What is ultrasound echoencephalography of the brain and how is this study conducted

1 To determine which pathological processes are assigned to the

examination Ultrasound diagnosis is performed for patients of different ages: both children and adults.

Echoencephalography is used on the recommendation of the attending physician for suspicion or for identifying a number of pathological processes developing in the patient's body.

The main factors that are the reasons for the study:

  • frequent and severe headaches, including migraines;
  • dizziness, especially if they lead to loss of consciousness and loss of balance;
  • various head injuries;
  • edema of the brain in diffuse and local forms;
  • intracranial hematoma;
  • development of abscesses;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • presence of hydrocephalus;
  • presence of inflammatory processes in the brain;
  • stroke;
  • is ischemic brain disease;
  • concussion( or severe bruise);
  • the presence of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • if it constantly accompanies a buzzing in the ears or there are any injuries in the neck;
  • development of pituitary adenoma.
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Children are assigned echoencephalography also at inhibition of physical development, sleep disorders, hypertension of muscles. In addition, the examination can be carried out in the presence of a different nature of neurotic reactions: stammering, nervous tics, enuresis or encopresis.

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2 What kinds of echo diagnostics are used in medicine

Modern medicine offers two main types of ultrasound diagnostic of the brain( EchoEG):

  • study of echoencephalography in M-mode( graphical representation of results in the form of several peak points);
  • diagnosis in the form of one-dimensional echoencephalography( on the monitor screen, a specialist sees the result of a study in the form of a flat image).

Each of the above varieties is used to determine specific pathological processes.

Diagnosis of the brain in M-mode is one of the most affordable methods for pricing. Using this method allows for a short period of time to obtain accurate results and complete information about the status of the organ under investigation. With the help of Echoencephalography in M-mode, the following data can be obtained:

  • intracranial pressure level;
  • determining the size of neoplasms in the brain.

The disadvantage of this type of diagnosis is the inability to pinpoint the presence or development of pathological processes. This is why, in conjunction with its conduct, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography is often prescribed.

If there is a suspicion of a change in the structure of the brain, one-dimensional EchoEG is used. As a rule, it is carried out for revealing:

  • various volumetric neoplasms that develop in the brain;
  • for suspected hydrocephalus;
  • intracranial hypertension( especially in childhood).

Which of the types of diagnosis is more appropriate to apply in a particular case, determines the medical specialist who will conduct the study.

3 How the

procedure passes The convenience of conducting a study for patients is that no special procedures and preparations are required. In this case, you can do without observing special diets and food restrictions. In addition, this procedure is safe for pregnant girls and during breastfeeding.

It should be noted that in the presence of open wounds in the head area, it is better to examine the organ with the help of other medical diagnostics.

In order to perform this procedure, the patient is sitting or lying down. Additional sedative medications( or anesthesia) are not used for diagnosis. Due to the speed of the conduct of ultrasound is often used for emergency diagnostics( a special office in a medical institution or ambulance).Echo-electric devices are easy to transport, because they are small in size.


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The duration of the diagnosis takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes and is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Transmission phase. Diagnostics is carried out using 2 sensors that transmit signals to each other.
  2. The emission stage involves the use of only one ultrasonic sensor during the study.

If necessary, a specialist who examines the skull of a patient can move the ultrasound sensor over the head area to obtain more complete information and more accurate data. The results of the study can be seen on the monitor screen, which is connected to the diagnostic tool.

The diagnosis is performed by the attending physician-neurologist and includes the following information:

  • M-echo signal data;
  • degree of pulsation of M-echoes;
  • mean-average index.

There are also other indicators that can be considered and be informative. It should be borne in mind that EchoEG, in comparison with computed tomography, does not bring so accurate results that show complete information and a clinical picture of the state of the brain.

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On the final results obtained during all medical studies conducted, the attending physician prescribes the necessary treatment for his patient.

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