Cancer intoxication: symptoms, treatment, prognosis, microbial 10 code

Cancer intoxication appears in those people whose oncology has already passed to the last stage. It is very important not to allow such a condition, but with its development, the right treatment, probably, will reduce the severe symptoms and facilitate the patient's life.

The concept of

Oncological diseases without treatment or with its untimely onset always lead to the development of severe, irreversible changes in the body.

Lethal outcome in humans can occur due to the failure of one or more organs, but at the terminal stage of pathology, there is another complication, potentially life-threatening.

It is directly related to the ongoing cancer process, it is a regular feature of the development of cancer tumors. It's about cancer intoxication.

As in the case of other types of poisoning( poisons, heavy metals, etc.), this type of intoxication leads to multi-organ damage and a strong weakening of the immune defense and the whole organism.

The special code for the ICD for cancer intoxication is not provided: it is only a complex of symptoms inherent in one or another type of tumor, so it can vary in intensity, time of appearance, duration, localization of cancer, human age.

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The closer the neoplasm is to vital organs, the harder the last stages of its development take place, but the faster the lethal outcome may occur.

Causes of pathology

As already noted, the immediate cause of this complication is the disintegration of a malignant tumor, as well as its metastases, which can cover literally the entire body.

Toxic decay products accumulate in the blood, lymph, tissues, disrupt all natural metabolic processes.

The development of intoxication in oncopathologies is described in the following:

  1. Education begins uncontrolled and rapidly increases in size.
  2. Blood supply to the tumor is disturbed, since the rate of appearance of new capillaries( neovascularization) lags behind the rate of growth of the most malignant tumor.
  3. Because of the lack of feeding vessels, some of the cancer cells die.
  4. Necrotized tissues disintegrate, penetrating into the bloodstream.
  5. All types of metabolism are violated.
  6. The work of the kidneys changes first, chronic renal failure occurs, which provokes further aggravation of the dysfunction of the entire excretory system.
  7. Intoxication is aggravated, the mineral metabolism is broken, which changes the activity of the nervous system and heart.
  8. Further, severe types of anemia develop with massive loss of red blood cells.
  9. Death can occur because of the failure of vital organs against the background of poisoning, or from infection of blood and other septic complications.

Among other things, the causes of a person's severe condition can be caused by chemotherapy, especially high-dose chemotherapy. Many drugs have an accumulative effect, than somehow provoke poisoning. But refusal of treatment is unlikely to give a lasting relief, because the tumor will progress in growth.

Symptoms of cancer intoxication

The onset of clinical signs of cancer intoxication is individual in each case and depends on the type of the disease, but as a rule, this condition develops only in the presence of a large tumor.

The severity of all of the following symptoms strongly depends on the amount of toxins that have entered the human blood, as well as the presence of infectious complications or bleeding.

Most commonly, patients with oncology suffer from such symptoms of intoxication from tumor disintegration:

  • Poor tolerance of any loads
  • Severe performance drop
  • Severe weakness
  • Diarrheal symptoms - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
  • Poor response to meat food
  • Appetite disorder or the appearance of cravings for unusual food
  • Pale,»Under the eyes
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Night hyperhidrosis
  • Subfebrile temperature rise
  • Frequent febrile conditions

From the side of the nervous system bo(

  • ) Vestibular disorders( dizziness)
  • Headaches of clear localization or common
  • Emotional instability
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Sleep disorders

When performing chemotherapy, signs of poisoning of the body are first amplified, as the tumor cells die at an accelerated rate and enter the bloodstream. Also, strong intoxication is due to the side effect of the drugs themselves, because in many healthy tissues the drugs manifest themselves also destructively.


Usually the condition of serious poisoning of the body does not become for the patient news: at this stage the diagnosis is almost always already set.

But in some clinical cases, when intoxication from oncology begins early( for example, with an aggressively growing tumor), it is possible to carry out a primary diagnosis as early as 3-4 stages of the disease.

To diagnose many modern methods are used - laboratory, instrumental.

To determine the main pathology and the selection of necessary treatment methods, CT or MRI, tumor biopsy or metastasis areas, PET, scintigraphy can be crucial.

Some types of tumors are easily detected by ultrasound, but an accurate conclusion can be given only after receiving the results of a histological examination.

As for the diagnosis of cancer intoxication, it is mainly carried out by conducting a series of blood and urine tests.

Since toxins change biochemical processes, many tests will have serious deviations( for example, reduction of red blood cells and hemoglobin, serum iron, an increase in the amount of uric acid, C-reactive protein, leukocytes, ESR, etc.).

How to remove cancer intoxication?

First of all, the patient needs pathogenetic treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the tumor, hence, stopping its disintegration. If possible, surgical removal of the tumor or metastasis is performed, in the absence of such a positive results, chemotherapy, radiation treatment.

Therapy of actual intoxication is symptomatic and curative, and it pursues the following objectives:

  1. Detoxification from the body.
  2. Correction of metabolic disorders.
  3. Reduces the intensity of symptoms associated with chemotherapy.

A good effect is provided by extracorporeal methods of treatment - hemosorption, plasmapheresis, which can quickly purify blood, reduce intoxication. With renal failure, hemodialysis is used.

Among medicines there are those that favorably affect a person's condition and work specifically against unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Antiemetic drugs.
  2. Relaxing or attaching drugs, enemas.
  3. Enterosorbents.
  4. Iron preparations.
  5. Complexes of vitamins, minerals.
  6. Analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. Calming drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, neuroleptics.

When cancer intoxication is important to eat fully, but do not consume heavy, fatty, harmful food. Diet - milk and vegetable with the addition of low-fat meat, fish, often enriching the menu with protein cocktails. It also uses special functional nutrition for cancer patients.

Some people successfully use folk remedies against their difficult problem - flax seed, pine needles, enemas with chamomile infusion, with soda.

Prognosis and prevention of

Of course, the prognosis for severe or terminal oncology can not be favorable. If intoxication is already taking place, then the process is too much started, the consequences will be serious.

However, even in the last stages of many cancers, you can prolong the life of a person for several months or years, so you should be treated in any case, not succumbing to passive mood and depression.

To prevent cancer intoxication, one should not allow the transition of the disease to this stage. To do this, it is important to correct all the violations that occur, regularly undergo clinical examinations and other routine examinations, eat well, exercise, and stop smoking.

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