Tinctures from gastritis

Gastritis is a terrible disease of our time, which embraced a fifth of the population of the civilized world. And, unfortunately, it's not just food or bad habits - it's all about the environment. But if nature destroys us, then it will help us! Before you start taking any of the herbs listed below for herbs against gastritis, you should consult your doctor!

Flax seed tincture

Flax is a known medicinal plant that is used to treat a huge number of diseases. Tincture from these seeds turns out viscous and dense enough.

Thanks to these properties, it easily envelops the walls of the stomach and reduces pain, and also relieves inflammation. This drug is recommended to use for a month, and even in the event that attacks of acute gastritis stopped.

Tincture from rose hips

Everyone knows that rosehip is a medicinal plant. After the dogrose fades, orange fruits appear on it, which are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Of the hips, and prepare the infusion, which is used to treat gastritis. It must be eaten three times a day for 200ml every day.

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Propolis tincture

Propolis has spasmolytic and healing properties. It helps to restore internal microflora and reduces the acidity of gastric juice. It also improves microcirculation and produces an anesthetic effect.

Water propolis tincture is prepared specifically for the treatment of gastritis. However, before preparing it, propolis should be left in the freezer, then it is ground and cooked with water in a water bath for about an hour. This drug is stored for not more than one week. Take it every day for half a glass.

Tincture from chaga

Chaga is a fungus, which is formed as a growth on tree trunks. The excellent effect of chaga has on the digestive system, in this regard, infusion of it is recommended for gastritis. It is it helps to relieve pain, as well as restore damage to the gastric mucosa, relieving spasms.

Tincture of celandine juice

This plant has always been used for the treatment of various diseases. It is known that its juice perfectly cauterizes skin damage. It is thanks to this opportunity that it prepares infusions from gastritis. But it should be borne in mind that this plant is poisonous enough.

Tincture of gastritis is made from the juice of celandine and alcohol. It should be stored in a dark place during the day, and then put in a dark dish and take one tablespoon every day.

Calendula tincture

Inflorescences of this medicinal plant have antitoxic, bactericidal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antispasmodic properties. These properties are possible because of the content of ascorbic acid, calcium, salicylic acid, saponins and phytoncides and malic acid in flowers.

It is due to the properties of calendula from its flowers, a remarkable effective preparation that helps with erosive gastritis. To do this, just take a few small spoons of the dried inflorescences of this plant and brew them with steep boiling water. The received drink should be taken throughout the day.

When combined with calendula flowers with medicinal chamomile and yarrow, the effectiveness and results of treatment are significantly improved.

Thus, there are many herbal remedies for getting rid of gastritis, but the choice should only take place with the help of a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

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