Retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of cerebrum: dimensions, treatment

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The cyst of the brain is usually a benign liquid formation that has different volumes and is located between the brain tissues. After diagnosis, the retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the human brain worries whether it is dangerous, what are the predictions for recovery. We will deal with this issue.

Classification of cysts of the brain

Cysts are subdivided by type of acquisition into the following types:

  1. Primary or congenital - are found in newborns already in the hospital;
  2. Secondary or acquired - the data of brain formation are the result of various pathological abnormalities or the result of surgical intervention.

The localization of the formations in question largely determines their variety. The most common arachnoid and retrocerebellar cysts.

  • If the cyst is located between the brain and its arachnoid membrane, then the cyst is called arachnoid.
  • If the cyst occupies a specific part of the brain, then it is an intracerebral( cerebral) cyst.
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What is the retrocerebellar cyst of the brain? In particular, the name of this type of ailment comes from its location, where the connection is determined with the cerebellum.

Retrocerebellar or intracerebral cyst develops at the site of death of gray matter, that is, in the brain, not in its shell or on the surface. Speaking about this type of neoplasm, they can be in any part of the brain, so there is a definite classification of the ailment in question depending on their location( eg, upper and lower retrocerebellar cyst).

A similar clinical picture is observed in the presence of a tumor. The causes of meningioma of the brain are hormonal changes after 50 years. Who is more prone to this disease and what preventive measures should be taken, read in our article.

Babies from birth may have a malignant tumor, for example neuroblastoma. The signs of neuroblastoma development in a child can be seen in this article.

The cystic causes of development of this type of cyst are:

  • Deficiency of oxygen and the necessary amount of trace elements entering the brain;
  • necrosis of nerve cells( strokes);
  • surgery in the area of ​​the skull;
  • development of inflammation of infectious genesis;
  • trauma and mechanical damage( concussion).

Retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst

The arachnoid membrane refers to one of the three meninges located between the hard surface shell and the soft deep shell of the brain.

Thus, the pathology at which a liquid-containing bubble( a cerebrospinal fluid) is formed, usually located between the cerebral membranes is called an arachnoid cyst.

Developmental factors of this kind of cyst:

  • process of inflammation of the meninges;
  • high pressure liquid filling;
  • brain injury.

Retrocerebellar cyst

The cyst is a formation that has a wall and some contents. If its filler is a liquid, then talk about the liquor cyst , which is a consequence of such processes as:

  • process of inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • injury;
  • stroke and hemorrhage;
  • transferred surgical procedures.

Liver cyst of the brain occurs in about 4-5% of the population, while only 2 of 10 patients have a marked course of the disease. Retrocerebellar arachnoidal cerebral cyst is divided into the forms :

  1. Congenital is a consequence of a violation in the prenatal state of the fetus( birth trauma).
  2. Acquired - development of the cerebrospinal fluid is caused by inflammation of the superficial membranes of the brain( injuries, injuries and others).

Relationship of symptoms of cystic education and its size

The clinical course of the pathology is directly dependent on its increase( growth).Of course, there are many other factors - the location of the cyst, the source of the disease, but the dimensions play the primary role of the .An increase in the cyst in the volumes provokes an increase in the pressure of the fluid in it, which entails an active course of the disease. The growth of cystic education is affected by:

  • neuroinfection;
  • chronic cardiac circulatory disorders;
  • development of autoimmune processes( eg, multiple sclerosis).

Clinic of retrocerebellar cyst flow in an adult

With an increase in cyst size, the following symptoms are observed:

  • migraine;
  • pulsating sensation in the temples;
  • causeless loss of hearing, the presence of noise in the ears;
  • visual disorders - bifurcation and vagueness of silhouettes, the appearance of flies;
  • paralysis of extremities of various nature, convulsions;
  • coordination problems;
  • vomiting, weakness.
Symptoms of the disease may eventually stop and have various nonspecific manifestations, in any case the degree and nature of the symptoms depend on the type and volume of cystic education.

Clinical course of the disease in a child

In a small patient, the development of this pathology is accompanied as in an adult by a number of similar signs:

  • hearing impairment;
  • paralysis and paresis of the limbs;
  • convulsions, numbness;
  • impaired coordination of motor activity.

If the cyst progresses in size, an increase in intracranial pressure is possible, which consequently affects the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • intense headaches;
  • pulsation in the head region;
  • increased drowsiness and fatigue.

A more severe degree of the disease causes a divergence of the bone sutures( problems with the overgrowing of the fontanel in infants), which affects the developmental delay of the baby, both mental and physical.

Diagnosis of the brain cyst

Recognition of the presence of cystic education is carried out using the following diagnostic methods( tomography):

  1. magnetic resonance;
  2. computer.

These methods are the most accurate in the diagnosis of the pathology in question, since they give the most complete characterization of the course of the disease. Additional methods of investigation include:

  • UZDG( ultrasound Doppler scan);
  • ECG, Echo-CG;
  • blood pressure monitoring.

To differentiate the cyst from the tumor, a diagnostic procedure is performed, which requires the introduction of a special contrast agent. In newborn children for the first week of life, ultrasound of the brain is prescribed, which excludes the presence of congenital pathological formations.

The following photo clearly shows the location of the retrocerebellar cyst:

Principles of treatment

Treatment of the cyst of the brain is a rather complicated procedure that requires an integrated approach. With non-progressive forms of cysts, a dynamic observation of a neurologist is prescribed and drug therapy is recommended:

  1. Antibiotic or antiviral therapy. In this case, the indication is the presence of an inflammatory focus of an infectious or autoimmune nature.
  2. Reception of immunomodulators. The goal is to increase the immune barrier of the body, arresting the aggressive effect of the autoimmune environment.

Tumors, cysts and bruises can be a consequence of a severe brain contusion. What to do with a bruised brain, read in our article.

Also learn how to provide first aid in fracturing the base of the skull from this article.

You will find out how headaches are associated with chronic intracranial hypertension at http: // bolezni-nevrologii / vnutrecherepnoe-davlenie / gipertenziya.html

The medical treatment of cerebral circulation disorders consists of three directions:

  • Reducing cholesterol and clotting - antiplatelet agentsusual aspirin, ticlopidine, pentoxifylline).
  • Normalization of blood pressure indicators - Enalapril, Kapoten.
  • Resorption of adhesions - anticoagulants.
  • Improving the translational properties of oxygen and glucose in brain cells - a group of nootropic drugs( Cerebramine, Cerebrolysin, Nootropil, Vinpotropil, Vinpocetine)
  • Increasing the resistance of the brain's cellular composition to increases in intracranial pressure - antioxidants.

With a high severity of the disease, how to treat the retrocerebellar cyst of the brain will be decided by the surgeon, possible:

  • endoscopic intervention;
  • cystocystrenostomy;
  • cystic bypass cyst;
  • excision of the neoplasm.

On the video operation to remove the retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain:

Consequences and forecasts of

Untimely access to medical care at the first disturbances from the brain can lead to aggravation of the situation :

  • increased pressure on the brain areas, as a result of accumulation of fluid inside the cyst;
  • worsening of the patient's condition up to a lethal outcome due to rupture of the neoplasm.

Remember that early detection of the disease and the implementation of preventive measures are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

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