Sunshine in man - symptoms and treatment

Sunseed is a chronic infectious pathology of the skin, characterized by the appearance of foci of hyperpigmentation and peeling in its areas.

This disease affects mostly young people( mostly under the age of 30), regardless of gender.

Solar lichen has many different names - sun fungus, beach sickness. All of them say that the disease develops in the hot season, under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Reasons for

Why does the sunshine occur, and what is it? It is practically impossible to get infected with this carrier, since this fungus does not develop on the skin without accompanying factors.

The main causes of sunshine are:

  • the action of sunlight - they disrupt the acid balance on the skin, promoting the reproduction of the fungus.
  • increased sweating.
  • weakened immunity.
  • frequent visit to the solarium.
  • frequent use of antibacterial agents.

The causative agent of this infection is a fungus of the genus malassezia, which enters the natural microflora of the human skin and begins active reproduction when favorable conditions arise.

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Factors that cause the multiplication of a microorganism can be associated with impaired functioning of the body: hormonal failure, diseases of the endocrine system and thyroid gland, weakening of its protective functions.

External factors include: frequent stress, prolonged exposure to the sun, abuse of sun tanning, trips to the solarium, etc.

Symptoms of

The first signs of a sunfish:

  • , the appearance on the skin of barely noticeable ragged spots. Such spots on color at first differ from a healthy skin insignificantly;
  • increase in the number of spots, their merging into one large formation;
  • discoloration of the skin at the site of such formation.

In some cases, the sun fungus can occupy vast areas of the skin.

Symptoms of sunshine in humans

With sunshine, favorite places for the appearance of symptoms are back, chest, neck and shoulders.

The onset of the disease in humans is characterized by the appearance of small spots on the skin with clearly defined edges. The spots are dark in color and have a brown or reddish hue, as you can see the picture below.

Lichen spots are irregular in shape, flat, they do not protrude above the surface of the skin. As a rule, they do not itch, do not inflame and do not cause any physical inconveniences.

No other signs of this disease. If a person has itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations, then it means that some other bacterial infection has been added to the lisha.

Excessive sweating can aggravate the disease. After the spores of the fungus falling into the sweat easily move over the skin of the patient, thus increasing the affected areas.


For prevention, it is recommended:

  1. Before sunbathing after bathing, the skin must be wiped with a towel, then exposed to sunlight.
  2. In case of excessive sweating, treat skin folds, axillary cavities with powder, talcum, wipe with oak bark broth.
  3. Do not abuse your stay in the sun.
  4. It is compulsory to use sunscreen.
  5. Do not visit the solarium.
  6. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

You can try to get rid of this disease folk methods, but it is better to entrust the treatment to the proven antifungal drugs that the doctor will choose.

How does the sunshine: photo

Below is a sunflower in humans, and its detailed photos in the initial stage and not only.

Treatment of sunshine

When was diagnosed with sunshine treatment is carried out at home. The person is prescribed local antifungal medicines, the reception of which continues until the symptoms disappear completely.

If the disease does not give in to prescribed therapy, it progresses or its relapse is noted, in these cases it is advisable to use systemic drugs.

Than to treat this problem? In general, antifungal ointments are applied which smear the affected area of ​​the skin:

  1. Mycosolin;
  2. Clotrimozole;
  3. Miromistin;
  4. Terbinafine;
  5. Lamisyl;
  6. Naphthyfin.

Ointments and creams are rubbed into the skin with light movements once or twice a day, depending on the percentage of the active ingredient.

Usually treatment lasts no more than 10-15 days. In addition, you can lubricate the affected area with dog-rose or sea-buckthorn oil, or 5% salicylic alcohol. Do not neglect and use of multivitamins, because the development of the fungus suffers immunity.

In addition to local treatment in advanced cases, general therapy is recommended. Suppress the activity of fungi called drugs:

  1. ketoconazole;
  2. Orgunal;
  3. Itraconazole.

Antifungal medications help to successfully fight the foci of the disease, and also prevent the spread of the lesion to other parts of the skin. To restore melanin, cycloserine is used, which effectively stops the synthesis of the pigments of the causative agent of the disease.

How to treat folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many options than treating sunshine in humans. However, treatment at home should be agreed with a doctor who can diagnose and prescribe a comprehensive therapy.

  1. You can apply twice a day essential oils of sea buckthorn or dog rose. With sensitive epidermis, it is desirable to dilute these products with some vegetable base oil( olive, corn, sunflower).
  2. Infusion of dog rose. Excellent remedy that strengthens immunity. Pour in a thermos 2 tbsp.l.fruit, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After two hours, strain the infusion. Take orally twice a day for half a cup.
    Wipe the bleached stains with homemade apple cider vinegar every 2.5-3 hours.

So, you can supplement the therapy with proven home remedies. Do not replace, namely supplement.

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