Dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis: treatment, symptoms, causes

Dermatitis( for example, purpurea, exfoliative, etc.) is commonly called a complex of inflammatory skin reactions to the effect of external and internal factors. Dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis is characteristic of women experiencing menopause. The pathological state of the skin is also known during abnormalities in the functioning of the sexual glands of a woman - the ovaries.

Let's talk today about dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis in adult women, its symptoms, the causes of the onset and treatment, consider the photos of patients, we will study the rules for the prevention of the disease.

Features of

Dysmenorrheic symmetric dermatitis, like other dermatitis, is a type of allergic dermatosis. Because of a decrease in the secretion of female sex hormones, estrogens, it is manifested by inflammatory processes on the skin.

Skin receptors are sensitive to the concentration of female hormones, but only in certain areas of the body. This feature extends to all types of dermatitis, including dysmenorrheal symmetrical. As soon as the hormone deficiency is filled up with the help of treatment, the lesions become a remission stage.

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There are cases of the hormonal form of dermatitis not only during the termination of menstruation in menopause, but also in women with ovarian removal, their dysfunction or other lesion of the gonads.

About problems in women during menopause, including dermatitis, this video will tell:

Stages of

There are 3 stages of development of skin pathology:

  1. The first stage of , characterized by an increase in symptomatic changes in appearance.
  2. The second stage of is an acute course of pathology, when the symptomatic pattern reaches its peak. It is necessary to differentiate the acute and chronic form of the disease at this stage.
  3. The third stage of the development is conditional, in the course of the disease, divided into 3 phases:
    1. subacute phase with a decrease in the intensity of the manifested symptoms;
    2. full phase reveals subtle traces of the transferred inflammation of the skin;
    3. the remission phase ends with a complete recovery.

And then we'll talk about the causes of dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis.

Reasons for the emergence of dysmenorrheic symmetric dermatitis

The only reason for the development of dysmenorrheic symmetric dermatitis is a sharp decrease in the production of estriol, estradiol and other homogens of the estrogen group. The decrease in hormone secretion is due to two reasons:

  • menopause of a woman when the low level of estrogen is natural;
  • pathology of the ovaries with their dysfunction.

Symptoms of

The skin of the face, cervical region, shoulder girdle is covered with reddish areas of urticar type. One of the characteristics of the name of the disease "symmetrical" is explained by the symmetrical arrangement of the urticar formations with respect to the longitudinal axis of the body.

  • The soreness of the rashes is accompanied by severe itching.
  • Urtical formations often reach the size of bubbles, they become wet and crusty.
  • After healing, the former lesions remain without pigmentation.

If the pathology is caused by a violation of the female gonads and subsequently becomes pregnant, a powerful hormonal surge of the fetal woman eliminates the disease without relapse.

  • Menopause is characterized by generalized itching.
  • Some women develop climacteric eczema, itching in the genital area.
  • Often the growth of "sleeping" hair bulbs in the area of ​​the upper labia, the lower part of the face opens.
  • On the soles and palms, the formation of keratinized cells is intensified, which ends with layers of pathological nature on the skin, the appearance of seals and cracks in these places.
  • The external genitalia of a woman( vulva) undergo sclerotic changes leading to atrophy and dystrophy of the vulva, which characterizes their precancerous condition.

Diagnostics of

  • From instrumental methods, dysmenorrhoid symmetrical dermatitis can be confirmed by laboratory diagnostics of blood analysis of ha hormones.
  • In case of pathology, the level of female genitalia is reduced. Visual examination, anamnesis of the data is usually confirmed by hormonal analysis.
  • Mycotic( fungal) dermatitis is eliminated by scraping from affected areas and subsequent microbiological analysis of the smear.

On how to treat symmetrical dysmenorrheic dermatitis in women, we will tell further.


Therapeutic method

During the course of an acute period, it is possible to add to the main treatment the attachment to the lesions of a bandage soaked in a 3% solution of boric acid. Gadgets change from time to time. Healing of bubbles, coated with a crust, will speed up lubrication with ointment Levomecol.

By sticking to such rules, you can significantly ease your condition.

Medical method

  • If the dysmenorrheal period is not caused by the climacteric period, and ovarian disturbance is detected, the drug treatment presupposes hormonal treatment of dermatitis with drugs that are hormone precursors or hormonal derivatives( sinestrol, propionic testosterone, folliculin, methyltestosterone).
  • With the itching of the external genitalia, injections of the hormone progesterone, produced in the yellow body. Local itching can also be eliminated with ointments and creams containing synalar, 1-2% hydrocortisone, 0.5% prednisone.
  • Oral preparations with prednisone( 20-25 mg) and triamcinolock( 16-20 mg each) may also be used by oral or injectable administration.
  • With a climacteric period and acute dermatitis, a follicular hormone or a complex preparation with the inclusion of parathyroid hormone( the secretion of the parathyroid glands) is prescribed.
  • Treatment of other symptoms of dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis resolves the use of sedatives and antihistamines. Against the itch, you can use diazoline to 0.1 g twice daily.

During treatment and during remission it is desirable to be observed by gynecologists and endocrinologists.


Invasive treatments for this kind of dermatitis are not applied. In secondary dysmenorrhoeic symmetrical dermatitis, the decision to intervene in the female sexual system is determined by a gynecologist.

On the homeopathy in menopause, the expert in the video will be told by the specialist in the video below:

Popular methods of

Earlier in Russia and other ancient states did not know the source of dermatitis and its form, but skin rashes made it easier for the patient to apply raw crushed tubers of potatoes. In the absence of potatoes used lotions from a mixture of red wine, juice of the century and castor oil.

The oils of sea buckthorn, geranium and tea tree were treated with dermatitis in the stage of bursting bubbles and crusting. The same effect had a tar soap. In addition to the properties described, these agents prevent the settling of bacteria and fungi on the affected areas.

The healing of urtic erythem is promoted by tincture of celandine or other herbs mixed with honey. The surface was cleaned, a drug was applied and wrapped around with a waterproof cloth for several hours.

Prevention of the disease

During the onset of age-related menopause, it is recommended:

  • to observe the correct alternation of work and rest,
  • adhere to the rules of healthy nutrition,
  • contain skin integument in cleanliness and cosmetic care,
  • to avoid physical overload and prolonged exposure to the open sun.

Complications of

Dermatological problems are not the cause of premalignant skin, especially in the area of ​​the external genitalia. But the true cause of the pathology - hormonal failure, should be eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise the stage of remission will be delayed by time.


The pathology forecast is stated as favorable, but delaying treatment is undesirable due to unpredictable variants of development of hormonal disorders.

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