To prepare them, sea salt is dissolved in 500 ml of warm water and keep hands for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Herbal infusions of oak bark and chamomile flowers, mixed in equal proportions, are also excellent for this preventive measure. After completion of the procedure, the surface of the nail is smeared with a nutrient oil.
  3. Rubbing in the nail plate and cuticle of oils A and E, oil from apricot kernels, olive oil or fish oil can restore the health of the nails.
  4. Lemon juice is known as a whitening agent. Regular application can make a less noticeable white spot on the thumb of the thumb, for example.
  5. Rubbing with iodine and adding it to the baths and oils, enriches the affected nail plates with these microelements, removes harmful substances and leads to a reduction in the number of white spots.

To successfully combat the manifestations of leukonichia, it is desirable to use all available methods and preparations in a complex. The measured way of life, adherence to the doctor's recommendations, balanced nutrition and preventive measures of traditional medicine can save not only the appearance of whitish spots, but cure and prevent the emergence of a number of serious ailments.

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