Corn( corn flakes and stigmas) with pancreatitis, can porridge, canned, chopsticks, popcorn?

Corn in pancreatitis is prohibited in the form of boiled grains and canned food, but, it can be consumed in the form of flakes, and corn stigmas used as a decoction. You can cook the cob( two or four, depending on the amount of two liters of water) to reduce pain in the upper abdomen with exacerbations of the disease. Rigidity in this case you need to choose milk-wax. Preference is given to white varieties. It must be remembered that the diagnosis of this illness is lifelong, acute attacks result in the death of every third patient. Corn can only be healthy people, their body will calmly cope with excess starch.

Corn stigmas in pancreatitis are ground, insisted for an hour, boiled for five minutes. The filtered liquid should be drunk with glasses three times a day. Corn flakes contain fast carbohydrates in excessive amounts. Frequent use of healthy people leads to the deposition of carbohydrates in the form of fat at the waist. In the UK, flakes are on the list of harmful products, advertising on television is prohibited. Diet in pancreatitis never uses foods with a fiber content above normal. They put too much strain on the gland, which is the main problem.

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To the question: "Is it possible for pancreatitis corn," doctors give a negative answer for grains and, especially for cereals. The starch content is very high in the grains, and this is disastrous for the gland, which has already stopped working normally, starting to poison the body. In some forms of diabetes, combined with pancreatitis, corn can cause death. Corn stigmas in the form of an extract dissolve stones in some organs, however, consultation of the attending physician is necessary. Corn flakes in pancreatitis are completely excluded, since absolutely healthy people this dish is contraindicated for breakfast. Whole corn is also harmful in this disease, especially children.

To prevent disease( maintaining the state of remission), you can insist stigmas corn, leaves of blueberries and bean pods from evening to morning and drink twice a day in a glass. Collect the stigma of corn at the time of maturation, the bundles are torn off the cob by hand. There is a folk prescription tincture for patients with pancreatitis:

  • plantain
  • mint
  • camomile
  • calendula
  • corn stigmas

All ingredients are used in the same parts, a spoon can be brewed on a can of 0,75 l. The ready infusion is suitable for five days if stored in a refrigerator. Take it you need a quarter of a glass a quarter of an hour before a meal.

Canned corn for pancreatitis

It is included in recipes for various dishes, for example, crab and other salads, components for casseroles, pizza toppings and so on. Some patients believe that in these dishes they are very few, and you can sometimes pamper yourself. Doctors do not agree with this, because canned corn in pancreatitis is even more dangerous than fresh. In diseases of the pancreas it is generally forbidden to use preservatives, they often provoke attacks of acute pancreatitis. And if it is also in the form of a preservative, then it is doubly dangerous.

Corn porridge with pancreatitis

Corn porridge with chronic pancreatitis can occasionally be eaten. Cook it should be on the water, because whole milk can not be used by those with inflammation of the pancreas, they are only allowed to skim milk products. Fat in porridge to put it is not necessary and it should be salted in moderation. Boil the croup for about 20 minutes, then close and wrap the saucepan or put in the oven to make the grains become soft. During the exacerbation of the disease from the porridge should be discarded, even if you love it.

Corn sticks with pancreatitis

Corn sticks are made from carefully crushed raw materials, and if the patient tries them several times, then this is permissible, but you do not need to enter them into your diet, you can do without them. Particular care should be taken when the pancreas is broken in children, for them, corn sticks in pancreatitis should be prohibited. The fast carbohydrates in this product are harmful to children and adults.

Popcorn in pancreatitis

Popcorn is not recommended for feeding to suffering pancreatitis, this is due to the fact that it is done with the addition of ingredients that are harmful to health. For example, dyes, flavors, sugar. This is just what is forbidden for pancreatic dysfunction. In addition, you need to remember that popcorn is fried corn kernels, not crushed raw materials. For this reason, this product should not be in the patient's diet.

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