Folk treatment of intestinal polyps - the most popular methods

Is it effective to treat follicle polyps intestine? Yes, if it is used in combination with a curative diet and official therapy. To get rid of polyps it is possible only surgically, but in order to prevent relapses and to try to eliminate the causes of their appearance, it is often used treatment of polyps of the intestine by folk remedies. They are selected in a strictly individual order. The patient may be prescribed to take herbal decoctions and tinctures, enemas, syringings. Propolis, soda, and pumpkin seeds are also useful. What action do they produce? Let's understand together.

Treatment of intestinal polyps with

soda Today, the popular treatment of polyps of the intestine with soda is used very actively. Many scientists devoted their research to this topic and found that alkalizing the body helps to get rid of many pathological processes, including soda and polyps of the intestine, folk remedies in this case help to eliminate the cause and stop the progress of already existing stages.

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This product must be used at home. In the morning you will need to do a cleansing enema, and then prepare the next drink. A liter of boiled water dissolves a tablespoon of baking soda, then another one-liter jar is taken, a spoon of salt dissolves in it. In the third liter pot should be an apple unsweetened compote. The scheme of reception is this: every fifteen minutes on the throat, first a saline solution is drunk, then a soda, then compote of dry apples. Thus, the entire gastrointestinal tract is well cleaned. After such procedure in the mornings on an empty stomach it is necessary to do or make clysters a two-percentage soda solution.

Propolis in the popular treatment of bowel polyps

Useful properties of propolis are well known. With the help of this folk remedy today get rid of many ailments, produced, including polyps. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  • One hundred grams of butter melts on the stove.
  • Then add ten grams of propolis to it.
  • The mixture is put on a water bath and heated for ten minutes.
  • When hot, immediately filter and filter.

The remedy is as follows: a teaspoon is stirred in hot milk and drunk every time before eating. The folk remedies described above from intestinal polyps are used most often. The next most popular drug is decoctions and infusions of celandine.

Celandine intestine purifier

Purity is a unique plant, which contains substances that are actively used not only to treat polyps, but also intestinal cancer. The easiest way is preparing a medicine with honey. Three hundred grams of dry grass is crushed and placed in a jar, into which honey is then poured. Everything is thoroughly mixed and closed with a dense lid. The medicine should be placed in the refrigerator for six days, and then take five drops once a day, before diluting the product with water. The course lasts twenty days, then a ten-day break is made, and then the folk treatment of polyps of the intestine resumes. You need to drink celandine with honey until the medicine is over.

Those who have a honey allergy, you can advise to take celandine from polyps of the intestines in the form of infusion. For its preparation you need to take the grinded dry grass gram 20, pour 500 ml of boiling water and wrap the container with a warm blanket for exactly one hour. Then the medicine is filtered and taken exclusively in the preheated form before sitting down at the table. Duration of treatment - two months, then three months break and again a course. It is noticed that this use of this folk remedy against polyps in the intestines brings very good results.

If polyps in the intestine are located near the anus, folk remedies are used more actively. The most effective are the enemas. They easily deliver the medicine to the neoplasm and restore the mucous membrane much faster after the operation to remove the meat outgrowths.

Clysters are prepared from medicinal herbs, most often the celandine juice is used. It is prepared simply. Fresh grass is ground in a meat grinder. Kashitsa is laid out on a linen cloth and juice is squeezed out with it.

Folk treatment of intestinal polyps occurs in two stages:

  • At the first stage for fifteen days, enemas made from one teaspoon of celandine juice and a liter of water are made. Then there is a break in two weeks.
  • In the second stage and the third stage, the juice content increases to a tablespoon, the enema maintenance schedule is maintained. The break between the second and third stage is also two weeks.

Given that the juice of this plant is a poison in its purest form, it is necessary to use such folk treatment very carefully and only under the supervision of the attending physician. Reduce the risk of helping to replace juice with decoction. It is prepared simply. Dry milled grass( 10 g) is poured a glass of boiling water and cooked in a water bath for half an hour. Then the broth cool and filter, enemas are made within ten days, then four days break, the course is renewed, its duration should be at least six months.

In addition to enemas it is useful to drink celandine. The medicine is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of grass is poured half a liter of boiling water and is infused for an hour. Then you need to strain and drink in a warm form, be sure to eat, half an hour before it, you need to drink for two months, and then trim the trimester and start the course again.

Pumpkin seeds - a remedy for intestinal polyposis

When a polyposis of the intestine is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies helps to stop the progress of the disease. Pumpkin seeds are best for this. They are ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with boiled yolks and combined with 500 ml of any vegetable oil. The whole mixture is aged in a water bath for half an hour, then cooled and taken in the morning on an empty stomach for five consecutive days, then break for five days, and then again for five days, and so until the remedy runs out.

Any folk treatment of polyposis in the intestines is not a panacea that will allow to abandon traditional medicine. It should complement it, only in this case it will be possible to achieve full recovery.

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