Horse chestnut from varicose veins: recipe

Modern society, because of its hard work, is increasingly suffering from varicose veins. The reason for this can serve as heredity, work associated with lifting weights, sedentary work, malnutrition, shoes with high heels. Horse chestnut from varicose veins, a recipe that is described in many editions of traditional medicine, will undoubtedly help get rid of this sore. Related articles:

  • How to apply horse chestnut extract
  • How to prepare and take horse chestnut tincture
  • Photo and description of horse chestnut
  • Horse chestnut - use in folk medicine
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To defeat varicose veins or reduce the degree of painsensations use all parts of the plant, flowers, fruits and leaves. Preparing them for medicines at home is not difficult.

Horse Chestnut - curative properties for varicose

Thanks to its valuable biological composition, the chestnut can normalize blood circulation, cholesterol level, strengthen the walls of small capillaries and vessels, normalize blood viscosity, which helps to prevent thrombophlebitis and varicose veins at any stage of the disease.

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This is achieved by the presence of tannins, saponins, vitamin P, flavonoids. But do not forget that horse chestnut is able to strengthen human health in general. The main constituent elements, with varicose are: esculin and escin. Eszin dilutes the blood and leads the veins into tone.

Esculin has a wider range of actions:

  • inhibits the formation of blood clots;
  • prevents the appearance of edema;
  • strengthens the walls of vessels and small capillaries, which prevents their fragility and the formation of capillary nets;
  • produces antithrombin;
  • increases the passage of blood through the vessels.

The effect of drugs based on horse chestnut extracts is noticeable three weeks after application. Often, chestnut remedies are used to prevent varicose veins.

How to collect and prepare medicinal raw materials

Leaves and inflorescences are harvested in the spring. A fruit of horse chestnut, in the autumn after they mature.

Tip! Collecting medicinal raw materials is only in the most environmentally friendly areas, away from large highways and urban infrastructure.

After collecting the raw materials you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Kashitsa from the fruit. Chestnut seeds are passed through a meat grinder or ground in a mortar. From such raw materials it is possible to prepare tincture, it will perfectly approach for ointments and broths.
  2. Dried seeds and inflorescences. Dry such raw materials mainly in the open air, strictly under a canopy, while you must ensure that there is no excess moisture, so at night the seeds are brought into the house.

If you decide to use the chestnut bark for yourself, then it is removed in March, before the appearance of a large sap flow, so as not to harm the tree.

Treatment with horse chestnut varicose veins

Many housewives first of all for any disease begin to prepare a medicine at home, from what is at hand. The reason for this is distrust of modern medicine, and vice versa, the popularity of prescriptions of old healers. Among such recipes that can be easily prepared at home are:

  • decoctions of green peel kernels, flowers and leaves;
  • chestnut tincture;
  • ointments, creams.

How to prepare a horse chestnut remedy for varicose veins?


If you are not allowed to drink alcoholic tinctures, you can prepare decoctions or infusion.

Recipe # 1:

  1. 1 tsp.ground bark + 400 ml of cooled boiled water.
  2. Bark with water and leave to stand for a day.
  3. After 8-12 hours, filter the infusion.
  4. Drink 4 times a day for 30-50 ml.

Recipe # 2:

  • crushed fruit - 5 g;
  • crushed dried leaves - 5 g;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • boil in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • strain and add 200 ml of cooled boiled water.

How to take a decoction? It should drink 1 tbsp.l.once a day after meals.

If after using this infusion did not show any side effects, then you can increase the number of receptions up to 3 times. With the help of such decoctions make a compress, for this piece of gauze cloth dipped in a solution and applied to the sore spots, wrapped in cellophane and warm cloth, and go to bed. The cycle of such treatment should last at least a week.


To prepare a horse chestnut ointment, a base will be needed. As it can be taken natural butter or interior pig fat( unsalted), petroleum jelly, any vegetable oil.

Tip! Store the chestnut cream only in the refrigerator, at a temperature of no more than +10 degrees, in a tightly closed container so that no foreign smells and light penetrate it.

  1. Ointment No. 1 recipe: grind 5 parts of flowers and chestnut fruits, pour 500 ml of any vegetable oil and evaporate in a water bath for at least two hours. Next, the resulting oily mixture is filtered, poured into a clean glassware and cooled in a refrigerator. Apply ointment to a sore spot should be several times a day, carefully rubbing. You can make a compress: apply a thick layer of a tool, wrap it with a plastic bag, it's more convenient to use a food film, top it with a warm towel or scarf and leave it overnight.
  2. Prescription ointment number 2: you can prepare an ointment from some flowers. Ready raw materials, that is, dried chestnut peduncles, mix with oil in a 1: 1 ratio, insist about 6 hours. Then evaporate a few hours on the "bath", filter and cool. Used similarly to the first recipe.

You can use other medicinal herbs when preparing the ointment. How to make an ointment from a mixture of herbs?

Ointment Prescription No. 3:

  • sage leaves medicinal - 10 g;
  • flowers of white acacia - 10 g;
  • herb wormwood - 20 g;
  • chestnut kernels - 30 g;
  • 1 tbsp.l.starch;
  • chicken fat - 200 g.

All the ingredients are ground and mixed, soak on the "bath" for half an hour. Strain, cool and apply twice a day.

All ointments are very effective. With the help of them baths are prepared. A small amount of oil is dissolved in warm water. Keep the feet for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Do not use very hot water for venous disease, this can lead to big problems.

After taking such water procedures you need to lie down and relax. Edema and pain will go away in a moment, you will feel lightness in your legs.


Another most, perhaps, common and more effective means is tincture from horse chestnut, and not only from seeds, but also from flowers. How to make a tincture to properly observe all the proportions? To prepare it you will need:

  • chestnut kernels, about 50 grams, preferably with the skin;
  • pour vodka( medical alcohol), about 250 ml;
  • insist in glassware for about 14 days, in a dark cool place;
  • then strain the tincture and store in the refrigerator.

How to take the tincture? It is necessary to drink 15 drops three times a day, continue treatment for one month.

If the dry inflorescences of the chestnut tree are used as the medicinal raw material, then the tincture should be kept in a dark place for about one month. Take 50 drops three times a day.

Important , when treating varicose veins with such drugs, is a continuous reception.

Other recipes

If you have any branches of chestnut, they will also benefit you. From them you can prepare foot baths. If you have freshly picked flowers, you can prepare juice: wring out fresh flowers, until the juice is formed, and take it as an independent drink before eating. The juice of the inflorescence is applied to the affected parts of the legs.

Another common recipe is the decoction of green pericarp for chestnut. The peel of the kernels is ground, poured into water and boiled for about half an hour over low heat. Then cool the cooked broth and take 1 tablespoon for two weeks.

The effect of the

drugs used All the products have been tested for many years and stretch from our great-grandmothers. With the help of them you will receive:

  1. The tonus of the walls of the blood vessels will improve.
  2. Blood is diluted and its permeability through the veins will increase.
  3. Blood clots and thrombi dissolve.
  4. There will be pain and swelling of the legs.
  5. The outflow of blood will increase.
  6. Stagnant phenomena in the blood will pass.

If you combine folk remedies with medicines, which the doctor - phlebologist writes out, the effect will be achieved doubly. In the event that there is no way to prepare a medicine at home, the following drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy are developed:

  • Venitan gel;
  • drops of Escuzan;
  • Herbion Escolus.

It is not difficult to take them, as each package contains instructions for use, with which you can easily calculate the dose and determine the contraindications.

Today at chemist's shops you can find cream "Shark Fat with Horse Chestnut".Such a tool has a strengthening effect, relieves fatigue, painful spasms, cramps and swelling of the legs. After a long stay on his feet, he will become a wand for you. Its application is very convenient. You can take it with you on a journey, carry to work and if you have heaviness in your legs, lubricate your limbs. Upon returning home, you need to thoroughly wash your feet, rub them with a terry towel and rub the cream into them.


Any treatment for varicose veins with horse chestnut, as well as medicines should be under the supervision of a doctor, and only with his permission, since varicose veins are a serious disease. Self-medication can lead to a number of serious consequences. Containing substances reduce the viscosity of the blood, if you do not comply with all the rules for taking the medicine, you can cause severe bleeding, up to the internal ones.

Other contraindications for admission:

  1. Pregnancy and the period of feeding a baby, this is perhaps the main ban when taking any folk remedy.
  2. Hemophilia.
  3. Low blood pressure. Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atonic constipation, gastritis, colitis.
  5. Allergic reactions, redness, rash.
  6. Child's age, restrictions up to 18 years.

If after side-effects of medication there are side effects, then immediately you need to see a doctor.

The use of funds, based on horse chestnut, is a serious matter, since useful substances can be of use, and if improperly administered, harm the body. Pharmacology today, having studied all the biogenic properties of plants, have developed a variety of medical and cosmetic products. But undoubtedly an important area of ​​use is the treatment of varicose veins.

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