Dysmetabolic( endocrine) cardiomyopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy( DMCM) refers to the secondary form of cardiomyopathies that appear due to the development of an illness. In this case, violations in the work of the heart muscle occur because of the pathology of homeostasis. Aggravated, the problem leads to endotoxicosis, under the influence of which begins the destruction of the heart. So, let's talk about dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy and its ICD-10 code.

Features of

Dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy affects not only the heart muscle, but also various internal organs. The most affected, of course, are the areas of the heart, especially those that have the most blood vessels. Violations and interruptions in his work cause myocardial depletion as a result of endotoxicosis.

The disease is inherent in young people, most of all those whose activities are related to sports. It develops as a result of prolonged physical stress, lack of vitamins and hormonal failure. DMKMP is similar to metabolic in manifestations and symptoms, but treatment for them requires a different.

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Classification and Forms of

  • The idiopathic form of dismetabolic cardiomyopathy is extremely rare. Most often, its cause is endotoxicosis, which appears due to various factors.
  • Hereditary DMCM is the most difficult form of treatment.

For the reasons for the occurrence of dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy, read below.

Causes of

There are no specific reasons for the development of cardiomyopathy: hypertension does not develop, coronary vessels also remain normal. However, the ventricles still suffer as a result of metabolic disturbances in the cardiac muscle.

Predisposing to the emergence of DMKMP problems and pathologies:

  1. of the GI tract;
  2. vitamin deficiency;
  3. addiction, alcoholism;
  4. obesity;
  5. endocrinological diseases.

Let us understand the symptoms and treatment of this type of cardiomyopathy.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Symptoms of

A long period of dismetabolic cardiomyopathy does not manifest itself. The clinical picture is that the initial stage of the development of the disease can be determined only when the cardiovascular system is examined in detail. For example, during the passage of the ECG.Symptoms are increasing as the disease develops:

  • attacks of suffocation,
  • dizziness,
  • compression sensation in the chest,
  • sleep disorders,
  • weakness,
  • fast heartbeat,
  • severity.

All observed signs initially disturb only with physical exertion, but afterwards they also appear at rest. They are especially strong when the patient is lying down. To the above described symptoms, swelling is also associated, the patient is concerned about the severity and pain in the liver region, because of ascites( accumulation of fluid), the abdomen is enlarged. Dyspnea becomes more pronounced, since blood circulation stagnation occurs, and the heart is not able to work in the previous regime. Against this background, there are various signs of rhythm disturbance.

Diagnostics of dismetabolic cardiomyopathy

The final diagnosis can not be made without a complete examination. At the first stage, the patient should tell the doctor about the presence of illnesses, as well as relatives who have already been diagnosed with dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy. Further the expert examines the patient. Particular attention is given to listening to heart tones, since it is the irregularities in the heart that can indicate the development of pathology.

In the future, the following studies are performed:

  1. ECG.Defines violations in the work of the heart and their effect on the nervous system.
  2. Laboratory tests of urine and blood. In this case, electrolyte composition, lipid spectrum, indicators of kidney and liver function, markers of myocardial necrosis development are revealed.
  3. Radiography detects absolutely all changes in the size of the heart on the left side.
  4. ultrasound. One of the main methods of examination, which allows to identify cardiomyopathy.
  5. MRI is usually performed immediately prior to surgery to detect features of the structure of the myocardium. Sometimes this examination is used for difficult diagnosis, when other means do not work.

During the diagnosis, you may need to consult not only a cardiologist, but also an arrhythmologist, endocrinologist, therapist, as well as genetics.

Treatment of

Therapy of DMCMP is prolonged, but it still can not reverse the illness. Its main goal is to achieve a better forecast and improve the quality of life. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause, which triggered the development of dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy and prevention of further cardiac destruction.

Therapeutic way of

Special attention should be paid to weight loss, inclusion of moderate physical activity in their lifestyle. You should reconsider your lifestyle, remove all bad habits from it, as they only overload the work of the heart, preventing recovery.

Food should be rich not only with micronutrients but also with proteins to ensure proper make-up.

And now let's find out which preparations are used to treat dismetabolic cardiomyopathy.

The treatment of dysmetabolic cardiomyopathy with the help of a special device will tell the following video:

Drug method

The prescription of medicines is performed by a doctor only if the symptoms seriously disturb the patient or his condition is in danger.

Patients should take multivitamin preparations, as well as funds with potassium and magnesium. To improve diastolic relaxation of the heart, calcium channel blockers are used. Beta-adrenoblockers have the property of reducing the load on the muscle and improving its work. They also help to extend the period of her rest.

Not the last place is given to therapy by anticoagulants, which reduce coagulability of blood and prevent the appearance of its clots. The doctor also draws attention to the symptoms that worry the patient. So, with swelling, he must take diuretics, and if the heart is broken, sedatives, antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides.

Surgical treatment of

This method of treatment is used only in the absence of the result of a complex of therapeutic and medicament measures. Such radical treatment is necessary to prevent a fatal outcome, because the likelihood of it is very high. The method of intervention is chosen by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease.

Heart transplantation is carried out in those cases when the own heart can no longer be subjected to surgical correction.

Prevention of the disease

It is much easier to prevent the development of DMCMP, therefore it is important to undergo cardiologic examination every year. This will determine the predisposition to heart disease and begin early treatment. Similarly, prevention includes recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and timely treatment of chronic diseases.

Patients with cardiac pathologies remain at risk. Such people should be examined more often.

On whether secondary cardiomyopathy can cause death, read on.

Complications of

There are a number of complications that occur with dismetabolic cardiomyopathy, repeatedly worsening the prognosis. These include:

  • Accumulation of fluid not only in the limbs, but also in the heart, lungs, abdomen;
  • Heart failure;
  • Arrhythmias of different severity;
  • Embolism( clot formation in a blood vessel that is capable of blocking its lumen);
  • Sudden cardiac arrest;
  • Valve dysfunction, as a result of which they cease to hold the flow of blood and it flows back into the cavities of the myocardium.


With a severe form of endocrine cardiomyopathy for 70% of patients, the prognosis is unfavorable. The cause of the fatal outcome is the progression of the disease. The prognosis remains favorable for patients in whom DMKMP was detected at an early stage.

Precise statement of the prognosis is possible only after examination of the left ventricle. The lethal outcome is most likely with its hypertrophy and strong expansion.

The following video contains many useful tips for parents whose children are suffering from cardiomyopathy:

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